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  • 42 (forty-two) is a positive integer following 41 and preceding 43. Its ordinal form is written "forty-second" or 42nd. In the Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy science fiction series, a supercomputer named Deep Thought spends 7.5 million years computing the Answer to Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, arriving at the answer 42. This has earned 42 a place in popular culture, in addition to the shorter name Meaning of Life. A larger number coined in the book — albeit a less culturally significant one — is the Hitchhiker's number.
  • 42 — одно из Чисел. Ниже представлен список появлений данного числа в сериале в хронологическом порядке серий.
  • 42 ( API : /ka.ʁɑ̃.tə.dø/ ) 1. * Quarante-deux. Représenté en numérotation romaine « XLII ». Le numéro gagnant est le 42. 2. * Habitant du département de la Loire. Les 42 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement. * 42ième 42 ( API : /ka.ʁɑ̃.tə.dø/ ) {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Loire. J’habite dans le 42. * quatre deux *
  • Defined as the ultimate answer to all of existence (Life, The Universe, and Everything). First discussed in the now defunct and redundant Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as the answer given by the supercomputer Deep Thought when confronted with the Question to Life, The Universe and Everything (side note: Deep Thought took seven and a half million years to complete a simple arithmetic problem, a problem now eliminated by the advent of the Quantum Computer and the Quantum Time-Flow Data Resistor. Thus, if Deep Thought still exists within its higher-dimensional space, it is by definition now one of the most obsolete computers in the Multiverse, bested only by the 3.1 Server).
  • Wat is het antwoord... Op de vraag van het Leven, het Heelal, en de Rest?! Twee-en-veertig.
  • 42 est le sixième et dernier numéro des Nombres.
  • 42 è il sesto dei numeri.
  • «42» — тель-авивская команда игроков в спортивную версию телеигры «Что? Где? Когда?». Категория:Команды «Что? Где? Когда?» Команда играет с 2005 года. Средний возраст команды - 28 лет.
  • Die Zahl 42 ist eine langweilige Zahl. Gaaaanz langweilig. Manche Menschen fangen deshalb schon an zu lachen, wenn sie an 42 nur denken. Wenn man in deren Gegenwart versehentlich 42 laut ausspricht, fangen zuerst ihre Ohren an zu wackeln, dann bläht sich ihr gesamter Körper immer weiter auf, und schließlich zerplatzen sie mit einem ohrenbetäubend lauten
  • 42 is a 2013 biographical film about the life of American legend and baseball player Jackie Robinson. It is directed by Brian Helgeland and star Chadwick Boseman as Robinson. It released on April 12, 2013.
  • 42,中文写法是四十二。是41及43的中间那个数字,据传42是代表生命的数字,而为什么42会是生命的数字?这一点没有人能说清楚,因为你得自己去问上帝。
  • Number 42 was an item on The List.
  • This answer was explored by UnIntellivision. But it was hidden from everybody, because if Giygas finds it he can annihilate the UnUniverse. Currently only Giygas knows how to use the answer (he keeps the question in secret). The King of Hyrule wants to know the answer too, because he thinks that the question is "What's for Dinner?". This was one of the main causes for the Hyrulian Civil War, though all participants are too embarrassed to admit they were all fighting over a number. It also caused several other wars, but they were all so pathetic, we are not going to mention them.
  • The question to the answer to life, the universe, and everything is x . This question makes no sense because it was made up by mathologists and is therefore unAmerican. Similarly, x contains an obvious reference to 69 (the sex position), which is always unAmerican unless Colbert is doing it. Forty-two is also the number of times a monkey must mate before it can successfully create offspring. It's a fact. Look it up.
  • The answer to life, the universe, and everything.
  • The year 42 AD.
  • Third episode of the 40s column.
  • 42 היא התשובה לשאלה הגדולה של החיים, היקום והכל. כמו כן, זה גם מספר המורכב משתי ספרות זוגיות. בשל כך, האלקטרונים שבספרות מבטלים אחד את השני, וכך יוצרים חלל של ריק בין ספרה אחת לאחרת. לפני קרוב ל1050 שנים, המציאו שיטה למלא את החלל בפרוטונים, וכך לאזן את המשוואה המוחלטת. לכן כל מספר הוא 42 (למשל: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 100, 357, 268, 618, 21, גרביל וכו'). חשוב לציין שהמספר היחיד שהוא לא 42 הינו, בצירוף מקרים מדהים, 42. 42 הוא מספרו האטומי של קודש.
  • No doubt an homage to the answer to the ultimate question of life in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  • 42: Der Superstation Amerikanische (a.k.a. 42, corporate name as Das Zweiundvierzig Fernsehern GmbH) is a now-defunct satellite channel in Germany.
  • 42 — 7 эпизод 3 сезона возобновлённого «Доктора Кто», показанный 19 мая 2007 года. В серии произошло первое путешествие Марты Джонс в статусе «официальной спутницы» Доктора, когда в предыдущий сериях это были благодарственные путешествия за спасение его жизни в эпизоде «Смит и Джонс». Также, в серии впервые огласилось, что Гарольд Саксон заинтересован в Докторе, и использует Фрэнсис Джонс, чтобы попытаться отследить его через Марту.
  • 42 {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Loire. 2. * J’habite dans le 42. * quatre deux *
  • Annette vermutet, dass Diana doch mehr für Mike empfindet, als sie selbst zugibt. Doch Diana bestreitet das vehement. Als Mike sich aber erneut als Retter in der Not erweist und sich schließlich auch von seiner romantischen Seite zeigt, ist Diana überwältigt. Dieter manövriert sich mit seinem Verhalten immer weiter ins Abseits. Selbst seine Tochter Nina zollt ihm keinen Respekt mehr. Aus Angst, zum Gespött der Leute zu werden, ertränkt er seinen Frust im Alkohol, was fatale Folgen hat. Andrew überrascht Roman mit dem Angebot, ihn nach London zu begleiten ...
  • 42 – kod, występujący w Gothic, Gothic II oraz Gothic II: Noc Kruka.
  • 42, the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. This Answer was first calculated by the supercomputer Deep Thought after seven and a half million years of thought. This shocking answer resulted in the construction of an even larger supercomputer, named Earth, which was tasked with determining what the question was in the first place.
  • 420 BLAZE IT FAGGOT is the seventh episode of Series 3. It was written by Chinballs and stars David Tennis as Ten and Gordon Freeman as Indiana Jones.
  • The number 42 is consistently included in many of Pixar's films.
  • 42? POURQUOI, C'EST... La réponse à 9 fois 6! ... Attendre. Non, il ne l'est pas. 9 fois 6 est de 54! AH MON DIEU BOÎTIER RECTANGULAIRE DE LA TECHNOLOGIE ÉCLATÉ! Dépêchez-vous, appelez le boîtier rectangulaire de la technologie médecins!
  • 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and "everything". Mostly I'm wondering, how could it be the answer to "everything", 2 + 2 = 4 and 2 x 2 = 4 but why is 42 the answer to everything? I just don't know, even the guys who created the guide don't know. But it's in the guide regardless so here we go. 42 is generally regarded as the answer by everyone, even non-organic organisms (we mean robots if you didn't understand). No one understand what it means yet, only the creators of the universe understand.
  • 42 ist nicht nur eine Zahl. Wer die Antwort nach dem Leben, dem Universum und dem ganzen Rest sucht, sollte vieleicht mal hier nachsehen: Lachfisch-FAQ. Oder anders ausgedückt: Jesus ist die Antwort - Amen. Der Lachfisch-Zahlenstrahl: 0 - 00 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 12 - 42 - 100 - 404 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> $1 - Dunkelziffer - Heilige Zahl - Rübezahl - Zwölfmeter
  • Forty Two redirects here. For the Via Domus episode, see "Forty-Two" 42 is the 6th and last of the Numbers. Below is a list of appearances on the show, by episode chronology. The writers of the show decided to include this number in the series as an homage to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. ("[[|]]")
  • 42 — награда, получаемая за полёт в центр галактики. Является отсылкой к книге Дугласа Адамса «Автостопом по галактике» (англ. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) и ответом на вопрос «О жизни, вселенной и всём остальном» из этой же книги.
  • 42 (сорок два) — ответ на Главный вопрос Жизни, Вселенной и Всего Остального. Безумные учёные не удивились, когда их тетрис нашёл ответ на этот вопрос: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 мини|справа|220px Сверхкомпьютер «Думатель» с планеты Магратея посредством биокомпьютера по имени «планета Земля» подтвердил, что ещё одним вопросом на этот ответ является 6*7, но очевидно, что это введение в заблуждение и профанация Таблицы умножения, особенно если учесть, что число «42» сокрыто в количестве хромосом мартышек, крыс и овса. Все эти существа явно связаны с жизнью, смертью и эволюцией самого человека, а следовательно вопрос находится где-то близко к загадке существования Homo sapiens.
  • [[Plik:42.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 42 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:42cmw.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Czterdziestka dwójka na krańcu Cmentarz Wolski]] right|thumb|250px|Wewnętrzna dekoracja liniowa czterdziestki dwójki 42 – linia tramwajowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Cmentarza Wolskiego na Rogalińską. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmowało jej około 25 minut, a kursowała tylko w godzinach szczytu w dni powszednie co około 10-12 minut.
  • 42 is a number. It is half of 84, and double 21. It can be gotten from 6 times 7 or 21 times 2, and 84 divided by 2. It is actually considered the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
  • El cuarenta y dos (42) es el número natural que sigue al cuarenta y uno y precede al cuarenta y tres. Categoría:Números
  • 42? WHY, THAT'S... The answer to 9 times 6! ...wait. No, it isn't. 9 times 6 is 54! OH MY GOSHNESS MY RECTANGULAR BOX OF TECHNOLOGY EXPLODED! Quick, call the rectangular technology box medics!
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "42" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. In 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first African American man to play in the Major Leagues. In honour of this, his number was retired throughout baseball in 1997. Players were allowed to wear his number in Mr. Robinson's memory, and on special occasions. * Royce Clayton (2007*) * Xavier Hernandez (1989) * Paul Mirabella (1980-1981) * Shannon Stewart (2008*) * Frank Thomas (2007*-2008*) * Vernon Wells (2007*-2008*)
  • 42 es un logro que conseguiremos si llegamos al Núcleo galáctico, para ello tendremos que atravesar todo el territorio de los Grox, y llegar al punto ¨Ángulo: 0.0, Distancia: 0.0¨ en el indicador de tu posición galáctica. Una vez que lleguemos al centro, podremos entrar en el enorme agujero negro del núcleo de la galaxia. De esta forma veremos el encuentro con Steve, y recibiremos el Cayado de la vida.
  • 42 is my favourite number. Une ancienne prophétie affirme qu'un 30 de l'an 2018, à précises, une météorite s'écraserait sur la planète Terre... Et puis, 42, c'est quand même beaucoup mieux que , non ? Tatie Pethdur fulmine : 42 ? 42 ? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez que ça me fasse, moi, 42 ?
  • thumb|Magické číslo 42 thumb|Bydlí sadistický opravdu v tomto domě s číslem popisným 42, nebo tam bydlí někdo jiný? 42 je magické číslo, které má řadu neuvěřitelných vlastností: * Číslo 42 je univerzální odpověď na všechno, na otázku života, vesmíru a vůbec, což nepochybně dokázal počítač Hlubina myšlení (ještě zbývá dokázat zbytek otázek, jako například „Co bude zítra k obědu?“, ale to bude chvíli trvat). * pokud přeložíte papír 42x, jeho tloušťka bude odpovídat vzdálenosti Měsíce od Země * Součet jeho dvou číslic je 6, když dáte tři 6 vedle sebe, získáte satanovo číslo 666! * Součet číslic jeho dvou číslic je taktéž 6. * Podíl první a druhé číslice je roven druhé číslici, podíl první číslice a (podílu druhé a první číslice) je roven druhé číslici, podíl první číslice a
  • The Number 42 gained in popularity due to Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, though the importance of the number existed long before and well after this book revealed the mystery of 42 to it's readers. The alchemical symbol for Tin appears to include the numbers 4 and 2. Pythagorean numbers six and seven represent Light and Life, respectively. The six by seven matrix has fourty-two boxes. These correspond to Yahweh's fourty-two names, one for each combination of Light and Life.[2] 4 = 2x2 or 2+2 (22) and 2 = 1x2 or 1+1 (12, 11) 4+2 = 6, 4*2 = 8
  • Elizabeth invites Sam in and he admits that she’s the one he wants to see. He tells her he has something to tell her about Roger and the 10-year-old accident that will save his soul. Sam admires the Collins portraiture and remarks that Paul Stoddard wanted a portrait like Jeremiah's done. Elizabeth doesn't want to see the sketches. They talk about Burke's portrait. Elizabeth asks why Burke came to Collinsport. Burke meets with Bronson's associate, Blair, and learns that he could probably buy all that the Collins family owns. He learns that Collinwood was too much a liability to be mortgaged and that recently, its property tax was reduced. Carolyn stalks Burke; Joe shows up at Collinwood. Elizabeth is still looking for Malloy and Carolyn; Joe suggests she's with Burke in Bangor. Carolyn joi
  • Recenti studi hanno anche rivelato che 42 è un numero molto grande se correlato a 12, ma molto piccolo al confronto di 243. Inoltre hanno anche concluso che 6 x 9 non dà come risultato 42, a meno di sbagliare totalmente il calcolo o di contare nella malsana base 13. Questo smentisce quindi un certo Arturo Ammaccatura, noto inventore del cesso, convinto di aver trovato la risposta alla domanda su cui si arrovellano da secoli filosofi e comuni mortali, cioè che numero di scarpa porti Pippo. In conclusione 42 è un numero comune, non come 57, che ha davvero un significato.
  • Ο αριθμός 42 είναι η απάντηση στο Απόλυτο Ερώτημα της Ζωής, του Σύμπαντος, και του Κάθετί. Είναι το νούμερο: * του παπουτσιού του Τσακ Νόριςframe| * ο αριθμός των αποστόλων (μαζί με τους απόκρυφους) * οι βάσεις των Ελ * οι τακτικοί χρήστες της Φρικηπαίδειας * τα μακαρόνια που έφαγα σήμερα * τα μεγάλα έργα του Μπόμπου * τα ανέκδοτα με την Αννούλα * τα χιτ της απόλυτης Ελληνίδας σταρ * τα χρόνια που έμεινε μοναχός ο Μιχάλης Jacko στο Θιβέτ * οι άνθρωποι που αντέγραψε ο Uli Jon Roth * οι διάδοχοι του Γιούρι * τα χρόνια της δημόσιας τηλεόρασης * η ηλικία ενός πατέρα * τα δόντια του δράκουλα * τα Α του ααΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑ!!!! * οι IP που συνεισφέρουν * οι βικιπαίδειες * οι βασικές γλώσσες του
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 42 (November 27th, 2009) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book) Terve! [a colloquial Finnish salute] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses . Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear on-screen): Is it possible to hit a grand slam when dating a woman? Narrator: If Zordon fought God, who would win? Narrator: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Narrator: Did you frame John Proctor? Narrator: Could a Jedi commit suicide by using the force to choke himself or herself to death? THE END
  • Tallet 42 ble oppfunnet av Douglas Adams. Dette tallet blir av de fleste oppfattet som svaret på det ultimate spørsmålet: "Hvor mye er 18+23?" Tallet blir også oppfattet av mange som svaret på en rekke andre spørsmål: * Hvor mange år kommer ikkepedia til å bestå før de som driver siden vil forstå at det er ingen som besøker den? * Hvor mange meter snø blir det i vinter? * Hvor mange millimeter lang er tissen til statsministeren? De tre siste spørsmålene er svært omdiskuterte, Mange mener at å si at svaret på dem er 42 er en overdrivelse.
  • Au commencement, il y avait Dieu. Et Chuck Norris. Et Sacha Guitry. Enfin, toutes ces personnes n’en étaient peut-être et probablement qu’une. L’important, c’est qu’il(s) a(ont) créé plein de trucs assez inutiles, mais fabuleux : entre autres, l’univers. Simplement, personne n’est parfait, et l’univers, c’est du boulot tout de même ! Aussi, bien que l’ensemble soit plutôt bien organisé (à l’exception d’une petite planète merdique, qu’on nomme couramment Terre, mais comme 6 milliards d’hommes s'emploient à la détruire, ce problème n’en sera bientôt plus un). Il reste cependant encore quelques détails à régler. Mais Dieu a autre chose à faire. C’est pour ça que dans l’univers on recense encore aujourd’hui quelques bugs. Notamment, et le plus connu, le 42.
  • 3
Sposób użycia
  • Wpisywany w oknie umiejętności
  • b.d.
Содержание строки
  • Bombardier NGT8, 3x Konstal 105Na, Protram 405N-kr
  • 35
  • 41
  • 42
  • 240
Название строки
  • Краткое описание
  • Этап
  • 2007-05-19
  • Jason Clark, Dick Cook, Jon Jashni
  • 389.475000
Folgen Nummer
  • 42
  • [defaults to 50px]
  • 1
  • 42
следующая история
  • b.d.
код производителя
  • 3
  • Trasa specjalnej linii 42
  • 1.300000
  • co 20 minut
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 1112006
  • Солнце Тораджи
  • 42.0
номер эпизода
  • 7
предыдущая история
  • 42
  • 43
  • 1966-08-09
  • 7
  • 42
Music By
  • Thomas Milano
  • 42
  • 1967
  • Complete
  • 2
  • 6
  • Num1.jpg
  • Normal 77-cap17.jpg
  • Puzzle3LowerRight.jpg
  • Thomas Tull
  • 42
  • 42
Release Date
  • 2013-04-12
  • Episode 42
  • Some bloke in Phil Sandifer's blog
  • «42»
  • 1966-08-23
  • 2007-05-19
Editing by
  • Peter McNulty, Kevin Stitt
  • tak
  • Wyłącza Marvin-mode, Nie anuluje kodów na deszcz oraz dodających bryłki
  • Anuluje działanie kodów użytych wcześniej w oknie umiejętności
  • Капитан: Элинор Гейстрих * Михаил Фишман * Юрий Тепер * Грей Гейстрих * Василий Журавлев * Раиса Меерсон * Анастасия Шолом * Георгий Пороскун
  • היסטוריה
  • שנת 42
  • משמעות החיים, היקום וכל השאר
  • English
  • 42
  • 200
  • 220
  • 42
  • Don Burgess
  • 42
  • 42
  • List Number 42
  • right
  • 227
  • 9.75E7
  • 42
  • Legendary Pictures
  • 453562
  • 42
  • 42
  • Тель-Авив
  • Algorithme
  • π
  • 42
  • That's the sort of illogicality that actually happens. The last episode of Pyramids of Mars would be instantly improved by a line about the Osirans designing the security system after they'd all got drunk one evening.
  • 7742
  • 4.0E7
  • Bawz_20061101_0042_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • 42
  • Image from the jigsaw puzzles.
  • The Kwon name appears inside the cliffside cave wall as number 42.
  • The address of the jail Desmond was at was 42 Berechurch Road.
wikipage disambiguates
  • Dotrzyj do jądra galaktyki
  • Cut holes in all of Dad's shirts to show his nipples
  • . #include int main { int nombre = 42; scanf ; if { printf ; } else { printf ; } return 42; }
  • π = 3, 1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534903 2875546873 1159562863 1823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164101989
  • green
  • 42
  • Космический корабль
  • 13
  • 9
  • 42
  • Recenti studi hanno anche rivelato che 42 è un numero molto grande se correlato a 12, ma molto piccolo al confronto di 243. Inoltre hanno anche concluso che 6 x 9 non dà come risultato 42, a meno di sbagliare totalmente il calcolo o di contare nella malsana base 13. Questo smentisce quindi un certo Arturo Ammaccatura, noto inventore del cesso, convinto di aver trovato la risposta alla domanda su cui si arrovellano da secoli filosofi e comuni mortali, cioè che numero di scarpa porti Pippo. Sfruttando un complesso algoritmo risolutivo basato su recenti studi matematici condotti dal mago Gabriel, insieme a una buona dose di culo, è stato dimostrato che leggendo il numero da destra a sinistra vien fuori 24 che, se riletto ancora da destra a sinistra, ridà come risultato il numero di partenza. Non si sa ancora se questo processo continui all'infinito o se prima o poi si arresti. Inoltre il 42 è un numero civico, può essere anche ciò che trovi scritto in fondo a un libro sulla pagina di destra dopo aver sfogliato 21 pagine. In conclusione 42 è un numero comune, non come 57, che ha davvero un significato. Molti pensano che 42 sia la risposta fondamentale su: la vita, l'universo e tutto quanto. Non è vero: tale risposta è: Boh! La 42 è la risposta definitiva nella "vita" di molte donne, che sognano di entrare in una taglia 42. È la durata in secondi di un episodio dei Griffin, senza i flashback. 42 è un numero importante anche per i seguaci dell'Invisibile unicorno rosa. Non a caso, sommando le cifre dell'anno in cui si è rivelata (1994) si ottiene 23. Se aggiungi 4 (i suoi zoccoli), e 2 (le orecchie), sommi 2 (gli occhi) e 1 (il corno) e ancora 1 (la coda) e poi sommi 9, ottieni 42. Categoria:Numeri
  • 42 (forty-two) is a positive integer following 41 and preceding 43. Its ordinal form is written "forty-second" or 42nd. In the Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy science fiction series, a supercomputer named Deep Thought spends 7.5 million years computing the Answer to Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, arriving at the answer 42. This has earned 42 a place in popular culture, in addition to the shorter name Meaning of Life. A larger number coined in the book — albeit a less culturally significant one — is the Hitchhiker's number.
  • Elizabeth invites Sam in and he admits that she’s the one he wants to see. He tells her he has something to tell her about Roger and the 10-year-old accident that will save his soul. Sam admires the Collins portraiture and remarks that Paul Stoddard wanted a portrait like Jeremiah's done. Elizabeth doesn't want to see the sketches. They talk about Burke's portrait. Elizabeth asks why Burke came to Collinsport. Burke meets with Bronson's associate, Blair, and learns that he could probably buy all that the Collins family owns. He learns that Collinwood was too much a liability to be mortgaged and that recently, its property tax was reduced. Carolyn stalks Burke; Joe shows up at Collinwood. Elizabeth is still looking for Malloy and Carolyn; Joe suggests she's with Burke in Bangor. Carolyn joins Burke & Blair for lunch; Burke says Blair's helping him destroy Elizabeth and everything she owns. Carolyn laughs and Burke kicks Blair out. Burke and Carolyn goof around and he gives her a pen. She plans to use it to start her diary and Burke lays it on heavily. Sam leaves without blabbing after reacting badly to mention of Malloy. Elizabeth begins to believe Sam must have a secret.
  • Ο αριθμός 42 είναι η απάντηση στο Απόλυτο Ερώτημα της Ζωής, του Σύμπαντος, και του Κάθετί. Είναι το νούμερο: * του παπουτσιού του Τσακ Νόριςframe| * ο αριθμός των αποστόλων (μαζί με τους απόκρυφους) * οι βάσεις των Ελ * οι τακτικοί χρήστες της Φρικηπαίδειας * τα μακαρόνια που έφαγα σήμερα * τα μεγάλα έργα του Μπόμπου * τα ανέκδοτα με την Αννούλα * τα χιτ της απόλυτης Ελληνίδας σταρ * τα χρόνια που έμεινε μοναχός ο Μιχάλης Jacko στο Θιβέτ * οι άνθρωποι που αντέγραψε ο Uli Jon Roth * οι διάδοχοι του Γιούρι * τα χρόνια της δημόσιας τηλεόρασης * η ηλικία ενός πατέρα * τα δόντια του δράκουλα * τα Α του ααΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑ!!!! * οι IP που συνεισφέρουν * οι βικιπαίδειες * οι βασικές γλώσσες του κόσμου * οι πλανήτες (μαζί με τους πλανήτες νάνους) * τα γράμματα του ελληνικού αλφαβήτου (μαζί με τα μικρά και τα κεφαλαία, αν σβήσουμε τα άχρηστα και προσθέσουμε...) * το αποτέλεσμα της πράξης 21*2 * οι ξυλοπαραγωγοί * τα παραπανίσια κιλά του Καραμάν Αλή (αν και κρύβει μερικά) * η ηλικία της απόλυτης γαλλίδας σταρ το 2000 * οι νομοί της Ελλάδας * τα πόδια της 42ποδαρούσας * τα άρθρα που έχετε διαβάσει * οι κλέφτες της Αλή Μαμά * ο μέσος όρος φοίτησης στα Eλληνικά πανεπιστήμια * οι αιώνες που είναι βασίλισσα η Ελισάβετ Β' * οι αιώνες που ζει το πλάσμα Μ. * είναι το αρχικό όνομα του καναλιού του Βασίλη Λεβέντη * τραγούδι των Coldplay * ... * και φυσικά στάση στο σεξ!
  • 42 — одно из Чисел. Ниже представлен список появлений данного числа в сериале в хронологическом порядке серий.
  • 42 ( API : /ka.ʁɑ̃.tə.dø/ ) 1. * Quarante-deux. Représenté en numérotation romaine « XLII ». Le numéro gagnant est le 42. 2. * Habitant du département de la Loire. Les 42 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement. * 42ième 42 ( API : /ka.ʁɑ̃.tə.dø/ ) {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Loire. J’habite dans le 42. * quatre deux *
  • Defined as the ultimate answer to all of existence (Life, The Universe, and Everything). First discussed in the now defunct and redundant Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as the answer given by the supercomputer Deep Thought when confronted with the Question to Life, The Universe and Everything (side note: Deep Thought took seven and a half million years to complete a simple arithmetic problem, a problem now eliminated by the advent of the Quantum Computer and the Quantum Time-Flow Data Resistor. Thus, if Deep Thought still exists within its higher-dimensional space, it is by definition now one of the most obsolete computers in the Multiverse, bested only by the 3.1 Server).
  • Wat is het antwoord... Op de vraag van het Leven, het Heelal, en de Rest?! Twee-en-veertig.
  • 42 est le sixième et dernier numéro des Nombres.
  • 42 è il sesto dei numeri.
  • «42» — тель-авивская команда игроков в спортивную версию телеигры «Что? Где? Когда?». Категория:Команды «Что? Где? Когда?» Команда играет с 2005 года. Средний возраст команды - 28 лет.
  • thumb|Magické číslo 42 thumb|Bydlí sadistický opravdu v tomto domě s číslem popisným 42, nebo tam bydlí někdo jiný? 42 je magické číslo, které má řadu neuvěřitelných vlastností: * Číslo 42 je univerzální odpověď na všechno, na otázku života, vesmíru a vůbec, což nepochybně dokázal počítač Hlubina myšlení (ještě zbývá dokázat zbytek otázek, jako například „Co bude zítra k obědu?“, ale to bude chvíli trvat). * pokud přeložíte papír 42x, jeho tloušťka bude odpovídat vzdálenosti Měsíce od Země * Součet jeho dvou číslic je 6, když dáte tři 6 vedle sebe, získáte satanovo číslo 666! * Součet číslic jeho dvou číslic je taktéž 6. * Podíl první a druhé číslice je roven druhé číslici, podíl první číslice a (podílu druhé a první číslice) je roven druhé číslici, podíl první číslice a (podílu první číslice a (podílu druhé a první číslice)) je roven druhé číslici – více viz rekurze. * 42 je čtvrtočíslo. * Číslo o jedna menší (41) i číslo o jedna větší (43) jsou prvočísla. * 42 = 2(prvočíslo) * 3(prvočíslo) * 7(taky prvočíslo!) * je přesně 2084. * je 666. * Toto číslo označuje počet škopků Starobahna, který příslušník MOA vypije na jedné akci proti cajzlům. * R42 je označení vnitřního městského okruhu v Brně. * Maratonský běh je dlouhý přesně 42 km a něco. * devětadvacetinásobek čísla 42 je 1218, což je přesně o 13 (všimněte si, že je to prvočíslo) km zmenšená délka Vltavy. * Číslo bylo pro Dana Browna inspirací k napsání románu Da Vinci code. * 42 je čas v nanosekundách, který vám zbývá při spatření Chucka Norrise. * Počet hodin, které průměrný žák (student) stráví za půlrok ve škole (včetně oběda). * je to také poslední (a tedy nejdůležitější) číslo číselné řady 4 8 15 16 23 42, která hraje zásadní roli v seriálu Ztraceni. * je také obrácené číslo k počtu hodin v jednom dni, z čehož vyplývá, že si Bůh musel při určování počtu hodin ve dni splést pořadí číslic. * Binárně zapsané číslo 42 je 00101010, když to obrátíte(01010100), tak vám vyjde 84, což je 42 * 2(prvočíslo). * 42 zapsáno ve čtyřkové soustavě je 222, čili tři (prvočíslo) dvojky (prvočíslo). * V roce 42 se narodil Kostěj Nesmrtelný. * 42 děleno zblem je největší možné prvočíslo * Hmotnost kostky droždí je 42 gramů * Česká abeceda má 42 písmen. * Součet řady 42 + 4,2 + 0,42 + 0,042... + 2*(42-0,42/1,42) je konečný počet Zlatých slavíků, které získá Karel Gott. * Šestinedělí a sametová revoluce trvají/trvaly 42 dnů. * , to je číslo na dresu Jaromíra Jágra * Dildo Šourek na své Cestě tam a z5 ušel 42*42 km.
  • Die Zahl 42 ist eine langweilige Zahl. Gaaaanz langweilig. Manche Menschen fangen deshalb schon an zu lachen, wenn sie an 42 nur denken. Wenn man in deren Gegenwart versehentlich 42 laut ausspricht, fangen zuerst ihre Ohren an zu wackeln, dann bläht sich ihr gesamter Körper immer weiter auf, und schließlich zerplatzen sie mit einem ohrenbetäubend lauten
  • 42 is a 2013 biographical film about the life of American legend and baseball player Jackie Robinson. It is directed by Brian Helgeland and star Chadwick Boseman as Robinson. It released on April 12, 2013.
  • 42,中文写法是四十二。是41及43的中间那个数字,据传42是代表生命的数字,而为什么42会是生命的数字?这一点没有人能说清楚,因为你得自己去问上帝。
  • Number 42 was an item on The List.
  • This answer was explored by UnIntellivision. But it was hidden from everybody, because if Giygas finds it he can annihilate the UnUniverse. Currently only Giygas knows how to use the answer (he keeps the question in secret). The King of Hyrule wants to know the answer too, because he thinks that the question is "What's for Dinner?". This was one of the main causes for the Hyrulian Civil War, though all participants are too embarrassed to admit they were all fighting over a number. It also caused several other wars, but they were all so pathetic, we are not going to mention them.
  • The question to the answer to life, the universe, and everything is x . This question makes no sense because it was made up by mathologists and is therefore unAmerican. Similarly, x contains an obvious reference to 69 (the sex position), which is always unAmerican unless Colbert is doing it. Forty-two is also the number of times a monkey must mate before it can successfully create offspring. It's a fact. Look it up.
  • The answer to life, the universe, and everything.
  • The year 42 AD.
  • Third episode of the 40s column.
  • 42 היא התשובה לשאלה הגדולה של החיים, היקום והכל. כמו כן, זה גם מספר המורכב משתי ספרות זוגיות. בשל כך, האלקטרונים שבספרות מבטלים אחד את השני, וכך יוצרים חלל של ריק בין ספרה אחת לאחרת. לפני קרוב ל1050 שנים, המציאו שיטה למלא את החלל בפרוטונים, וכך לאזן את המשוואה המוחלטת. לכן כל מספר הוא 42 (למשל: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 100, 357, 268, 618, 21, גרביל וכו'). חשוב לציין שהמספר היחיד שהוא לא 42 הינו, בצירוף מקרים מדהים, 42. 42 הוא מספרו האטומי של קודש.
  • No doubt an homage to the answer to the ultimate question of life in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  • The Number 42 gained in popularity due to Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, though the importance of the number existed long before and well after this book revealed the mystery of 42 to it's readers. When light is refracted at 40-42 degrees to the viewer it forms a rainbow. A rainbow consists of 7 colors of visible light separated from white light. The 7 colors are related to the 7 luminaries, 7 chakras, 7 notes and so on. The rainbow appears in the bible after the flood of Noah as a sign from God that he would not destroy the world again. The rainbow is an important theme in The Wizard of Oz, with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" as a signature song from the movie. The Land of Oz has been shown to be similar to both the Underworld and the Garden of Eden which makes the rainbow and number 42 related as well.[1] An example of this relationship is found in the Egyptian belief in the 42 Principles of Maat, which is a list of 42 negative-confessions which the recently deceased must state during their trial in the Underworld. The alchemical symbol for Tin appears to include the numbers 4 and 2. Pythagorean numbers six and seven represent Light and Life, respectively. The six by seven matrix has fourty-two boxes. These correspond to Yahweh's fourty-two names, one for each combination of Light and Life.[2] 4 = 2x2 or 2+2 (22) and 2 = 1x2 or 1+1 (12, 11) 4+2 = 6, 4*2 = 8 Adding every number from 1 to 42 equals 903. (9+0+3 = 12 = 3)
  • 42: Der Superstation Amerikanische (a.k.a. 42, corporate name as Das Zweiundvierzig Fernsehern GmbH) is a now-defunct satellite channel in Germany.
  • 42 — 7 эпизод 3 сезона возобновлённого «Доктора Кто», показанный 19 мая 2007 года. В серии произошло первое путешествие Марты Джонс в статусе «официальной спутницы» Доктора, когда в предыдущий сериях это были благодарственные путешествия за спасение его жизни в эпизоде «Смит и Джонс». Также, в серии впервые огласилось, что Гарольд Саксон заинтересован в Докторе, и использует Фрэнсис Джонс, чтобы попытаться отследить его через Марту.
  • 42 {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Loire. 2. * J’habite dans le 42. * quatre deux *
  • Annette vermutet, dass Diana doch mehr für Mike empfindet, als sie selbst zugibt. Doch Diana bestreitet das vehement. Als Mike sich aber erneut als Retter in der Not erweist und sich schließlich auch von seiner romantischen Seite zeigt, ist Diana überwältigt. Dieter manövriert sich mit seinem Verhalten immer weiter ins Abseits. Selbst seine Tochter Nina zollt ihm keinen Respekt mehr. Aus Angst, zum Gespött der Leute zu werden, ertränkt er seinen Frust im Alkohol, was fatale Folgen hat. Andrew überrascht Roman mit dem Angebot, ihn nach London zu begleiten ...
  • 42 – kod, występujący w Gothic, Gothic II oraz Gothic II: Noc Kruka.
  • 42, the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. This Answer was first calculated by the supercomputer Deep Thought after seven and a half million years of thought. This shocking answer resulted in the construction of an even larger supercomputer, named Earth, which was tasked with determining what the question was in the first place.
  • 420 BLAZE IT FAGGOT is the seventh episode of Series 3. It was written by Chinballs and stars David Tennis as Ten and Gordon Freeman as Indiana Jones.
  • Au commencement, il y avait Dieu. Et Chuck Norris. Et Sacha Guitry. Enfin, toutes ces personnes n’en étaient peut-être et probablement qu’une. L’important, c’est qu’il(s) a(ont) créé plein de trucs assez inutiles, mais fabuleux : entre autres, l’univers. Simplement, personne n’est parfait, et l’univers, c’est du boulot tout de même ! Aussi, bien que l’ensemble soit plutôt bien organisé (à l’exception d’une petite planète merdique, qu’on nomme couramment Terre, mais comme 6 milliards d’hommes s'emploient à la détruire, ce problème n’en sera bientôt plus un). Il reste cependant encore quelques détails à régler. Mais Dieu a autre chose à faire. C’est pour ça que dans l’univers on recense encore aujourd’hui quelques bugs. Notamment, et le plus connu, le 42. Basiquement, on pourrait affirmer que 42 est avant tout un nombre. Évidemment, une telle allégation demande à être vérifiée avant de passer pour acquise. Albert Einstein s'en est chargé, à l'aide de la maintenant connue formule E=MC², et de calculs que je ne détaillerais pas ici. 42 est donc bien un nombre. C’était même le premier nombre à l’origine du commencement. S’il s’est retrouvé si loin dans la chaîne numéraire, c’est pour des questions de stratégie : s’il était resté à la première place, on l’aurait reconnu facilement, et jamais il n’aurait pu mettre en branle son projet de conquête du monde. C’est pour cette raison qu’il a délégué quelques couillons naïfs devant lui afin d’occuper les premières places.
  • The number 42 is consistently included in many of Pixar's films.
  • 42? POURQUOI, C'EST... La réponse à 9 fois 6! ... Attendre. Non, il ne l'est pas. 9 fois 6 est de 54! AH MON DIEU BOÎTIER RECTANGULAIRE DE LA TECHNOLOGIE ÉCLATÉ! Dépêchez-vous, appelez le boîtier rectangulaire de la technologie médecins!
  • 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and "everything". Mostly I'm wondering, how could it be the answer to "everything", 2 + 2 = 4 and 2 x 2 = 4 but why is 42 the answer to everything? I just don't know, even the guys who created the guide don't know. But it's in the guide regardless so here we go. 42 is generally regarded as the answer by everyone, even non-organic organisms (we mean robots if you didn't understand). No one understand what it means yet, only the creators of the universe understand.
  • Tallet 42 ble oppfunnet av Douglas Adams. Dette tallet blir av de fleste oppfattet som svaret på det ultimate spørsmålet: "Hvor mye er 18+23?" Tallet blir også oppfattet av mange som svaret på en rekke andre spørsmål: * Hvor mange år kommer ikkepedia til å bestå før de som driver siden vil forstå at det er ingen som besøker den? * Hvor mange meter snø blir det i vinter? * Hvor mange millimeter lang er tissen til statsministeren? De tre siste spørsmålene er svært omdiskuterte, Mange mener at å si at svaret på dem er 42 er en overdrivelse. Nyere forskning utført på Snørrungehaugen Barneskole har vist at 42 også kan være svaret på spørsmålet: "Hva er 43-1?" Dette er for tiden en svært omdiskutert sak i de vitenskapelige miljøer.
  • 42 ist nicht nur eine Zahl. Wer die Antwort nach dem Leben, dem Universum und dem ganzen Rest sucht, sollte vieleicht mal hier nachsehen: Lachfisch-FAQ. Oder anders ausgedückt: Jesus ist die Antwort - Amen. Der Lachfisch-Zahlenstrahl: 0 - 00 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 12 - 42 - 100 - 404 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> $1 - Dunkelziffer - Heilige Zahl - Rübezahl - Zwölfmeter
  • Forty Two redirects here. For the Via Domus episode, see "Forty-Two" 42 is the 6th and last of the Numbers. Below is a list of appearances on the show, by episode chronology. The writers of the show decided to include this number in the series as an homage to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. ("[[|]]")
  • 42 — награда, получаемая за полёт в центр галактики. Является отсылкой к книге Дугласа Адамса «Автостопом по галактике» (англ. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) и ответом на вопрос «О жизни, вселенной и всём остальном» из этой же книги.
  • 42 (сорок два) — ответ на Главный вопрос Жизни, Вселенной и Всего Остального. Безумные учёные не удивились, когда их тетрис нашёл ответ на этот вопрос: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 мини|справа|220px Сверхкомпьютер «Думатель» с планеты Магратея посредством биокомпьютера по имени «планета Земля» подтвердил, что ещё одним вопросом на этот ответ является 6*7, но очевидно, что это введение в заблуждение и профанация Таблицы умножения, особенно если учесть, что число «42» сокрыто в количестве хромосом мартышек, крыс и овса. Все эти существа явно связаны с жизнью, смертью и эволюцией самого человека, а следовательно вопрос находится где-то близко к загадке существования Homo sapiens.
  • [[Plik:42.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 42 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:42cmw.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Czterdziestka dwójka na krańcu Cmentarz Wolski]] right|thumb|250px|Wewnętrzna dekoracja liniowa czterdziestki dwójki 42 – linia tramwajowa zwykła okresowa, która kursowała na trasie z Cmentarza Wolskiego na Rogalińską. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmowało jej około 25 minut, a kursowała tylko w godzinach szczytu w dni powszednie co około 10-12 minut.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 42 (November 27th, 2009) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book) Terve! [a colloquial Finnish salute] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses . Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear on-screen): Is it possible to hit a grand slam when dating a woman? That Guy: (with his back to screen right, he turns to the camera) That's a very good question. The answer is: Yes. Yes it is. / [indicates a jump cut] You simply order a Grand Slam breakfast at Denny's, / slide it in front of your woman, / and then, slam her face into it. / That way, not only would you be hitting the Grand Slam, but you'll be hitting the woman as well. / Now I KNOW what you're thinking: Isn't that violence towards women? / Yes it is (he says with slight delight), but I believe in equal rights. / Anything I would do to a WOMAN, I would do to a man as well. / I would slam a MAN's face into the breakfast just like I would slam a WOMAN'S face into the breakfast. / I would rob a MAN of all his fortunes just like I would rob a WOMAN of all her fortunes. / I would PENETRATE a man just like I would penetrate a woman. / That's why bisexual people are the ONLY equal opportunists out there. / For it's just like it says in the Bible... (pauses) Hah. / And don't you forget it... whatever it was. Narrator: If Zordon fought God, who would win? That Guy: (back to right and turn) God. / (points mouthpiece at camera) But in all fairness, that's a bit of a trick question. / You see, Zordon actually IS a part of God. / The testicle part. / Now I know what you're thinking: God's testicle can do all of THAT? (pauses) Yes! / It's God's testicle. What do you think it did? / Waited there to get kicked in a very comedic way? (chuckles) No. / But this begs the question: who is God's other testicle? (pause) Oprah. / Oprah Winfrey is God's other testicle. / I mean, honestly, are you really surprised? / Everything she says is sacred. / People follow EVERYTHING she demands. / Even if she farts, people will take it as a blessing. / Yes, God's testicles are a wonderful creation... (pauses) as long as they don't get genital herpes. / (leans in) Then Heaven help us. (slowly leans back and puts pipe back in mouth) Narrator: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? That Guy: (chuckles) You silly fool. I'M not a mirror. You're not NEARLY this good-looking. / But if I had to just take a shot in the dark, I'd say... (blows air) me. / Of course, there was that ONE woman in the blue-and-yellow dress. / But I gave her a Grand Slam breakfast she will NEVER forget. / And never recover from. / Yes. Narrator: Did you frame John Proctor? That Guy: I didn't frame John Proctor. John Proctor is a witch, and we ALL KNOW it! / In fact, who are YOU to ask questions? I think I see YOU with the devil! / Yes! YES! I SEE HIM WITH THE DEVIL! BURN HIM!! BURN HIM ALIVE!!! / (maniacal laughter as he ducks out of view) / (normal position) Incidentally, a special shout-out to all the Arthur Miller fans who are watching this video. It is nice to see BOTH of you. / Phenomenal. (makes a weird chuckle) Narrator: Could a Jedi commit suicide by using the force to choke himself or herself to death? That Guy: Well, being a Jedi master myself, let's try it. (he curls his left index and middle finger as if he is choking someone by voodoo for a few seconds) Nope. Doesn't seem to have ANY effec- (we hear a loud thud; That Guy looks to screen right, then back) Yes. Yes,you can; but, uh... you might want to practice a bit first. Narrator: If quitters never win, and winners never quit, why should you quit while you're ahead? That Guy: (really fast) Because she sells seashells by the seashore while Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers wondering, "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" (we hear two claps from someone off-screen-right; he looks that way and says:) Thank you. (looks back; one last clap) Narrator: If there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? That Guy: 911. (pauses) Fuck the Ghostbusters. / They'll never pay ME for advertising, so why should I promote THEM? / Fffffffuck 'em. / (we then see his left hand giving the finger slowly rise into shot) Narrator: Why is there an alligator and a deer sitting at my kitchen table playing chess? That Guy: Probably the same reason there's an orangutan and a porcupine playing poker on my roof. / But at LEAST we know how to call, right? Ghostbusters. (he raises his eyes with a worried look and then says in disgust:) Fuck! (goes to the corner) Narrator: If knowing is half the battle, what's the other half? That Guy: (normal position) Fucking it. / For that's my philosophy to everything. If you know about it, fuck it. / Even if you don't know HOW, find a way. / They always said, "There'd never be a way for a human to fuck a termite." But I proved them wrong. / (looks briefly down, then back) But it's. it's not for that reason. (pauses with a blank look) Really. (more of the same; then, in a deeper, altered voice...) DON'T LOOK AT ME!!! (almost starts to cry a bit) Narrator: My wife wanted to ask if you knew why all diet soda labels are silver. That Guy: That's nice. / This is That Guy With The Glasses saying, "There's no such thing as a stupid question until YOU ask it." (winks at the camera and then returns to reading his book) THE END
  • 42 is a number. It is half of 84, and double 21. It can be gotten from 6 times 7 or 21 times 2, and 84 divided by 2. It is actually considered the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
  • El cuarenta y dos (42) es el número natural que sigue al cuarenta y uno y precede al cuarenta y tres. Categoría:Números
  • 42? WHY, THAT'S... The answer to 9 times 6! ...wait. No, it isn't. 9 times 6 is 54! OH MY GOSHNESS MY RECTANGULAR BOX OF TECHNOLOGY EXPLODED! Quick, call the rectangular technology box medics!
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "42" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. In 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first African American man to play in the Major Leagues. In honour of this, his number was retired throughout baseball in 1997. Players were allowed to wear his number in Mr. Robinson's memory, and on special occasions. * Royce Clayton (2007*) * Xavier Hernandez (1989) * Paul Mirabella (1980-1981) * Shannon Stewart (2008*) * Frank Thomas (2007*-2008*) * Vernon Wells (2007*-2008*)
  • 42 es un logro que conseguiremos si llegamos al Núcleo galáctico, para ello tendremos que atravesar todo el territorio de los Grox, y llegar al punto ¨Ángulo: 0.0, Distancia: 0.0¨ en el indicador de tu posición galáctica. Una vez que lleguemos al centro, podremos entrar en el enorme agujero negro del núcleo de la galaxia. De esta forma veremos el encuentro con Steve, y recibiremos el Cayado de la vida.
  • 42 is my favourite number. Une ancienne prophétie affirme qu'un 30 de l'an 2018, à précises, une météorite s'écraserait sur la planète Terre... Et puis, 42, c'est quand même beaucoup mieux que , non ? Tatie Pethdur fulmine : 42 ? 42 ? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez que ça me fasse, moi, 42 ?
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