  • Viktor Enstein
  • Victor is a direct descendant of Albert Enstein. He was borned with high hopes of being a genius which constituted his whole life. He conducted experiments to enhance humans but all failed causing him to lose his fiances and resources. He than started conducted experiments on himself which eventually led to his death. He was then resurrected by the Architect to join the Order of the Shard. As a member of the Shard he was mostly rivaled by General Steel who used to mock as his days as a scientist. He later recruited Baron Bones and became a key member of the Shard for the war for Earth.
Current Alias
  • Viktor
  • Victor "Frank" Enstein
  • Victor is a direct descendant of Albert Enstein. He was borned with high hopes of being a genius which constituted his whole life. He conducted experiments to enhance humans but all failed causing him to lose his fiances and resources. He than started conducted experiments on himself which eventually led to his death. He was then resurrected by the Architect to join the Order of the Shard. As a member of the Shard he was mostly rivaled by General Steel who used to mock as his days as a scientist. He later recruited Baron Bones and became a key member of the Shard for the war for Earth.