  • Steal the manuscript
  • From: [[]] Security measures at the offices of publishers vary from 'nothing' to 'lethal'. This could be easy, or not. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Books and civets
Failure title
  • A little late
  • 48
Failure description
  • The publisher's office provides no particular barrier to a person of your skills. When the rather rudimentary safe clicks open, there is no manuscript. There is a calling card with a picture of a... cat of some sort. Is that an ocelot? A civet?
From Card/Storylet title
  • An errand for the Cheesemonger
Success description
  • The publisher's office provides no particular barrier to a person of your skills. […] Later at your lodgings, the thing burns merrily. As the flames dance, […] you glimpse a calling card slipped into the manuscript […]. Is that an ocelot? A civet?
  • Security measures at the offices of publishers vary from 'nothing' to 'lethal'. This could be easy, or not.
  • From: [[]] Security measures at the offices of publishers vary from 'nothing' to 'lethal'. This could be easy, or not. [Find the rest of the story at ]