  • Yang Clone Technique
  • Yang Clone Technique is a basic Yang Release, The Clone jutsu creates duplicates of the user for spying or eavesdropping as the clones aren't solid but they do project shadows and reflections. Yang Clones can preform jutsu to fool the enemy into thinking they are the real deal. These clones shouldn't be confused with the ordinary Clone Technique.
jutsu type
  • Yang Releae
debut shippuden
  • Yes
jutsu rank
  • B
jutsu classification
  • Clone Techniques, Ninjutsu
unnamed jutsu
  • No
jutsu range
  • Short, Mid, Long
viz manga
  • Light Clone Jutsu
hand signs
  • Clone Hand-seal
jutsu class type
  • Offensive, Supplementary
jutsu media
  • Manga
  • Poji Keisatsu
  • Yang Clone Technique is a basic Yang Release, The Clone jutsu creates duplicates of the user for spying or eavesdropping as the clones aren't solid but they do project shadows and reflections. Yang Clones can preform jutsu to fool the enemy into thinking they are the real deal. These clones shouldn't be confused with the ordinary Clone Technique.