  • Why do we need to keep rainforests
  • They provide a vital ecosystem that balances the earth a maintains are current eco system as well they also provide an enormous about of the earth oxygen conversion so to recap 1. if they just vanished right now the earth's eco system would shift and most likely kill most small life if not all mammals 2. if it were to be destroyed by humans the earth would become bogged down by pollution killing and suffocating all life including humans and plants, ending earth all because of us!
  • They provide a vital ecosystem that balances the earth a maintains are current eco system as well they also provide an enormous about of the earth oxygen conversion so to recap 1. if they just vanished right now the earth's eco system would shift and most likely kill most small life if not all mammals 2. if it were to be destroyed by humans the earth would become bogged down by pollution killing and suffocating all life including humans and plants, ending earth all because of us! 3. also there are millions of undiscovered species of plants and animals that are bringing unimaginable pharmaceutical advances.