  • Dracule Mihawk
  • Dracule Mihawk
  • Dracule Mihawk
  • Dracule Mihawk
  • Dracule Mihawk
  • Dracule Mihawk
  • The subject of this article is sometimes called "Juraquille Mihawk" or "Juracule Mihawk". Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk is a member of the Shichibukai and the first one to be revealed in the series. He is also the current holder of the title, "Greatest Swordsman in the World". Mihawk served as Roronoa Zoro's swordsmanship master during the two-year timeskip. He is also a major antagonist in the Marineford Arc where he took part in the Battle of Marineford and sided with the Marines, along with most of the other Shichibukai.
  • Dracule Mihawk este un Shicibukai, si primul care apare in serie.
  • Dracule "Hawk-Eyes" Mihawk is the greatest swordsman in the world, wielding the massive black sword Yoru, one of the only twelve "Supreme Grade" swords in existence. Cold and callous, he seeks nothing more than a proper duel, often attacking random pirates simply to kill time. His title has made him the envy of all, with many swordsmen, including Roronoa Zoro, seeking to surpass him.
  • Dracule Mihawk, auch bekannt unter dem Namen Taka no Me, gilt als der beste Schwertkämpfer der Welt. Sein Schwert ist das Kokutō Yoru, welches angeblich die schärfste Klinge der Welt hat und zu den Saijō Ōwazamono gehört. Gleichzeitig gehört er den Ōka Shichibukai an.
  • Dracule Mihawk (ジュラキュール・ミホーク Jurakyūru Mihōku?) es un miembro de los Siete Guerreros del Mar y el poseedor actual del título de "Mejor Espadachín del Mundo". Fue quien entrenó a Roronoa Zoro durante el salto temporal.
  • Dracule Mihawk (ジュラキュール・ミホーク, Juraquille Mihōku), connu sous le surnom d'Oeil de Faucon" (鷹の目, Taka no Me) est le premier Capitaine Corsaire à apparaître. Il est également le détenteur du titre du "Plus grand bretteur du monde" (世界最強の剣士, Sekai Saikyō no Kenshi). Il fût l'entraîneur de Zoro Roronoa durant l'ellipse de 2 ans.
  • Dracule Mihawk on yksi kaapparilordeista, sekä oletetusti maailman paras miekkamies. Vaikka Mihawk omaakin suuren tittelin, paljastuu sen takaa kuitenkin erittäin outo mies. Hän kantaa mukanaan epäkäytännöllisen suurta miekkaa, ja vaikka Mihawkin iskut ovatkin tehokkaita, ovat ne naurettavan hitaita.
  • Japanese: Hirohiko Kakegawa French: Yann Pichon German: Matthias Klie Arabic: Rafat Bazo Mandarin Chinese: Li Jiaxi Rival: Fugo Idle: Has his right hand rested on his large sword, Yoru. Select: Pulls out Yoru from the back of his jacket and sends a Flying Slash Attack towards the camera. After it clears, the camera shows Mihawk up close and he says "This battle should kill some time." Neutral: Flying Slash Attack (Tobu Zangeki in Japan): Mihawk swings his sword with enough force to send a large shockwave at the opponent.
  • Mihawk adalah orang tinggi ramping dengan rambut hitam, jenggot pendek, kumis dan cambang yang mengarah ke atas. Julukannya berasal dari mata aneh warna kuning miliknya, yang menyerupai mata elang. Dia memakai pakaian berdesain hitam dan merah dengan liontin salib yang menyembunyikan belati kecil, yang memberinya penampilan seorang pendekar Spanyol. Pakaiannya terdiri dari topi bertepi lebar hitam dihiasi dengan bulu-bulu yang besar dan mantel hitam panjang terbuka tanpa baju dibaliknya, dengan lengan bermotif kembang dan kerah warna merah. Dia memakai celana putih (ungu muda di anime) dengan sabuk berdesain dan terselip di dalam sepatu relatif besar dibandingkan dengan ukuran kakinya. Dia memakai kogatana di lehernya, muncul sebagai kalung salib berbentuk emas dan membawa pedangnya 'Yoru'
  • Dracule Mihawk (ジュラキュール・ミホーク, Jurakyūru Mihōku) is currently known as the greatest swordsman in the world. He is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, or former pirate captains who serve under but not necessarily respect the World Government. He is widely known as "Hawk-Eye" Mihawk (鷹の目・ミホーク, Taka no Me Mihooku) by those in the seas. When he was younger, he considered Shanks to be his rival in swordplay, but Mihawk dropped his perceptions when Shanks lost his arm. Players can unlock him in the third game's Dream Log Mode.
  • 826
  • 198.0
  • goldbraun
  • 198.0
  • Los Siete Guerreros del Mar
  • ジュラキュール・ミホーク
  • ジュラキュール・ミホーク
  • m
  • 63
  • ジュラキュール・ミホーク
  • ShichibukaiColores
  • ShichibukaiColors
  • Mihawk Dulacre
  • ジュラキュール・ミホーク
  • Jurakiulu Mihōku
  • --03-09
  • ;
  • 41
  • 43
  • schwarz
  • Dracule Mihawk ou Juraquille Mihawk dans l'anime
  • 0
  • 49
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  • 52
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  • 234
  • 434
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  • 553
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  • 592
  • 597
  • 700
  • 779
  • ジュラキュール・ミホーク
  • Jurakyūru Mihōku
  • 9
  • Jurakyūru Mihōku
  • #997A8D
  • Seven Warlords of the Sea
  • 6
  • 11
  • 25
  • 45
  • 54
  • 57
  • 60
  • 61
  • 70
  • 78
  • Jurakyūru Mihōku
  • Jurakyūru Mihōku
  • 0
  • 23
  • 24
  • 45
  • 151
  • 316
  • 421
  • 458
  • 463
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  • 629
  • 41
  • 41
  • 43
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 13
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 19
  • 338
  • Black Sword "Night"
  • 7
  • Shichibukai
  • Playable in the second game.
  • Dracule Mihawk
  • c96
  • c779
  • Moriah at Marineford
  • c826
  • Luffy is Dragon's son
  • c700
  • c700
  • Dracule Mihawk
  • Dracule Mihawk
  • Mihawk-Luffy encounter
  • c0
  • c234
  • c49
  • c51
  • c592
  • curious
  • dbgreen338
  • end of war
  • p826
  • Mihawk memberitahu Zoro untuk melapisi pedang dengan Haki.
  • Mihawk is unsurprised by the fact Luffy is Dragon's son; in the manga he comments this while in the anime he just remains silent.
  • Mihawk fighting one of the Whitebeard Pirates at the Oriz Plaza.
  • Mihawk heran mendengar fakta bahwa Luffy adalah anak Dragon sementara di anime ia tetap diam.
  • The current Shichibukai appear in Marineford, ready to war.
  • Mihawk menghadiri pertemuan shichibukai tentang penggantian Crocodile.
  • pertanyaan penggemar: Oda-chi sensei!!Aku ada permohonan!!Tolong gambarkan wajah 7 Sichibukai sewaktu masih anak-anak.
  • komodor Brannew mengumumkan daftar Shichibukai setelah timeskip.
  • Mihawk and Vista stopped fighting.
  • Mihawk bersedia mengajari Zoro dua tahun kedepan.
  • Mihawk comments on Luffy's arrival.
  • Mihawk di pulau Kuraigana.
  • Mihawk di pulau kuraigana.
  • Mihawk makan bersama sesama shichibukai.
  • Mihawk melihat poster buronan Luffy dan Zoro.
  • Mihawk menghancurkan Bajak Laut Krieg.
  • Mihawk mengunjungi kelompok rambut merah.
  • Mihawk sees Whitebeard's standing corpse.
  • Mihawk terlihat selama eksekusi Roger.
  • Mihawk looks away and overlooks Whitebeard's being stabbed.
  • akhir pertarungan Mihawk dan Zoro.
  • pertarungan Mihawk dan Zoro di Baratie.
  • pertemuan Shanks dan Shirohige.
  • nama romanisasi Mihawk dikonfirmasi resmi sebagai "Dracule Mihawk".
  • Chapter 49; Episode 23
  • 198.0
  • "Oeil de Faucon Mihawk" ; "Le plus grand escrimeur du Monde"
  • taka no me
  • 鷹の目
  • Taka no Me
  • Falkenauge
4kids eva
  • 1
  • 550
  • 557
  • 562
  • 563
  • 567
  • 577
  • Unknown
  • 32127.0
  • #32127A
  • #32127A
  • c71585
  • 198.0
  • green
  • 21
  • 198.0
  • --03-09
  • Wahhahhahha
  • 41
  • Mihawk
  • 826
  • 458
  • 466
  • 471
  • 472
  • 476
  • 486
  • Vivo
  • Pirate; Shichibukai
  • Pirate, plus Grand Sabreur au Monde, Capitaine Corsaire
  • c434
  • c558
  • c597
  • c779
  • c96
  • Chapter 49; Episode 23
  • 0
  • 997
  • #997A8D
  • #997A8D
  • Dracule Mihawk.jpg
  • --03-09
  • Pirata
Funi eva
  • Takeshi Aono; Hirohiko Kakegawa
  • * Mihawk VS Shanks = Inconnu * Mihawk VS la flotte de Don Krieg = Victoire facile * Mihawk VS Zoro Roronoa= Victoire facile * Mihawk VS Luffy = Interrompu * Mihawk VS Jinbei  = victoire * Mihawk VS Pirates = victoire éclair * Mihawk VS Baggy = victoire * Mihawk VS Vista = Combat non terminé, interrompu * Mihawk VS Daz Bones = Victoire facile * Mihawk VS Crocodile = Combat non terminé * Grands Corsaires et la Marine VS Barbe blanche et ses alliés = Victoire
  • 1.3569768E9
  • 1.2938616E9
  • --03-09
  • Shichibukai
  • ;
Odex eva
  • The subject of this article is sometimes called "Juraquille Mihawk" or "Juracule Mihawk". Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk is a member of the Shichibukai and the first one to be revealed in the series. He is also the current holder of the title, "Greatest Swordsman in the World". Mihawk served as Roronoa Zoro's swordsmanship master during the two-year timeskip. He is also a major antagonist in the Marineford Arc where he took part in the Battle of Marineford and sided with the Marines, along with most of the other Shichibukai.
  • Japanese: Hirohiko Kakegawa French: Yann Pichon German: Matthias Klie Arabic: Rafat Bazo Mandarin Chinese: Li Jiaxi Rival: Fugo Idle: Has his right hand rested on his large sword, Yoru. Select: Pulls out Yoru from the back of his jacket and sends a Flying Slash Attack towards the camera. After it clears, the camera shows Mihawk up close and he says "This battle should kill some time." intro: A boat shatters form a large slash, and Mihawk appears from the rubble and says "My name is Dracule Mihawk! You must challenge me if you wish to be considered the strongest!" ("Is it your courage or your ignorance that causes you to raise a sword against me?" if he fights Zoro) Neutral: Flying Slash Attack (Tobu Zangeki in Japan): Mihawk swings his sword with enough force to send a large shockwave at the opponent. Side: Black Blade: Violent Star (Kokuto Arahoshi in Japan): Mihawk jumps, standing on his sword, and descends to impale his opponent. Up: Black Blade: Sun Slash (Kokuto Taiyodare in Japan): Mihawk jumps into the air swinging his large sword up. Down: Small Knife Single Thrust (Kogatana Hitotsuki): Mihawk unsheathes his small pocket knife from his necklace and rapidly slashes, then dashes forward with a small but very fast slash. Hyper Smash: Black Blade: Wild Slash (Kokuto: Samidare in Japan): Mihawk readies his Yoru saying "You're in firing range!" and makes a chain of slices forward, finishing with a black flying slash. final Smash: Black Blade: The Void (Kokuto: Mu in Japan): The area is blanketed in darkness as he says "Behold this power!", and Mihawk slices enemies with swift attacks, cutting them down over a wide forward range. Victory 1: Mihawk cuts all the losers with a Flying Slash Attack then sheathes Yoru into his jacket and says "This has been fun enough. Time to return home and rest." Victory 2: Mihawk points Yoru at the camera and says "A sword without weakness cannot be strong." Victory 3: Mihawk does two slashes with the Kogatana, then does an upper slash with Yoru and says "I wonder if there is a more worthy opponent?" ("Get stronger one day, Roronoa Zoro, and you'll surpass my sword." if he defeated Zoro)
  • Dracule Mihawk este un Shicibukai, si primul care apare in serie.
  • Dracule "Hawk-Eyes" Mihawk is the greatest swordsman in the world, wielding the massive black sword Yoru, one of the only twelve "Supreme Grade" swords in existence. Cold and callous, he seeks nothing more than a proper duel, often attacking random pirates simply to kill time. His title has made him the envy of all, with many swordsmen, including Roronoa Zoro, seeking to surpass him.
  • Dracule Mihawk, auch bekannt unter dem Namen Taka no Me, gilt als der beste Schwertkämpfer der Welt. Sein Schwert ist das Kokutō Yoru, welches angeblich die schärfste Klinge der Welt hat und zu den Saijō Ōwazamono gehört. Gleichzeitig gehört er den Ōka Shichibukai an.
  • Dracule Mihawk (ジュラキュール・ミホーク Jurakyūru Mihōku?) es un miembro de los Siete Guerreros del Mar y el poseedor actual del título de "Mejor Espadachín del Mundo". Fue quien entrenó a Roronoa Zoro durante el salto temporal.
  • Dracule Mihawk (ジュラキュール・ミホーク, Juraquille Mihōku), connu sous le surnom d'Oeil de Faucon" (鷹の目, Taka no Me) est le premier Capitaine Corsaire à apparaître. Il est également le détenteur du titre du "Plus grand bretteur du monde" (世界最強の剣士, Sekai Saikyō no Kenshi). Il fût l'entraîneur de Zoro Roronoa durant l'ellipse de 2 ans.
  • Mihawk adalah orang tinggi ramping dengan rambut hitam, jenggot pendek, kumis dan cambang yang mengarah ke atas. Julukannya berasal dari mata aneh warna kuning miliknya, yang menyerupai mata elang. Dia memakai pakaian berdesain hitam dan merah dengan liontin salib yang menyembunyikan belati kecil, yang memberinya penampilan seorang pendekar Spanyol. Pakaiannya terdiri dari topi bertepi lebar hitam dihiasi dengan bulu-bulu yang besar dan mantel hitam panjang terbuka tanpa baju dibaliknya, dengan lengan bermotif kembang dan kerah warna merah. Dia memakai celana putih (ungu muda di anime) dengan sabuk berdesain dan terselip di dalam sepatu relatif besar dibandingkan dengan ukuran kakinya. Dia memakai kogatana di lehernya, muncul sebagai kalung salib berbentuk emas dan membawa pedangnya 'Yoru', di punggung pada waktu tidak dipakai. Yoru adalah pedang besar hitam melengkung dalam bentuk salib, dengan gagang emas dihiasi oleh manik-manik merah (yang berwarna biru dan hijau di anime) dan gagang dibungkus perban, dengan manik-manik sangat besar di ujungnya. Saat di rumahnya di istana Pulau Kuraigana, ia memakai celana olahraga yang berbeda dan kemeja putih terbuka dengan kerah tidak beraturan. Ketika ia bertemu dengan Zoro diluar, ia memakai jubah hitam polos tersampir di bahunya. Dua puluh empat tahun yang lalu, selama eksekusi Gol D. Roger, Mihawk tidak memiliki jenggot, ia juga tidak memakai topi, dan rambutnya lebih berantakan dan lebih pendek. Dia sudah memiliki liontin salib dan memakai jaket bermotif bunga seperti biasanya. Meski tidak sepenuhnya jelas, ia tidak terlihat memiliki pedang yoru pada saat itu. Setelah timeskip, ia ditunjukkan memiliki lebih beberapa keriput dekat mata. Dalam SBS Volume 63, Oda menggambar Shichibukai sebagai anak-anak. Mihawk ditunjukkan dengan banyak goresan dan memar dari pelatihan. Dia menggunakan bokken sebagai senjatanya. Dia mengenakan jaket berwarna gelap yang terbuka, celana pendek, sepatu dan ikat pinggang berwarna terang.
  • Dracule Mihawk on yksi kaapparilordeista, sekä oletetusti maailman paras miekkamies. Vaikka Mihawk omaakin suuren tittelin, paljastuu sen takaa kuitenkin erittäin outo mies. Hän kantaa mukanaan epäkäytännöllisen suurta miekkaa, ja vaikka Mihawkin iskut ovatkin tehokkaita, ovat ne naurettavan hitaita.
  • Dracule Mihawk (ジュラキュール・ミホーク, Jurakyūru Mihōku) is currently known as the greatest swordsman in the world. He is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, or former pirate captains who serve under but not necessarily respect the World Government. He is widely known as "Hawk-Eye" Mihawk (鷹の目・ミホーク, Taka no Me Mihooku) by those in the seas. When he was younger, he considered Shanks to be his rival in swordplay, but Mihawk dropped his perceptions when Shanks lost his arm. Mihawk is first seen in the series hunting Don Krieg's fleet, sailing a single coffin-shaped raft whilst in pursuit. He had single-handedly destroyed all the boats except for the flagship. By the time he finds the flagship, Krieg is engaged in a battle with Baratie. Zoro, who wants to test himself, challenges Mihawk to a duel and the swordsmen concentrate their attention to their match. He effortlessly defeats Zoro but is impressed by the younger fighter's undaunted resolve. When Zoro realized that he is utterly defeated, he openly exposes his chest so his opponent could honorably take his life. Although he did slash it with his sword, Mihawk spares Zoro and eagerly awaits the day when Zoro can surpass him. Simultaneously, he takes an interest in Luffy's dream to become Pirate King. Later parts of the series have Mihawk half-heartedly attending to his duties as a Warlord of the Sea. He keeps tabs on both Luffy and Zoro as the series progresses. Prior to the two year time skip, he willingly becomes Zoro's mentor. Players can unlock him in the third game's Dream Log Mode.
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