  • Great Northern Road
  • The Great Northern Road is the name given to the main road between the city-state of Middenheim and the Nordland capital Salzenmund. The road goes straight through the forest of Drakwald and all those who travel this road are in constant danger of being attacked by beastmen or bandits. For this reason, soldiers from both Nordland and Middenland regularly patrol the road, and local merchants band together and hire mercenaries before setting off in larger, armed caravans.
  • The Great Northern Road is the name given to the main road between the city-state of Middenheim and the Nordland capital Salzenmund. The road goes straight through the forest of Drakwald and all those who travel this road are in constant danger of being attacked by beastmen or bandits. For this reason, soldiers from both Nordland and Middenland regularly patrol the road, and local merchants band together and hire mercenaries before setting off in larger, armed caravans.