  • William Lovegrove (Of Clockwork and Men)
  • Halfway through his fifteenth year the pressure became too much for him and, determined to fight even if he had to lie to get in, he went to the recruitment station to join the Royal Berkshire Regiment. He was found out due to his height, however, and was unable to join. He later recalled: Three days later Recruit Lovegrove arrived at RFC Southfields to commence training.
Birth Date
  • 1901-01-12
death place
  • Darwin, Australia
Name en
  • William Lovegrove
  • Felicity Martin
  • William Lovegrove
  • Labour
Birth Place
  • Buckinghamshire
death date
  • 1973-08-12
  • Anglican
  • Captain Sheep Farmer
  • Halfway through his fifteenth year the pressure became too much for him and, determined to fight even if he had to lie to get in, he went to the recruitment station to join the Royal Berkshire Regiment. He was found out due to his height, however, and was unable to join. He later recalled: "That afternoon was a particularly dark one. I walked up and down the streets of town in a depressed manner. I wanted to fight. I was ready. Britain was crying out for soldiers and yet I could not aid her. So engrossed was I in my thinking that I nearly bumped into the recruitment officer from earlier without realising it. The time was around 6 and he was on his way home. He saw me and called out. I stopped and he spoke. The words he said are the sweetest I have ever heard. " Hey ... You're the fifteen year old, aren't you? Well son, You can't join the army but around midday I got a telegraph. The Royal Flying Corps needs message boys for its new Marlins and they said to send them any boy trying to get in with enough passion. You showed it. If you run you might make it before they close for tonight ..." I ran. I ran the fastest I have ever run before and just made it in as the officer was getting up to leave. He took one look at me and said " Come in, then". Ten minutes later I strolled home, a member of the RFC." Three days later Recruit Lovegrove arrived at RFC Southfields to commence training.