  • Makube
  • Chief Makube or Chief M'quve is Enrico Maxwell's successor as the Bureau Director of the Iscariot Organization. He is seen in the final chapter impressed and clapping by himself, interrupting the celebration at the end of a fencing match between the then-Sir Penwood and Integra Hellsing, claiming he and the Iscariot delegation "were tired of waiting at the lobby". He is quickly sent back there by Integra, who commands him to stay there until she summons him.
  • Makube first made her appearance in Volume 11. This was the Venus De Milo arc, and Ban and Ginji had just got their mission from Clayman. After finding their first destination, a boat, Makube was standing in the midst of the buyers and gangsters, almost as if she was fitting in. As Ban and Ginji were scouting for a way to get on the boat, Makube noticed the two from afar. When Lucifer explained that he merely a cog in the Archive that sleeps in Infinity Fortress' Babylon City, Makube did not reply, confirming that he was correct in his theory.
  • appears to be around 30's
  • Chief Makube
  • Occult Knowledge
  • Supernatural Senses
  • Control of Iscariot
  • N/A
  • Bishop
  • Arcbishop
  • Jesse Merlin
  • Male
  • Takashi Taniguchi
  • Makube first made her appearance in Volume 11. This was the Venus De Milo arc, and Ban and Ginji had just got their mission from Clayman. After finding their first destination, a boat, Makube was standing in the midst of the buyers and gangsters, almost as if she was fitting in. As Ban and Ginji were scouting for a way to get on the boat, Makube noticed the two from afar. Later on, Shido and Emishi spotted Makube on the ship, asking her if she was lost. She merely opened up her hand, presenting them with a piece of Candy. After they took it, she wished them Good Luck with the show. Shido had a feeling that he had met the girl before. Later, in Volume 13, Makube was present with the ganglords as Ginji had absorbed all of the energy from the island. Later, in Volume 14, when Mr. Scorpio explained that Liu Mengyan's reign was over, she left with him as he stood there devastated. In Volume 18, at the end of the Divine Design arc, Makube once again mader her appearance, this time alongside Dr. Jackal. As Dr. Jackal killed Lucifer, Makube explained that she could not have Lucifer interfering with the plans of the Brain Trust. The penalty for releasing the replica cards upon the world and disrupting the Brain Trust's flow was a heavy one. She then explained that it was much too early for the people on the outside to learn the secrets of the Archive. Akabane commented that he would like a more exciting job next time, calling her Professor. This is actually the first time a name is given to her, as well as a clue to where she is align. She is the 4th member of the Brain Trust that is introduced in the story (technically the 7th), although in appearance, she is the 4th. She told Akabane that she would do her best to meet Akabane's expectations next time. When Lucifer explained that he merely a cog in the Archive that sleeps in Infinity Fortress' Babylon City, Makube did not reply, confirming that he was correct in his theory. In Volume 19, at the closing of the Marine Red arc, as Ban and Ginji were walking through the street, Makube appeared out of nowhere, and walked past Ban, stating "The Time is coming... The time when all shall be revealed." It made Ban pause for a moment, before continuing. In the beginning of the Voodoo Arc, in Volume 27, Makube returns. This time, she is seen observing Infinity Fortress, as Akabane appears before her. She explained that the Voodoo Child is a curse directed at Ban Mido. She then told Akabane that she would go to the Bloody Underground Coliseum and wait for the coming battles. Makube appears in Volume 30 in the beginning of the Get Back the Lost Time arc (final arc), once again observing the Infinity Fortress. Akabane appears, apologizing for following her to wherever she was at. This time, he called her Doctor, rather than Professor. She told Akabane that Paul Wan had entered the Infinity Fortress. This brought amusment to Akabane. Akabane explained that the Infinity Fortress was about to encompass the very world itself. He then explained that we would see who would become director of this splendid play. She asked him if he had his eye on the Director's Chair as well, but he stated that he was a simple courier. Makube would not make her appearance again until Volume 37, in which she appears in the beginning chapter, as Kazuki, Juubei and Yohan lie on the ground. Yohan's stigmata had mysteriously disappeared, and it seemed that he gained a new leash on life, asking if he had been released from its fate. It is then he sees Makube, realizing that it was her doing, and merely stating that "It seems Time has begun to stir" as she removed all 3 warriors from the world, ending their lives. In Volume 38, after Kagami had realized the solution of the world, Akabane appeared, stabbing Kagami in the back, literally. Kagami was shocked to see Makube appear. She explained that Akabane has been her client in that world for quite some time. She explained that Kagami was the youngest member of Brain Trust, brimming with potential. She asked him was sort of shape would he had given the world, but Kagami replied that he didn't know anymore. He merely wanted to show the Witch Queen his genius. It is then, Kagami reveals her name to be Professor Makube. As Makube asked Kagami to come with her and Akabane to see the final battle, Kagami declines, stating that he was going to take a nap. She told him to sleep well, though, should he ever awaken, he may find himself in a different world from the one he knew. "Or rather... the world will no longer be." At the end of the Volume, The Archive reveals that all has been carried along the path that he created. 99.99% was according to plan. When MakubeX asked about the remaining 0.01%, the Archiver explained that his mother was that last percentage. Makube was the final remaining variable (and that Akabane was a larger variable). In Volume 39, after Ginji had won the Ogre Battle, and ascended onto the stairs towards Babylon City, Makube appeared beyond Ginji and Tenshimine to explain why Akabane and Ban were fighting, and to lead him to the Gates. Tenshimine greeted her, also revealing that the two knew each other. Later on, when Ginji senses Ban getting hurt pretty bad, he turns to go back. However, Makube informs him that if he turns around, the world ends. However, once Ban refuses to lose, Ginji also refuses to believe that Ban can lose, and proceeds to the Gates. Once they reached the entrance to Babylon City, Ginji sensed Ban's death, but entered through the doors to find out the truth. After Ginji recreated all of existence from nothingness, Makube stood on top of Infinity Fortress alongside Akabane and Semimaru. She stated that Akabane saving Ban Mido was unlike him, but Akabane merely stated that killing him was a token of gratitude.
  • Chief Makube or Chief M'quve is Enrico Maxwell's successor as the Bureau Director of the Iscariot Organization. He is seen in the final chapter impressed and clapping by himself, interrupting the celebration at the end of a fencing match between the then-Sir Penwood and Integra Hellsing, claiming he and the Iscariot delegation "were tired of waiting at the lobby". He is quickly sent back there by Integra, who commands him to stay there until she summons him.