  • Tick
  • Tick
  • Tick
  • Tick
  • Tick
  • TICK
  • Tick
  • Tick is a character in Fable III. He is a soldier in Mourningwood Fort. He is first seen sitting around a campfire in the corner of the fort with Grove and Gould. After the Hero initiates the fight with the hollow men, Tick will fight the horde. He is killed in the battle.
  • TICK is a CAOS command used to set a timer running, or return the current setting of the timer period.
  • Tick is the callsign for a character for Medal of Honor: Warfighter. He is part of Task Force Mako and fights alongside Stump in some of the missions. At end of Bump in the night after securing Sal Al Din, he is the last person to leave the room. He was part of the attack on Hassan's compound and is present during Mother's funeral.
  • Also called the "quantum cosmic tick", is described in Thief of Time as the shortest interval of time anything in the universe can occur. To the History Monks, it is the time it takes for the universe to be broken down and rebuilt by Time (or the time it takes for "now" to become "then"). The tick itself, however, cannot be measured since it actually occurs outside the perception of those within the universe. Attempting to measure the tick results in a paradox that is equated to "opening the box with the crowbar you will find inside" (perhaps referring to a Spike Milligan line): the instrument measuring the tick is supposed to be broken down and rebuilt during the tick. Planck time would be the Roundworld equivalent.
  • Ticks are Monsters from Maplestory. They live underneath Ludibrium. __TOC__
  • <default>Tick</default> Also known as Voiced by Species Gender Family Friends Enemies Allies Color(s) Likes Likes Dislikes First appearance Quote Tick is a clown-like bug that keeps gnawing at Muriel's toe like food and only appears in Swindlin' Wind.
  • A "tick" is one set interval for an "Over-time" ability or effect to take place.
  • method tick(dur rate) executes the following code in ChucK: fun void foo() { while( true ) { now => time lastTick; bar(); now - lastTick => dur span; rate - span => now; } } fun void bar(){ Methods called in tick's heart } spork ~ foo(); while( true ) rate => now; }
  • A tick is a type of eight legged arachnid that feeds on the blood of deers or other animals. The Pawn Shoppe had a small box of "Enchanted Sorcerer's Flea and Tick Collars" for sale. The Kangaroo Rat would have traded a big fat deer tick for a stick.
  • In an alternate 1944, Sal described some women he had recruited to fight the Nazis as having the marksmanship to "shoot the fleas off a tick." (ENT: "Storm Front") By April 2151, the only inhabited planet Trip Tucker had visited besides Earth contained no lifeforms other than dust-dwelling ticks. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
  • A Tick is used in reference to a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) refers to a standard period of time the server will use to time events or abilities in. It is generally a relatively short period of time, a matter of seconds. A tick in Final Fantasy XI is about 3 seconds, but this time can vary from game to game, and the exact amount of time may vary depending on its developer.
  • A tick is an instant of time in games in the Creatures series. In the Creatures Evolution Engine this is equal (in ideal circumstances) to 1/20 of a second. See also ket.
  • In World of Warcraft: 1. * A time increment used for over time effects (Channeling, DoT, HoT, etc.): 2. * 1 tick is every time the spell's overtime effect happens. Many effects tick once every two seconds, but not all. 3. * The bronze drake Tick guarding the Caverns of Time together with Chronalis and Occulus.
  • In World of Warcraft: 1. * A time increment used for over time effects (Channeling, DoT, HoT, etc.): 2. * 1 tick is every time the spell's overtime effect happens. Many effects tick once every two seconds, but not all. 3. * The bronze drake Tick guarding the Caverns of Time together with Chronalis and Occulus.
  • Tick is a person who will approach the party in the southwest corner of Baldur's Gate North. He will recognize the party as adventurers, and will advise them to visit the sewer system, as it is an urban analogue of a dungeon.
  • Il Tick era una variante insettoide dell'Hunter sviluppata presso il Centro di Ricerca Arklay.
  • A tick or tic is a unit of time in the engine of Wolfenstein 3D. One tic appears to be intended to be equal to one seventieth of one second.
  • Les Tick ont été créés similairement en se basant sur les Hunter α. Mis à part une peau brune et des antennes, la principale différence entre les Tick et les Hunter α sont leur couleur marron, leurs yeux lumineux et leurs griffes en forme de faucille. Ils apparaissent dans les Sous-sols de la Cour du Manoir Spencer.
  • Ticks are picked up almost exclusively outdoors, preferring to attach themselves around the neck and ears, causing an inflammatory reaction where they attach. Never pull on a tick to remove it as you might risk leaving the head's tick under the skin, which can cause a painful reaction.
  • Some Ticks in Kirby: Triple Deluxe will hop towards Kirby in their cute forms.
  • <default>Tick</default> Aparece en Nombre en japonés Base Altura Propósito de la criatura Última edición: -- por [[User:|]] Los Tick (traducido al español, Garrapata) son unos B.O.W.s creados por la Corporación Umbrella en los laboratorios Arklay, siendo una variante de los Hunters Alpha.
  • Tick ist ein Mitglied des Bronzenen Drachenschwarms, sie bewacht den Eingang zu den Höhlen der Zeit in Tanaris.
  • Normally, ticks flitter about in the air, seemingly oblivious to the player. Usually nonaggressive, they serve only to obstruct the player's path, and to slightly clutter the motion sensor. On higher difficulty levels, however, the ticks will explode in a fiery cloud when destroyed.
  • A tick is an internal time keeping system used to measure the passage of time by the game. One tick occurs every six seconds. During each tick game state information is updated.
  • Ein Tick ist tick eine marottenhaftige tack Angewohnheit, die tock lebensbedrohliche tick Ausmaße annehmen tack kann und den vom Tick Befallenen tock zunehmend sozial tick isoliert tack und zu einem tock einsamen Zeitgenossen tick werden lässt tack.
  • The Tick is a comedic, nigh invulnerable and possibly insane superhero from the comic book series The Tick.
  • Un tick est une durée de mesure dans les jeux de la Série Creatures. Dans le Creatures Evolution Engine, cela correspond à 1/20 de seconde. Voir également ket. Tick Catégorie:Lexique
  • For an ecosystem to support ticks, it must satisfy two requirements: the population density of host species in the area must be high enough, and humidity must be high enough for ticks to remain hydrated. Due to their role in transmitting Lyme disease, ixodid ticks, particularly I. scapularis, have been studied using geographic information systems (GIS), to develop predictive models for ideal tick habitats. According to these studies, certain features of a given microclimate – such as sandy soil, hardwood trees, rivers, and the presence of deer – were determined to be good predictors of dense tick populations.
  • The night after the biker war Tick walked into the cafe’ And asked to borrow the table That I’d been sitting at. It was post-Christmas. He set down his helmet And pulled his black Jacket back To reach into the inner pocket. His face was all scarred up And his leather was coated with old punk The torn T-shirt near the pocket Had the skull of The Exploited spiking out. I caught his night glow Timex Just like Uncle Jumbo Pop’s And I knew why he was there With a chemical liquid in a balloon. "They were all my friends and they died."
  • I've been up all night. Scared... Yea, I'll admit it. Terrified. There's been this "Tick" in the back of my head all night making me paranoid... I've got my back to the corner. I've got my sawn-off. I'm talking to you guys now through my phone. Light's all through the house are on and every TV is going. Nothing's coming. Monster's don't exist. No one breaks into houses here. There's no scary sounds. No tapping on my windows, or shaking closet doors. The dog is sound asleep, as jumpy as he is, if anything were coming he'd be flipping shit. Nothing is happening.
  • 114
  • 164
  • 0
card number
  • 48
  • Semi-sapient
  • 10
  • 20
no of attacks
  • 1
  • 0
  • 1500
  • 5000
Hit points
  • 7
  • Sconosciuto, presumibilmente Virus t
Proposito de la criatura
  • Armas biológicas experimentales
  • 0
Nombre Japones
  • ダニ
Créé par
  • Infection au Virus-t,
  • manipulations génétiques
Con Base
  • Hunter Alpha/Garrapata
  • 0
  • 0
  • hide
Juegos en los que aparece
  • Resident Evil
  • 11
  • 1399
  • 4782
xp value
  • 15
  • 90
jap name
  • チック
  • 10
  • 20
  • 20
  • 95
Nombre de la criatura
  • Tick
  • Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Full Name
  • Tick
  • Fable III
  • -70
  • 1
  • Alive
  • Common
  • Deceased
  • Mentioned in "Pain"
  • 5
First Appearance
  • 0
  • Tick
  • Tick
  • Tick
  • 3000
  • 118772
  • Resident Evil
  • Kirby: Canvas Curse artwork
  • Tick in Connect the Dots
  • Fable III
  • 15
  • 3055
  • 18541
  • 4002400
  • Black, Purple, Red
  • Eteint
  • Sconosciuto, ma possiede alcune caratteristiche da insetto
Voice Actor
  • 10
  • Human
  • Insect
  • Petty Officer 1st Class
  • Tick
  • Varias
  • Killed by a gnawer
  • Tick
  • Ticks
  • 0
  • Maplestory
  • 250
  • *the Princess
  • 362700
  • 2746619
  • Female
  • Male
  • Human
  • Tick
  • Medium threat
  • "Moving is always a hassle. But, it does have more space."
  • 11
  • 1431
  • 4634
  • Tick.jpg
wikipage disambiguates
  • Tick is a character in Fable III. He is a soldier in Mourningwood Fort. He is first seen sitting around a campfire in the corner of the fort with Grove and Gould. After the Hero initiates the fight with the hollow men, Tick will fight the horde. He is killed in the battle.
  • TICK is a CAOS command used to set a timer running, or return the current setting of the timer period.
  • Tick is the callsign for a character for Medal of Honor: Warfighter. He is part of Task Force Mako and fights alongside Stump in some of the missions. At end of Bump in the night after securing Sal Al Din, he is the last person to leave the room. He was part of the attack on Hassan's compound and is present during Mother's funeral.
  • Also called the "quantum cosmic tick", is described in Thief of Time as the shortest interval of time anything in the universe can occur. To the History Monks, it is the time it takes for the universe to be broken down and rebuilt by Time (or the time it takes for "now" to become "then"). The tick itself, however, cannot be measured since it actually occurs outside the perception of those within the universe. Attempting to measure the tick results in a paradox that is equated to "opening the box with the crowbar you will find inside" (perhaps referring to a Spike Milligan line): the instrument measuring the tick is supposed to be broken down and rebuilt during the tick. Planck time would be the Roundworld equivalent.
  • Ticks are Monsters from Maplestory. They live underneath Ludibrium. __TOC__
  • <default>Tick</default> Also known as Voiced by Species Gender Family Friends Enemies Allies Color(s) Likes Likes Dislikes First appearance Quote Tick is a clown-like bug that keeps gnawing at Muriel's toe like food and only appears in Swindlin' Wind.
  • For an ecosystem to support ticks, it must satisfy two requirements: the population density of host species in the area must be high enough, and humidity must be high enough for ticks to remain hydrated. Due to their role in transmitting Lyme disease, ixodid ticks, particularly I. scapularis, have been studied using geographic information systems (GIS), to develop predictive models for ideal tick habitats. According to these studies, certain features of a given microclimate – such as sandy soil, hardwood trees, rivers, and the presence of deer – were determined to be good predictors of dense tick populations. Ticks satisfy all of their nutritional requirements as ectoparasites, feeding on a diet of blood in a practice known as hematophagy. They are obligate hematophages, needing blood to survive and move from one stage of life to another. Ticks unable to find a host to feed on will die. This behavior is estimated to have evolved approximately 120 million years ago through adapative pressures to a blood-feeding environment. Evidence suggests this behavior evolved independently in the separate tick families, with differing host-tick interactions driving the adapative change. Ticks extract the blood by cutting a hole in the host's epidermis, into which they insert their hypostome, and keep the blood from clotting by excreting an anticoagulant or platelet aggregation inhibitor. Ticks find their hosts by detecting animals' breath and body odors, or by sensing body heat, moisture and vibrations. They are incapable of flying or jumping, but many tick species wait in a position known as "questing". While questing, ticks hold on to leaves and grass by their third and fourth pair of legs. They hold the first pair of legs outstretched, waiting to climb on to the host. When a host brushes the spot where a tick is waiting, it quickly climbs onto the host. Some ticks will attach quickly while others will wander looking for thinner skin like the ear. Depending on the species and the life stage, preparing to feed can take from ten minutes to two hours. On locating a suitable feeding spot, the tick grasps the skin and cuts into the surface. Like all arachnids, adult ticks have eight legs. The legs of Ixodidae and Argasidae are similar in structure. Each leg is composed of six segments: the coxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, and tarsus. Each of these segments is connected by muscles which allow for flexion and extension, but the coxae have limited lateral movement. When not being used for walking, the legs remain tightly folded against the body. Larval ticks hatch with six legs, acquiring the other two after a blood meal and molting into the nymph stage. The best way to remove an adult tick is by freezing it off with a medical wart remover or the like. Mechanical removal with household tweezers is contraindicated as it may result in squeezing of the contents of the tick into the bloodstream. To facilitate prompt removal, fine-tipped tweezers can be used to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and detach it by applying a steady upward force without crushing, jerking or twisting, in such a way as to avoid leaving behind mouthparts or provoking regurgitation of infective fluids into the wound. Proprietary tick removal tools are also available. It is important to disinfect the bite area thoroughly after removal of the tick. The tick can be stored and, in case of signs or symptoms of a subsequent infection, shown to a clinician for identification purposes together with details of where and when the bite occurred. If the tick's head and mouthparts are no longer attached to its body after removal, a punch biopsy may be necessary to remove any parts that have been left behind.
  • A "tick" is one set interval for an "Over-time" ability or effect to take place.
  • method tick(dur rate) executes the following code in ChucK: fun void foo() { while( true ) { now => time lastTick; bar(); now - lastTick => dur span; rate - span => now; } } fun void bar(){ Methods called in tick's heart } spork ~ foo(); while( true ) rate => now; }
  • A tick is a type of eight legged arachnid that feeds on the blood of deers or other animals. The Pawn Shoppe had a small box of "Enchanted Sorcerer's Flea and Tick Collars" for sale. The Kangaroo Rat would have traded a big fat deer tick for a stick.
  • In an alternate 1944, Sal described some women he had recruited to fight the Nazis as having the marksmanship to "shoot the fleas off a tick." (ENT: "Storm Front") By April 2151, the only inhabited planet Trip Tucker had visited besides Earth contained no lifeforms other than dust-dwelling ticks. (ENT: "Broken Bow")
  • A Tick is used in reference to a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) refers to a standard period of time the server will use to time events or abilities in. It is generally a relatively short period of time, a matter of seconds. A tick in Final Fantasy XI is about 3 seconds, but this time can vary from game to game, and the exact amount of time may vary depending on its developer.
  • A tick is an instant of time in games in the Creatures series. In the Creatures Evolution Engine this is equal (in ideal circumstances) to 1/20 of a second. See also ket.
  • In World of Warcraft: 1. * A time increment used for over time effects (Channeling, DoT, HoT, etc.): 2. * 1 tick is every time the spell's overtime effect happens. Many effects tick once every two seconds, but not all. 3. * The bronze drake Tick guarding the Caverns of Time together with Chronalis and Occulus.
  • In World of Warcraft: 1. * A time increment used for over time effects (Channeling, DoT, HoT, etc.): 2. * 1 tick is every time the spell's overtime effect happens. Many effects tick once every two seconds, but not all. 3. * The bronze drake Tick guarding the Caverns of Time together with Chronalis and Occulus.
  • Tick is a person who will approach the party in the southwest corner of Baldur's Gate North. He will recognize the party as adventurers, and will advise them to visit the sewer system, as it is an urban analogue of a dungeon.
  • The night after the biker war Tick walked into the cafe’ And asked to borrow the table That I’d been sitting at. It was post-Christmas. He set down his helmet And pulled his black Jacket back To reach into the inner pocket. His face was all scarred up And his leather was coated with old punk The torn T-shirt near the pocket Had the skull of The Exploited spiking out. I caught his night glow Timex Just like Uncle Jumbo Pop’s And I knew why he was there With a chemical liquid in a balloon. He making sure it had held It hadn’t broken under his arm. He was saving it for the set up scene Where at least sixty death certificates Would be issued. "They were all my friends and they died."
  • Il Tick era una variante insettoide dell'Hunter sviluppata presso il Centro di Ricerca Arklay.
  • A tick or tic is a unit of time in the engine of Wolfenstein 3D. One tic appears to be intended to be equal to one seventieth of one second.
  • Les Tick ont été créés similairement en se basant sur les Hunter α. Mis à part une peau brune et des antennes, la principale différence entre les Tick et les Hunter α sont leur couleur marron, leurs yeux lumineux et leurs griffes en forme de faucille. Ils apparaissent dans les Sous-sols de la Cour du Manoir Spencer.
  • Ticks are picked up almost exclusively outdoors, preferring to attach themselves around the neck and ears, causing an inflammatory reaction where they attach. Never pull on a tick to remove it as you might risk leaving the head's tick under the skin, which can cause a painful reaction.
  • I've been up all night. Scared... Yea, I'll admit it. Terrified. There's been this "Tick" in the back of my head all night making me paranoid... I've got my back to the corner. I've got my sawn-off. I'm talking to you guys now through my phone. Light's all through the house are on and every TV is going. Nothing's coming. Monster's don't exist. No one breaks into houses here. There's no scary sounds. No tapping on my windows, or shaking closet doors. The dog is sound asleep, as jumpy as he is, if anything were coming he'd be flipping shit. Nothing is happening. So why am I scared? Well, what causes fear? Fear of burglars, fear of monsters, ghosts and galactic travelers? It's our weakness. Inability to protect ourselves. Well what do you do when you CAN protect yourself, but what protects you from all those, can't protect you from that... "Tick"? That thing no gun can stop. That thing no logic or reason can deny. That thing you can't buy away, or count to ten and make disappear. It. That unstoppable thing. That Tick. That god damn Tick. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. I'm sitting here, of course, staring at my clock. Time. Time time time never enough time, too much time, time moving too fast, too slow, you can't stop time but this. This fucking... Clock. It's mocking me. Has been for minutes... No... Hours. Days. Weeks, months, seasons, years, Two... God damn decades... But there's something wrong... I shot that clock hours ago. The only time piece in my house. I've turned up all my TVs. All my stereos, my headphones are blaring. But it's still there... That god damn tick... ...Where did I say again.. The back of my head?
  • Some Ticks in Kirby: Triple Deluxe will hop towards Kirby in their cute forms.
  • <default>Tick</default> Aparece en Nombre en japonés Base Altura Propósito de la criatura Última edición: -- por [[User:|]] Los Tick (traducido al español, Garrapata) son unos B.O.W.s creados por la Corporación Umbrella en los laboratorios Arklay, siendo una variante de los Hunters Alpha.
  • Tick ist ein Mitglied des Bronzenen Drachenschwarms, sie bewacht den Eingang zu den Höhlen der Zeit in Tanaris.
  • Normally, ticks flitter about in the air, seemingly oblivious to the player. Usually nonaggressive, they serve only to obstruct the player's path, and to slightly clutter the motion sensor. On higher difficulty levels, however, the ticks will explode in a fiery cloud when destroyed.
  • A tick is an internal time keeping system used to measure the passage of time by the game. One tick occurs every six seconds. During each tick game state information is updated.
  • Ein Tick ist tick eine marottenhaftige tack Angewohnheit, die tock lebensbedrohliche tick Ausmaße annehmen tack kann und den vom Tick Befallenen tock zunehmend sozial tick isoliert tack und zu einem tock einsamen Zeitgenossen tick werden lässt tack.
  • The Tick is a comedic, nigh invulnerable and possibly insane superhero from the comic book series The Tick.
  • Un tick est une durée de mesure dans les jeux de la Série Creatures. Dans le Creatures Evolution Engine, cela correspond à 1/20 de seconde. Voir également ket. Tick Catégorie:Lexique
is Mini-Boss of
is NPCs of
is Relationships of
is Enemies of
is mob of
is common enemies of