  • Forts
  • Forts
  • Forts
  • right|thumb|250px|Connor infiltriert Fort Division Forts waren Befestigungen, welche von der britischen Armee zur Zeit der Amerikanischen Revolution und von diversen Gruppen im Goldenen Zeitalter der Piraterie kontrolliert wurden. Sie dienten dazu die militärische Präsenz in einem Gebiet aufrecht zu erhalten, was die Verteidigung gegen Feinde erleichterte.
  • The first Fort becomes available in the Classical Age and can be built, once File:Military Research Icon.png Military 2 (Mercenaries) has been researched. All variants of Forts cost both File:Wealth.jpg Wealth and File:Metal.jpg Metal to build.
  • Forts are defined as a building or group of buildings with strong defenses, usually strategically located, guarded and armed with cannons for its defense. In Pirates Online, two of the four main settlements has a Royal Navy fort, they serve as the main defense of the town as they have a high concentration of soldiers and some EITC soldiers for hire. They can be identified by their high stone walls and parapets. There are three known forts. Fort Charles, Fort Dundee, and Kingshead. File:Navywithmusket.JPG
  • Forts is a Canadian animated television sitcom based on the reality series with the same name and logo created by Marcus McGlonsky the star of the reality series forts. So far the show has had 3 seasons and 28 episodes. The show is mainly for kids aged 12 and up and the show is based entirely on real events. The show has 10 episodes every season.
  • During the early 18th century, the pirate Edward Kenway assaulted and captured ten forts under the control of either the Royal Navy or Spanish Navy throughout the Caribbean, whereas during the Seven Years' War, Templar Shay Cormac captured forts under control by the French Navy throughout the Northern Atlantic Ocean and River Valley. During the American Revolutionary War, Edward's grandson, the Assassin Ratonhnhaké:ton, captured several forts under the control of the British Army, located in Boston, New York, and the Frontier.
  • During the early 18th century, the pirate Edward Kenway assaulted and captured ten forts under the control of either the Royal Navy or Spanish Navy throughout the Caribbean, whereas during the Seven Years' War, Templar Shay Cormac captured forts under control by the French Navy throughout the Northern Atlantic Ocean and River Valley. During the American Revolutionary War, Edward's grandson, the Assassin Ratonhnhaké:ton, captured several forts under the control of the British Army, located in Boston, New York, and the Frontier. When Kenway or Cormac assaulted a fort, they first used their ship's cannons to destroy all of the outer walls and towers, rendering the fort vulnerable. They would then infiltrate the fort itself, kill its officers, destroying powder reserves, and break into the war room, where they would dispatch the commander. In the case of Edward taking over, the fort's flag would be lowered and replaced with a black one, and served as outposts for pirates in the nearby waters. When taken over by Shay, the flag would be replaced by a British one. In Colonial America, after destroying a fort's gunpowder reserves and killing its captain, Ratonhnhaké:ton lowered the British flag in exchange for a Colonial one. By doing so, control of the fort shifted from British control to that of the Continental Army. By capturing the forts in the Caribbean, Edward was able to exert his piratical influence over a much greater area, as the forts would attack any passing warships. In addition, capturing a fort would clear away a part of the map, detailing previously undiscovered locations. In the Thirteen Colonies, capturing the forts helped make the trade routes much safer, as previously there had been a higher risk of losing trade vessels, such as convoys, to bandits.
  • right|thumb|250px|Connor infiltriert Fort Division Forts waren Befestigungen, welche von der britischen Armee zur Zeit der Amerikanischen Revolution und von diversen Gruppen im Goldenen Zeitalter der Piraterie kontrolliert wurden. Sie dienten dazu die militärische Präsenz in einem Gebiet aufrecht zu erhalten, was die Verteidigung gegen Feinde erleichterte.
  • The first Fort becomes available in the Classical Age and can be built, once File:Military Research Icon.png Military 2 (Mercenaries) has been researched. All variants of Forts cost both File:Wealth.jpg Wealth and File:Metal.jpg Metal to build.
  • Forts are defined as a building or group of buildings with strong defenses, usually strategically located, guarded and armed with cannons for its defense. In Pirates Online, two of the four main settlements has a Royal Navy fort, they serve as the main defense of the town as they have a high concentration of soldiers and some EITC soldiers for hire. They can be identified by their high stone walls and parapets. There are three known forts. Fort Charles, Fort Dundee, and Kingshead. File:Navywithmusket.JPG
  • Forts is a Canadian animated television sitcom based on the reality series with the same name and logo created by Marcus McGlonsky the star of the reality series forts. So far the show has had 3 seasons and 28 episodes. The show is mainly for kids aged 12 and up and the show is based entirely on real events. The show has 10 episodes every season.
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