  • Susan Foreman
  • Susan Foreman
  • Susan Foreman
  • Susan Foreman
  • thumb|200px|Die Reise beginnt Susan nennt sich eine Time Lady vom Planeten Gallifrey. Sie ist die Enkelin des Doctors. Sie zeichnet sich durch große Schreckhaftigkeit aus, reagiert jedoch in vielen Situationen äußerst mutig. Ab und an beweist sie telepathische Fähigkeiten.
  • Susan Foreman is een van de schuilnamen van Arkytior, de metgezel en waarschijnlijke kleindochter van de Doctor. Ze maakt haar eerste verschijning in An Unearthly Child, zelfs voordat de Doctor zelf voorkomt.
  • Susan Foreskin was the Other's jailbait granddaughter and was played by Carole Ann Ford, and technically still is if you count Big Finish (seriously, commit seppuku if you don't count Big Finish).
  • On her home planet of Gallifrey, she was born with another name. (PROSE: Frayed) Arkytior was her real name. It meant "rose" in High Gallifreyan. (PROSE: Roses) Susan specifically identified the Doctor as her grandfather, (TV: "An Unearthly Child", "The Escape") as did Barbara Wright, (TV: "An Unearthly Child", "Hidden Danger") Ian Chesterton, (TV: "The Ambush", "Kidnap") Ping-Cho (TV: "The Wall of Lies") and the First Doctor himself, (TV: "The Brink of Disaster") while the First Doctor considered Susan to be his grandchild, (TV: "The Rescue", Marco Polo, The Sensorites, "Flashpoint") as did the Fifth Doctor, (AUDIO: The Toy) the Eighth Doctor (AUDIO: Relative Dimensions) and the First Elder. (TV: "Hidden Danger") In his eleventh incarnation, the Doctor later recalled coming to the Rings o
  • Sur sa planète natale Gallifrey, elle est née avec un autre nom : Arkytior, ce qui signifie "Rose" en Haut-Gallifreyien (RN : Frayed ; DWM : Roses ). Le Docteur a constamment soutenu que Susan était sa petite-fille biologique, ou tout du moins, que cela était probable car il avait une famille (DW : An Unearthly Child, The Dalek Invasion of Earth, The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Five Doctors, Fear Her, Smith and Jones).
  • weiblich
Erster Auftritt
  • 270
Bekannt als
  • Arkytior
  • Susan Campbell
production group
  • BBC Canon Character
  • Time Lord
  • David Campbell
  • Carole Ann Ford
  • "Susan Foreman"
  • An Unearthly Child
Dt. Stimme
Character Name
  • Susan Foreman
  • Alex Campbell
  • Barbara Campbell
  • David Campbell Junior
  • Ian Campbell
Years Active
  • 1963
Played By
  • Time Lord
  • Susan Foreman
  • Arkytior, Lady Larn, Susan English, Susan Campbell
Home Planet
  • Gallifrey
  • The Doctor
  • Susan 1.jpg
Previous Companion
First story
Next Companion
Travelled with
Last story
  • thumb|200px|Die Reise beginnt Susan nennt sich eine Time Lady vom Planeten Gallifrey. Sie ist die Enkelin des Doctors. Sie zeichnet sich durch große Schreckhaftigkeit aus, reagiert jedoch in vielen Situationen äußerst mutig. Ab und an beweist sie telepathische Fähigkeiten.
  • Susan Foreman is een van de schuilnamen van Arkytior, de metgezel en waarschijnlijke kleindochter van de Doctor. Ze maakt haar eerste verschijning in An Unearthly Child, zelfs voordat de Doctor zelf voorkomt.
  • Sur sa planète natale Gallifrey, elle est née avec un autre nom : Arkytior, ce qui signifie "Rose" en Haut-Gallifreyien (RN : Frayed ; DWM : Roses ). Le Docteur a constamment soutenu que Susan était sa petite-fille biologique, ou tout du moins, que cela était probable car il avait une famille (DW : An Unearthly Child, The Dalek Invasion of Earth, The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Five Doctors, Fear Her, Smith and Jones). Bien qu'elle joue une adolescente quand elle rencontre Ian Chesterton et Barbara Wright, un seul compte a déclaré Susan est plus âgée que Ian et Barbara combinés (CC : Here there be Monsters). Toutefois, selon le premier Docteur, au moment où elle était sur le navire de Maitland avec Ian et Barbara, elle avait quelques années de moins que le jeune homme Carol Richmond (DW: Strangers in Space). Cependant, il y eu d'autres éléments qui jettent un doute sur leur relation biologique. Un, donné par le Maître, donnant Susan comme Lady Larn, qu'il aurait sauvé de la guerre civile sur Gallifrey (RT : Birth of the Renegade). D'autres ont laissé entendre qu'elle était l'un des derniers enfants nés sur Gallifrey avant la malédiction de Pythie. Elle aurait été la petite-fille de The Other avant de reconnaître le Docteur comme son grand-père (NA : Lungbarrow ).
  • On her home planet of Gallifrey, she was born with another name. (PROSE: Frayed) Arkytior was her real name. It meant "rose" in High Gallifreyan. (PROSE: Roses) Susan specifically identified the Doctor as her grandfather, (TV: "An Unearthly Child", "The Escape") as did Barbara Wright, (TV: "An Unearthly Child", "Hidden Danger") Ian Chesterton, (TV: "The Ambush", "Kidnap") Ping-Cho (TV: "The Wall of Lies") and the First Doctor himself, (TV: "The Brink of Disaster") while the First Doctor considered Susan to be his grandchild, (TV: "The Rescue", Marco Polo, The Sensorites, "Flashpoint") as did the Fifth Doctor, (AUDIO: The Toy) the Eighth Doctor (AUDIO: Relative Dimensions) and the First Elder. (TV: "Hidden Danger") In his eleventh incarnation, the Doctor later recalled coming to the Rings of Akhaten "a long time ago with my granddaughter". (TV: The Rings of Akhaten) Though she appeared a teenager to human eyes she met Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, one account stated Susan was older than Ian and Barbara combined. (AUDIO: Here There Be Monsters) However, according to the First Doctor, by the time she was on Maitland's ship with Ian and Barbara, she was a few years younger than the young human Carol Richmond. (TV: "Strangers in Space") Susan herself told Ping-Cho that she was "in [her] sixteenth year". (TV: "The Roof of the World") However, there were other accounts which cast doubt on their biological relationship. One, related by , described Susan as Lady Larn, a contemporary of the Doctor whom he had rescued from civil strife on Gallifrey. (PROSE: Birth of a Renegade) Another intimated that she was one of the last children born on Gallifrey before Pythia's Curse. She was sent away from Gallifrey by the Other — her grandfather — during the Great Schism to Tersurus. She later returned to Gallifrey to search for him, where she met the Doctor, whom she recognised as her grandfather, reborn. (PROSE: Lungbarrow) Susan attended a ritual with the Doctor in Arcadia where the Master gave her a toy. The toy was in reality a communication node in which the Master intended to use to locate the Doctor if he ever left Gallifrey. (AUDIO: The Toy)
  • Susan Foreskin was the Other's jailbait granddaughter and was played by Carole Ann Ford, and technically still is if you count Big Finish (seriously, commit seppuku if you don't count Big Finish).
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