  • The Immortal
  • The Immortal
  • The Immortal takes place in the "labyrinth of eternity", where the player's character (who is never named) is looking for his lost master Mordamir.
  • The Immortal is the only known name for a seemingly highly charismatic villain in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off TV series, Angel.
  • The The Immortal is a directives variant of Beamer VS3, that comes with preinstalled suppressor. It's available for completing directives pistol category.
  • The Immortal -(pol. Nieśmiertelny) To super gwiezdny Niszczyciel typu Eclipse. Został zbudowany w 6 ABY przez Kuat Drive Yards dla odrodzonego Palpatine'a jako statek główny floty statku Eclipse II. Został on ostatecznie przejęty przez armię Nowej Republiki. Dowodził nim Dastaar Veriiv, aż do momentu jego zniszczenia w 26 ABY podczas Wojny z Yuuzhan Vongami.
  • The Immortal takes place in the "labyrinth of eternity", where the player's character (who is never named) is looking for his long lost master Mordamir.
  • The Immortal is a title awarded when you complete the achievement . Raid members must slay all the bosses in Naxxramas on Heroic, during one lockout period, without any raid members dying during any of the boss encounters. The title appears after your character's name: the Immortal
  • The Immortal was the main antagonist in Wanted: Weapons of Fate.
  • Barnabas Collins - his soul is trapped in an old man's body - and destined to die in it!
  • Something was off about her. I couldn’t put my finger on it before now, but now I know I’ve found it. She’s sitting on the chair across from me, the afternoon sun glinting off the gem that rests on her nostril and reflecting on the walls. Her eyes, normally hazel, looked unnaturally green in the sunlight’s glare; and her lips, they’re slightly parted. Without their normal vivid red lipstick, I can see them for their natural pomegranate glory. I muster all the courage I can, “Pantea, I swear,” I am praying to a God I didn’t realize I believe in, “your secret is safe with me.”
  • Good
  • 10.500000
  • 167
Horizontal Tolerance
  • 0.300000
  • Married
  • The Immortal
Horizontal Recoil
  • 0.100000
Fire Modes
  • Semi-Automatic
Can Use
  • Infiltrator/Light Assault/Combat Medic/Engineer/Heavy Assault
Hip Accuracy
  • 1
  • Eclipse_Mk_3.jpg
Aim Accuracy
  • 0.300000
Cert Cost
  • N/A
  • 9.46728E10
  • The Immortal is a superhero from the Image Comics series Invincible. The Immortal has been around for many, many years. He is older than the legend of King Arthur, serving as one of his legendary knights. He discovered North America, and fought in the Revolution for the revolutionaries. He even served as President under the alias of Abraham Lincoln. Later, he became a superhero and a member of the original Guardians of the Globe. The Immortal was seemingly killed by Omni-Man along with the rest of the Guardians of the Globe but living up to his name he survived . He was revived by the Mauler twins, who attempted to use a 'control beacon' to make him their slave. It did not work. The Immortal survived being killed by Omni-Man a second time, this time being impaled through the heart and ripped in half, and became the leader of the new Guardians of the Globe. The Immortal is married to his teenage teammate Dupli-Kate.
Weapon Type
  • Pistols
Vertical Recoil
  • 0.800000
Recoil Bias
  • ← = →
Patch Link
  • --04-09
Reload Speed
  • 1.75
First Shot
  • 1
  • 100
  • Nie na sprzedaż
  • Small Arms
Recoil Decrease
  • 18
  • Kuat Drive Yards Avex Ship Nebula
SC Cost
  • N/A
Move Speed Multiplier
  • 0.750000
  • 2
  • The Immortal
Fire Rate
  • 451
Recoil Angle
  • 0
  • 25
  • Robert Kirkman; Cory Walker
  • Short
  • Mary
  • Abraham
  • Grace
  • Dupli-Kate
  • unnamed wives
  • 163
  • Blue
  • Alive
  • Black
  • The Immortal
  • Thousands of years of knowledge
  • April 1974
  • Sega Genesis box cover
  • Invincible #7
  • * : The Immortal has been involved in countless wars during his millennia long lifespan making him a formidable tactician and strategist with a hundred lifetimes of experience to call upon.
  • Invincible #116
  • Avex QNavigator
  • Klasa 1, Izomterium, Kuat 53IK
  • Super Gwiezdny Niszczyciel
Przyspieszenie maksymalne
  • 975.0
Prędkość w atmosferze
  • 500.0
  • 350000
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • The Immortal
  • Eclipse Mk 3
  • Super Niszczyciel Gwiezdny, Stacja bojowa
  • 260.0
  • 4.0
  • The Immortal
  • Cartridge
  • Secret
  • Earth
  • American
  • Commissioned by the undying founder of the Vanu Sovereignty for use as his own personal sidearm, Briggs' variant of the Beamer, The Immortal, features an integrated suppressor that retains stopping power even at a distance.
  • *: Because of Immortal's inability to die, he can be vulnerable to insanity. This is shown when he begins killing people in hopes that someone will finally kill him. Through the many years, he would grow detached from the human race. *: If Immortal's head or torso is separated from his body, he will remain in a cantonic state, but not truly dead .
  • Immortality
  • * * *
  • * : The Immortal is capable of healing from injuries much faster than average Humans. * : The Immortal is capable of holding his breath in space * : Immortal is capable of achieving flight by manipulating anti-gravitons * : Due to an unknown accident that happened to him, Immortal cannot age. Immortal has lived for thousands of years and is still in his physical prime. As long as his torso and head aren't separated from his body, he is alive. He has even survived having his heart punctured, revealing that he doesn't need his heart to have consciousness. * : Immortal can be resurrected if his head or torso is reattached to his body, therefore making him impossible to truly kill. Immortal has been resurrected from being decapitated by simply reattaching his head. He has been resurrected from cut in half. He has been resurrected from being blown by a bomb capable of burning superhuman skin. * : The Immortal's skin is much harder to pierce than Human skin. Only being of similar or greater strength can actually hurt or seriously injure him. One being Omni-Man who impaled him and bisected him. * : Immortal can withstand damage that would normally kill an average Human. * : Immortal is has strength much greater than Humans. Immortal has thrown Bi-Plane from the sky all to space. * * : The Immortal can survive in outer space without aid. * : The Immortal is able to regenerate lost tissue just days from losing them.
  • Invincible
  • Adventurer, Hero
  • VS
  • 2015-04-09
  • The world isn't logical, Mark. Also, trust me, this may start nice, but it's not headed anywhere good. Logical now means no war, world peace, everyone happy. But what happens when it isn't logical to keep the elderly alive, or sick children? What happens when it isn't logical to have such a large world population? I've been around a long time. This world is stupid and messy and nonsensical...and it needs to stay that way.
  • 1991
  • Goldkey25.jpg
  • Male
  • Unrevealed
  • Single player only
  • 17
  • 115.200000
  • 275
  • 24000.0
  • 554.235000
  • Eden 96 M.E.R
  • 12
  • Czarne Duranium wzmacniane Ultrastalą
  • Avex SensoreX SAC
  • The Immortal takes place in the "labyrinth of eternity", where the player's character (who is never named) is looking for his lost master Mordamir.
  • The Immortal is the only known name for a seemingly highly charismatic villain in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off TV series, Angel.
  • Something was off about her. I couldn’t put my finger on it before now, but now I know I’ve found it. She’s sitting on the chair across from me, the afternoon sun glinting off the gem that rests on her nostril and reflecting on the walls. Her eyes, normally hazel, looked unnaturally green in the sunlight’s glare; and her lips, they’re slightly parted. Without their normal vivid red lipstick, I can see them for their natural pomegranate glory. She’s beautiful, not in a way that is possessing outstanding or unique facial features as some “beautiful” women are. Though she does possess an extraordinarily exaggerated shape and two beauty marks – one on her right brow and one on her clavicle – her beauty is seemingly from possessing a very universally pleasant face. If I didn’t know better, I’d not tag her as “ethnic” as so many would be inclined to upon hearing her origins; no, her beauty is so perfect, so enduring, that she could really be from anywhere. But she isn’t. She is from a very specific place; a very foreign land where once, civilization was conceived, and through hard labor, it was birthed, and through current despots, it was being destroyed. I believed her all those years ago when she said she fled after the Shah was disposed. I assumed due to her apparent age she meant that it was her family, not herself; or perhaps that it meant she left later on because of how the country became when he was forced down. Really, what she said was so inconsistent I should have caught on to the lies much sooner. But the come and go and perpetual motion of the lifestyle she swept me into overwhelmed me, and I didn’t notice that in the five years I knew her she didn’t age, the five years I knew her she didn’t change, or even suffer illness. She was like a sculpture of flesh and bone and blood. She sips a cup of tea, I can smell it is flavored with cardamom and its rich dark color shines through the glass. “I know why you’re here,” she says without looking at me. That voice, so young, yet impossibly aged. It chills me to my core. Really, how could I not have noticed things were amiss sooner? “Please,” I begin, praying to god that these aren’t my final hours on earth. Why was I so stupid as to pry into their personal lives? If I hadn’t, this wouldn’t be happening now. She raises her hand; the proportions of it are off by modern standards. Fingers that are too long tipped with nails that seem to serve to elongate them further. “You’ve been very naughty, Saphronia,” she’s not breathing anymore outside of the inhaling necessary for speech. It’s something that you never understand how alarming it is until you realize that a conscious being, right in front of you, is not doing it. “Do you know what kind of trouble you’ve caused?” she continues. I shake my head slowly, I know I’ve gotten into trouble, but caused it? I realize I don’t understand the depth and severity of letting my curiosity get the better of me; but I’m pretty sure I’m about to find out. “No, you wouldn’t,” she sighs. “After all, how could you? I doubt you even thought you would find what you did. But see, we now are in a bit of a predicament. The world does not look kindly upon those like us anymore. We can survive by blending in. But with your lovely prying, we now have someone who knows our secret and might expose us. And we don’t want that.” Her eyes are cold, cruel, and in a sense, soulless as she stares at me. It’s the look a predator gives to prey; and I try my best to not break down in tears as I feel my imminent demise. I muster all the courage I can, “Pantea, I swear,” I am praying to a God I didn’t realize I believe in, “your secret is safe with me.” “I don’t think it is Saphronia,” she shakes her head sadly. “I know you’re going to share it. So I must deal with you accordingly. It’s really a shame, I really adored you.” “Please don’t kill me, please….” My chest is tightening, my lungs are constricting, my heart is pounding. “Oh,” her faint glimmer of a passing grin makes my body go cold, “I’m not going to kill you.” I gulp, “You’re not?” “No,” she smiles sweetly, but the feeling of unease does not go away, “but when we are through, you are going to wish you were dead.” The hand that rests itself on my shoulder is all too familiar. Its grip is strong, hiding within it the capability of strength present only in those of a supernatural sort. I don’t need to look behind me to know it is him; the one who answers to the Queen’s every beck and call, ready to take me to my awaiting doom. She was correct, I would share. She spoke the truth, for she did not kill me, but a fleeting moment passed when he did. But it was so ephemeral that I barely could savor it. She was right, I wish I was dead. But that’s no longer an option for me anymore, is it? I am weak by her design, imprisoned by her power, forever her slave and a slave to the hunger. All because I refused to accept that some secrets are best left uncovered. I wish I had never entered that home off of Sunset.
  • The The Immortal is a directives variant of Beamer VS3, that comes with preinstalled suppressor. It's available for completing directives pistol category.
  • The Immortal -(pol. Nieśmiertelny) To super gwiezdny Niszczyciel typu Eclipse. Został zbudowany w 6 ABY przez Kuat Drive Yards dla odrodzonego Palpatine'a jako statek główny floty statku Eclipse II. Został on ostatecznie przejęty przez armię Nowej Republiki. Dowodził nim Dastaar Veriiv, aż do momentu jego zniszczenia w 26 ABY podczas Wojny z Yuuzhan Vongami.
  • The Immortal takes place in the "labyrinth of eternity", where the player's character (who is never named) is looking for his long lost master Mordamir.
  • The Immortal is a title awarded when you complete the achievement . Raid members must slay all the bosses in Naxxramas on Heroic, during one lockout period, without any raid members dying during any of the boss encounters. The title appears after your character's name: the Immortal
  • The Immortal was the main antagonist in Wanted: Weapons of Fate.
  • Barnabas Collins - his soul is trapped in an old man's body - and destined to die in it!
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