  • White Plague
  • White Plague is a fictional disease named in multiple works of science fiction. Women are the chief victims in Frank Herbert's 1983 novel The White Plague. In Dale Pendell's 2010 novel The Great Bay the disease strikes both more generally and more randomly.
  • White Plague is a spell
  • The White Plague was a type of flower found on Jacuruku. It grew in thick, shin-high carpets of white blossoms in open pockets of jungle. The flowers exuded a golden pollen that was a swift acting poison, which coated and killed any creature coming into contact with it. Victims of the White Plague quickly sprouted new flowers, providing food for the next generation of plant. Fields of White Plague were littered with bones, sometimes in large enough numbers to create small hilltops. Those with immunity to poisons experienced intense irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat.
  • White Plague is a fictional disease named in multiple works of science fiction. Women are the chief victims in Frank Herbert's 1983 novel The White Plague. In Dale Pendell's 2010 novel The Great Bay the disease strikes both more generally and more randomly.
  • White Plague is a spell
  • The White Plague was a type of flower found on Jacuruku. It grew in thick, shin-high carpets of white blossoms in open pockets of jungle. The flowers exuded a golden pollen that was a swift acting poison, which coated and killed any creature coming into contact with it. Victims of the White Plague quickly sprouted new flowers, providing food for the next generation of plant. Fields of White Plague were littered with bones, sometimes in large enough numbers to create small hilltops. Those with immunity to poisons experienced intense irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat.