  • Traders (game)
  • The gameplay is based on the classic sci-fi Traders game of MULE. In contrast to the model, players can always all at the same time and interact. Play consists of several rounds, divided into different sequences. This includes selecting plots of land, producing and selling goods, paying rent, robot duels, lottery and space exploration. Each player is competing with his three other teammates, but to a certain extent, always forced to work together. The planet the game is set on is ruled by a kind of giant mutant worm called Fat Mike which of the 4 players requires regular payment of rent in the form of space snails. Rent payment required ever turn varies off and on and should players fail to pay they incur penalties.
  • Article is rife with malformed titles, typographical errors and others.
  • July 2012
  • Doesn't seem notable
  • 20120721172812
  • The gameplay is based on the classic sci-fi Traders game of MULE. In contrast to the model, players can always all at the same time and interact. Play consists of several rounds, divided into different sequences. This includes selecting plots of land, producing and selling goods, paying rent, robot duels, lottery and space exploration. Each player is competing with his three other teammates, but to a certain extent, always forced to work together. The planet the game is set on is ruled by a kind of giant mutant worm called Fat Mike which of the 4 players requires regular payment of rent in the form of space snails. Rent payment required ever turn varies off and on and should players fail to pay they incur penalties.