  • Student Nurse
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Student Nurse/preload editintro=Student Nurse/editintro width=25 Student Nurses in the UK work for free, and save the NHS millions in wage bills. In the past they were paid, fed, clothed and housed by the NHS, now they get £100 a week for 40 hours work. Often students have to work in a paying job to pay the bills. Once qualified, if they manage to get work, they can look forward to earning less than the average wage. Is it worth it?
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Student Nurse/preload editintro=Student Nurse/editintro width=25 Student Nurses in the UK work for free, and save the NHS millions in wage bills. In the past they were paid, fed, clothed and housed by the NHS, now they get £100 a week for 40 hours work. Often students have to work in a paying job to pay the bills. Once qualified, if they manage to get work, they can look forward to earning less than the average wage. Is it worth it?