  • 266
  • 266
  • 266
  • Number 266 was an item on The List.
  • Mike kehrt zurück und muss sich eine Standpauke von Annette anhören. Schnell bemerkt sie jedoch, dass hinter Mikes Verschwinden mehr steckt, als dieser zunächst zuzugeben bereit ist - und Annettes Mitleid ist geweckt... Die Polizei taucht bei Jenny auf und befragt sie wegen des fehlgeschlagenen Attentats auf Diana. In ihrer Panik wendet sich Jenny Hilfesuchend an Simone. Die beiden Frauen halten zusammen - doch Axel holt zum finalen Schlag aus. Deniz sucht nach einer Lösung, um die geforderte Kohle aufzubringen. Außerdem weiß er nicht, wie er sich gegenüber verhalten soll und bittet um eine Aussprache.
  • El dos cientos sesentaisèis (266) es el número natural que sigue al 265 y precede al 267. Categoría:Números
  • Elizabeth is sleeping restlessly in her room at Collinwood. As the night air billows through an open window, she is drawn into a nightmare in which she is standing on the cliff at Widows' Hill. She can hear the Widows calling her name over and over until she falls to her death.
  • 266
  • 1967-06-18
  • 262
  • 1967
  • Complete
  • 1967-07-03
  • List Number 266
  • 266
  • Didn't pay taxes
  • green
  • 266
  • Number 266 was an item on The List.
  • Mike kehrt zurück und muss sich eine Standpauke von Annette anhören. Schnell bemerkt sie jedoch, dass hinter Mikes Verschwinden mehr steckt, als dieser zunächst zuzugeben bereit ist - und Annettes Mitleid ist geweckt... Die Polizei taucht bei Jenny auf und befragt sie wegen des fehlgeschlagenen Attentats auf Diana. In ihrer Panik wendet sich Jenny Hilfesuchend an Simone. Die beiden Frauen halten zusammen - doch Axel holt zum finalen Schlag aus. Deniz sucht nach einer Lösung, um die geforderte Kohle aufzubringen. Außerdem weiß er nicht, wie er sich gegenüber verhalten soll und bittet um eine Aussprache.
  • Elizabeth is sleeping restlessly in her room at Collinwood. As the night air billows through an open window, she is drawn into a nightmare in which she is standing on the cliff at Widows' Hill. She can hear the Widows calling her name over and over until she falls to her death. The following day, Victoria checks on Elizabeth and finds her in an unresponsive daze. It is one o'clock in the afternoon and Elizabeth hasn't been out of her bedroom. Victoria tries to coax Elizabeth into having lunch, then going out to walk through the garden. But Elizabeth would rather be alone. It seems that Jason has taken over the wedding preparations, and has even gone so far as to order Victoria to purchase a new dress and charge it to Elizabeth's account. Numbly, Elizabeth has no objections. Not even Victoria's news that Carolyn is planning on acquiring a marriage license can stir the Mistress of Collinwood. She's not worried, not now. Things have a way of working out, she says. Although Elizabeth insists that she's fine, Victoria remains worried. Later that afternoon, Elizabeth has dressed for taking a walk around the grounds. Jason meets her in the foyer and he insists on speaking to her alone in the Drawing room. He wants to hold the wedding at Collinwood; Elizabeth doesn't care one way or the other. Judge Crathorne is the most prominent official in Collinsport, and Jason would like him to perform the ceremony. Again, Elizabeth is detached and gives into McGuire's demands without protest. She leaves all the preparations for the reception up to Jason. It doesn't take him long to bring the subject round to money, and he none-too-subtly hints at needing a new wardrobe for the occasion. Elizabeth, anxious to leave for her walk, acquiesces to his desires. Jason is immediately suspicious and threatens her with blackmail once more. Acting like the cat who swallowed the canary, he smirks as Elizabeth heads outside. Elizabeth has wandered to the place of her dream: the edge of the cliff high atop Widows' Hill. She wrings her hands as she gazes down at the ocean waves crashing against the jagged rocks below. Mrs. Johnson emerges breathless from the woods. She startles Elizabeth whom she was looking for. It's seven o'clock and Elizabeth has been outside for hours. She promises to return to Collinwood in a little while. Mrs. Johnson inquires about the grand wedding reception; Elizabeth tells her she'll employ some extra help. The howling of the wind brings the Legend of the Widows to Mrs. Johnson's mind. She doesn't believe in the story, but Elizabeth insists that it is true and goes on to relate the legend. Three women--who all lost their loved ones at sea--jumped to their deaths at Widows' Hill. According to the legend, the Widows are waiting for a fourth one to join them. Elizabeth feels faint and Mrs. Johnson prevents her from tumbling over the edge of the cliff. Mrs. Johnson helps Elizabeth, who cannot stop peering at the cliff edge, back to Collinwood. Back home safely, Elizabeth has to deal with another unpleasant encounter with Jason. He presents her with a necklace he claims belonged to his mother. Elizabeth continues to be distant and uncaring, whilst Victoria is disgusted by Jason's supposed affection. McGuire goes to the study to read the evening newspaper as Mrs. Johnson enters the drawing room. She confides in Victoria about the incident with Elizabeth. Upstairs in her room, Elizabeth hears the Widows calling to her. She rushes to the window and opens it, acknowledging the cries.
  • El dos cientos sesentaisèis (266) es el número natural que sigue al 265 y precede al 267. Categoría:Números
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