  • All Powerful Bystander
  • Our heroes might be good at what they do, but this person is on another level altogether. For some reason, this makes them useless. An All Powerful Bystander is a being who is so powerful that it seems likely they could just solve the entire plot with a snap of the fingers. They are, effectively, God. But they're not going to fix the problems facing the universe. Why? Well, there are a variety of reasons: Sometimes a Sufficiently Advanced Alien, but most of the time, they're presented as something beyond the "simple" notion of an alien being. Examples of All Powerful Bystander include:
  • Our heroes might be good at what they do, but this person is on another level altogether. For some reason, this makes them useless. An All Powerful Bystander is a being who is so powerful that it seems likely they could just solve the entire plot with a snap of the fingers. They are, effectively, God. But they're not going to fix the problems facing the universe. Why? Well, there are a variety of reasons: * It would mean breaking an Obstructive Code of Conduct. * It's not "fair". This is our universe and we deserve to be allowed to live our own lives by our own rules without having a Deus Ex Machina solve our woes. * They're "not allowed". There are other All Powerful Bystanders out there, so any action they take would be rendered null and void by an equal and opposite reaction by one of them. Also, they would likely punish the All Powerful Bystander for trying anything. * They like to see creatures expand and perhaps even ascend to their plane of existence at some point in time * They enjoy the suffering. * Everything they put the Heroes and Villains through is part of a Plan of such subtlety and scope that mere mortals can't comprehend it. Whether or not anyone ever finds out the end result is iffy. * They don't really care. They're gods, not the universe's babysitter. Sometimes a Sufficiently Advanced Alien, but most of the time, they're presented as something beyond the "simple" notion of an alien being. Usually, they just show up to give the hero a mission and some cryptic advice. Often overlaps with the Spirit Advisor. There are both good and evil Bystanders. The evil sort usually give you superpowers in exchange for your allegiance. The good sort do this less often, mostly just giving you a new +2 sword when you've proven yourself sufficiently. Sometimes, on very rare occasions, when you are really totally boned, you might be able to persuade, convince, or shame them into bailing you out. However, this usually comes at some tremendous price, and "the consequences are dire". Often, so dire that you end up wishing you'd solved your problems yourself. Sometimes, the Bystander is also a Trickster Mentor. Their advice is no less cryptic, but is at least more interesting. The Great Gazoo can be seen as a subversion of this character. In videogames, may be the Exposition Fairy. The Interactive Narrator is a No Fourth Wall version. The Gods Must Be Lazy is a similar trope applied to actual gods. Not to be confused with Badass Bystander. Examples of All Powerful Bystander include: