  • Term Limits
  • Term limits
  • "That the legislative and executive Powers of the State shoud be seperate and distinct from the judicative; and that the Members of the two first may be restraind from Oppression, by feeling and participating the Burthens they may lay upon the People; they should, at fixed Periods be reduced to a private Station, and returned, by frequent, certain and regular Elections, into that Body from which they were taken". George Mason IV, original draft Virginia Declaration of Rights, May 1776
  • "That the legislative and executive Powers of the State shoud be seperate and distinct from the judicative; and that the Members of the two first may be restraind from Oppression, by feeling and participating the Burthens they may lay upon the People; they should, at fixed Periods be reduced to a private Station, and returned, by frequent, certain and regular Elections, into that Body from which they were taken". George Mason IV, original draft Virginia Declaration of Rights, May 1776 Term limits is an idea which has more appeal as our perception of corrupt corporatism grows. If we believe that our representatives are more concerned with re-election than with serving their constituents, Term limits may be a quick and easy way of limiting that behavior.