  • King Alteon
  • According to Robina, who was later revelated to be one of his three daughters, by the name of Victoria, Alteon was once a Knight of Slugwrath Kingdom, who defeat him, ending his oppresion and corruption thought Lore, he was a closer friend to Sir Valen Pulchure, who later became the DoomKnight Sepulchure, Alteon decided to spare Drakath, heir to Slugwrath throne, instead of kill.
  • King Alden Alteon was the ruler of Swordhaven and the leader of the forces of Good. He was Chaorrupted into the Twelfth Lord of Chaos in the middle of his eldest daughter's wedding, and brought his Chaos Beast into the world before being slain.
Row 4 info
  • Lynaria Alteon, wife Brittany, daughter Victoria, daughter Tara, daughter Brentan, son-in-law
Row 1 info
  • Good Chaos
Row 4 title
  • Relatives:
Row 2 info
  • Human
Row 6 info
  • Deceased
Row 1 title
  • Faction:
Row 5 info
Row 2 title
  • Race:
Row 6 title
  • Status
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  • Location:
Row 3 info
  • King of Swordhaven Twelfth Lord of Chaos
Row 3 title
  • Title
Box Title
  • King Alden Alteon
  • 300
  • Male
  • Human
  • According to Robina, who was later revelated to be one of his three daughters, by the name of Victoria, Alteon was once a Knight of Slugwrath Kingdom, who defeat him, ending his oppresion and corruption thought Lore, he was a closer friend to Sir Valen Pulchure, who later became the DoomKnight Sepulchure, Alteon decided to spare Drakath, heir to Slugwrath throne, instead of kill.
  • King Alden Alteon was the ruler of Swordhaven and the leader of the forces of Good. He was Chaorrupted into the Twelfth Lord of Chaos in the middle of his eldest daughter's wedding, and brought his Chaos Beast into the world before being slain.
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