  • Beaver
  • Beaver
  • Beaver
  • Beavers are cute little, hard working creatures that help you work your way to rank 3, and can be built using 5 Red Bricks and 2 Lumber. The blueprint is obtained from Pel Tonne in exchange for 10 Lumber. Items Needed: * 2 Lumber * 5 Red Bricks Uses: * If a beaver is sent to Milly P Enstock, she'll send the Treason Beaver Blueprint * Three beavers are used to construct an Electric-Dam Module * Ten beavers are used to set up an Electric-Dam Module
  • Esse Castor com cauda cheia de espinhos pode criar terremotos ao bater sua cauda no chão.Imagem:Beaverquake.gif
  • Beavers are mailable Rank 2 Items that are created using Lumber and Red LEGO Bricks. They are needed to get to Rank 3.
  • Beavers are large, otter-like animals with large teeth, paddle-like tails, oily fur, thick skin and large, curved front teeth. They make their dams on rivers from sticks and logs, which they gnaw with their teeth.
  • The beaver is a furry mammal that inhabits Camp Wawanakwa. It primarily appears in Total Drama Island, but has also made minor appearances in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, Total Drama All-Stars, and Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
  • A Beaver is a large rodent found on Earth. Rodney McKay was a member of the Fort McMurray Eager Beavers when he was younger, a scouting organization in which the members referred to themselves as 'Beavers'. (SGA: "Tracker")
  • Not to be confused with the female anatomy- the beaver is the national animal of Canada. You can find the beaver on the Canadian nickel (5 cent piece you dumbbunny) and pretty much everything else Canadian. Beavers also make up 75% of the Canadian Army.
  • A beaver is a rodent commonly seen in rivers and streams. When the Wonder Twins were battling the Evil Animals, Zan shapeshifted into snowballs and Jayna into a beaver. She then uses her tail to strike the snowballs, which is actually Zan, thereby chucking them at the super-villains.
  • The Solitary Beaver is the only beaver in the Redwall series, and was very rarely mentioned. He stopped Cluny from climbing up the wall in the first battle. He also helped Constance make the giant crossbow that was meant to kill Cluny the Scourge. Instead they killed Cheesethief, who was acting as second-in-command. The beaver is described as an "equally well-built beast" compared to Constance, which suggests he could be around the same physical size.
  • Beavers are small mammals found throughout the world of Daventry.
  • Beavers are mainly found in "The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That".
  • To find a Beaver is very Rare. They don't harm you. You can obtain a Beaver Fat from killing a Beaver. Save these. Don't sell them. They are good alchemy ingredients. You can create this creature. See the Creating People/Monsters page.
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 926F5B
  • The Beaver is a limited edition animal on FarmVille that was released on August 9th 2010 as part of the 5th File:Mystery Game-icon.png Mystery Game. It was re-released for , on June 2011. It was part of the Canada Day Event.
  • Nocturnal, large, semi-aquatic rodent. * Known for building dams on rivers and streams, and building their homes. * Totem animal of Falani.
  • Beavers are a source of valuable fur. Each beaver also gives around 5 to 7 cuts of meat. Beavers are a form of small game, and are not aggressive. They often are found in pairs.
  • The Beaver effect will stack with Axeman's folly or other Woodcutting boosting items. The increased Woodcutting does not allow you to cut trees (including evil trees) or open ancient effigies with higher skill requirements, as it is invisible.
  • The Webkinz Beaver was released in January 2010. It was retired July 2013. Its special food is the Barkberry Smoothie and its special item is the Beaver Lodge Bed.
  • The beaver is a creature found in water filled areas. They are peaceful and will flee if attacked.
  • Beavers were a mammalian animal lifeform native to the planet Earth and known for building dam structures.
  • Beavers were small, aquatic mammals that lived during the ice age.
  • thumb|left|34pxOm een Beaver te kunnen maken heb je nodig: * 72 Spirit shards * Green charm * Willow logs * pouch
  • Beaver lives in a dam near the Poohsticks Bridge in the Hundred Acre Wood. He is a relatively new character, introduced in the first season of My Friends Tigger & Pooh. Beaver is often compared to Gopher from The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh series, as they are both hard-working rodents and are quite similar in appearance and personality. However, while Gopher is a little bit short-tempered, Beaver is clearly more easygoing.
  • Beavers only appear in the Game Boy Advance version, Dawn of Souls, and all subsequent releases. They are located in one of the sub-basements of the bonus dungeon Whisperwind Cove, where a side mission involves a dwarf asking Warriors of Light to help him retrieve his lost giant beavers by speaking to them and placing them in different rooms.
  • The beaver (genus Castor) is a primarily nocturnal, large, semiaquatic rodent. Castor includes two extant species, the North American beaver (Castor canadensis) (native to North America) and Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) (Eurasia). Beavers are known for building dams, canals, and lodges (homes). They are the second-largest rodent in the world (after the capybara). Their colonies create one or more dams to provide still, deep water to protect against predators, and to float food and building material. The North American beaver population was once more than 60 million, but as of 1988 was 6–12 million. This population decline is the result of extensive hunting for fur, for glands used as medicine and perfume, and because the beavers' harvesting of trees and flooding of waterways may interfer
  • Beavers are large,sometimes chocolate-flavored mammals, completely pink on the inside, that are part of the rodent family. Scientific studies show that beavers are actually the missing link between Neanderthals and modern day hillbillies. This research is based upon the fact that both beavers and humans screw with mother nature by cutting down trees and blocking up rivers. However, being more primitive, they do not have the well-known warning call, "timber", for when a tree comes falling down, that humans do. The effects of this drawback can be seen in the enormous amount of deaths within the beaver population from being crushed by trees or eaten by brush crabs. Sometimes even abducted by aliens!! They are found roaming around Mars, Jupiter, planet X, Pluto, UrAnus and have to be brought b
  • Beavers are the best know animal known in the world for their natural trait of building dams on rivers and streams, and building their homes (known as "lodges") in the resulting pond. Beavers also build canals to float build materials that are difficult to haul over land. They use powerful front teeth to cut trees and plants that they use for building and for food. In the absence of existing ponds, beavers have to construct dams before building their lodges. First they place vertical poles and then fill between the vertical poles with a crisscross of horizontally placed branches. They fill in the gaps between the branches with a combination of weeds and mud until the dam holds back sufficient water to surround the lodge.
  • Two Beavers helped the Pevensie children get to Aslan's Camp and help out in the First Battle of Beruna. In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Mr Beaver is presumably the second Narnian that Lucy meets, and the first for Susan and Peter. He gives her the handkerchief that she originally gave to Mr. Tumnus before he was arrested by the chief of police, Maugrim, on behalf of the White Witch. In Prince Caspian, Nikabrik the dwarf claimed that the White Witch had, "Stamped out the Beavers, I daresay; at least there are none of them in Narnia now".
  • When a player receives the pet, it will automatically try to appear as their follower. At the same time, a red message in the chatbox will state You have a funny feeling like you're being followed. When woodcutting, the pet is prioritised over the resource gathered. For example, if there is one last inventory space while woodcutting, and the player already has a pet following them, the pet will appear in the inventory instead, while the log cut will drop to the ground. When this occurs, the message in the chatbox will instead state You feel something weird sneaking into your backpack.
  • "Sharp teeth and agile paws make beavers great builders; they can build a 100 foot dam, build a lodge out of branches and clay, and even cut down a 50-year-old tree in just one night."Beaver Map File:Beaver map.png You can have a family of 4 beavers at your Zoo.Buying and Breeding Beavers The first male and female beavers are brought to your Zoo by helicopter when you buy them. The 2 baby beavers are bred in the Nursery and cost gems to breed. When you have collected a family you'll get a Tcash reward.Beaver Zoo Book Page Beaver Family Video
  • 17
  • 33
  • 0
  • 87
  • Beaver_map.png
cost curr type
  • cash
  • 1
  • None
Hexidecimal Code
  • 926
  • 5
  • 1
  • 1000
Items Needed
  • 2
xp gain type
  • home
Row 1 info
  • N/A
  • 88
  • 889
  • Looks pretty eager!
  • Looks like it's gotten through a lot of wood.
  • a mammal
  • Yes
harvest curr type
  • coin
  • None
  • 0
harvest curr amt
  • 90
  • LC
  • Beaver Hair
  • Yes
  • None
Row 2 info
  • Castor canadensis
  • Non-Giftable
Row 1 title
  • Other names
sell curr type
  • coin
sell curr amt
  • 90
  • Non-Combat
Row 2 title
  • Identification
grow time
  • 48
  • 1
How to Obtain
  • Trade Pel Tonne 10 Lumber
xp gain amt
  • 200
first available
  • 20100809
  • Beaver
Shade of
  • Brown
Row 3 info
  • The Quest Begins , River of Lost Bears
Row 3 title
  • Book Appearence
cost curr amt
  • 20
  • water
  • The Fourth Apprentice
level req amt
  • 1
immune to poison
  • No
level req type
  • Player
  • F-4231
  • Beaver
  • beaver
  • 0
  • 149
  • 3
  • Multichop
Box Title
  • Beaver
  • Simon Smithies
  • 2011-12-23
  • Beaver_header.png
  • Least Concern
  • Beaver
First Appearance
  • The Big Sleep
  • Up the Creek
  • Secondary
  • Beaver
  • Beaver pouch
  • Multichop scroll
  • left
  • A North American Beaver.
  • Beaver at his dam
  • beavers
  • Horse
Character Name
  • Beaver
  • *Forager - Logs and Planks *Woodcutting boost - invisible
  • Woodcutting +2 Forager - Logs and Planks
  • Yes
  • None
  • 250
  • "Work work work, it's all I seem to do."
  • Summoning!
  • Skilling Pets & Deadman Tweaks
  • Castor
  • To obtain the Treason Beaver and build the Electric-Dam Module
  • 4
  • Rank 2
  • Duncan, Gwen, Harold, Leshawna, Lindsay, Screaming Gophers
  • Chris, Courtney, Geoff, Heather, Owen, Scott, Sky, Zoey
  • Mammalia
  • 4
  • A fellow builder
  • Piercing
  • Brown
  • background:#ff8080
  • water
  • Beaver
Last Appearance
  • I Love You, I Love You Knots
  • Runaway Model
  • 1
  • Superior
Named after
  • Animal
  • 4231
  • none
  • Non-Combat
  • Castoridae
  • 10
  • 133
  • 1334
  • 2008-01-15
  • 2015-11-05
  • Rodentia
  • Redwall
  • Izzy
  • 27
Eye Color
  • Black
  • Classy colouring for your companion. Can only be used once on your horse.
Image File
  • Beaver.png
  • Male
  • Beaver
  • Yes
  • Sharp teeth and agile paws make beavers great builders; they can build a 100 foot dam, build a lodge out of branches and clay, and even cut down a 50-year-old tree in just one night.
  • Unknown
  • Chordata
  • My Friends Tigger & Pooh
  • 50
  • Green
HM Number
  • HM181
  • 0.700000
  • 57.600000
  • 41
  • No
  • 0.700000
  • 72
  • Beaver
  • No
  • No
  • Beavers are cute little, hard working creatures that help you work your way to rank 3, and can be built using 5 Red Bricks and 2 Lumber. The blueprint is obtained from Pel Tonne in exchange for 10 Lumber. Items Needed: * 2 Lumber * 5 Red Bricks Uses: * If a beaver is sent to Milly P Enstock, she'll send the Treason Beaver Blueprint * Three beavers are used to construct an Electric-Dam Module * Ten beavers are used to set up an Electric-Dam Module
  • Two Beavers helped the Pevensie children get to Aslan's Camp and help out in the First Battle of Beruna. In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Mr Beaver is presumably the second Narnian that Lucy meets, and the first for Susan and Peter. He gives her the handkerchief that she originally gave to Mr. Tumnus before he was arrested by the chief of police, Maugrim, on behalf of the White Witch. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver then continued to help the Pevensie children to fulfill the Golden Age Prophecy of when two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve would bring about the downfall of the White Witch. The children set out on a perilous journey to find Aslan with the help of these two loyal Beavers. In Prince Caspian, Nikabrik the dwarf claimed that the White Witch had, "Stamped out the Beavers, I daresay; at least there are none of them in Narnia now". The first claim is untrue, since the Beavers were among those given "rewards and honours" after the Pevensies' coronation, however Beavers do not appear in the books again until the He-Beaver and She-Beaver are seen in Aslan's Country after Narnia's destruction. This must mean that the second claim is true, and the Beavers must have died at some point during the Telmarine occupation.
  • Esse Castor com cauda cheia de espinhos pode criar terremotos ao bater sua cauda no chão.Imagem:Beaverquake.gif
  • The beaver (genus Castor) is a primarily nocturnal, large, semiaquatic rodent. Castor includes two extant species, the North American beaver (Castor canadensis) (native to North America) and Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) (Eurasia). Beavers are known for building dams, canals, and lodges (homes). They are the second-largest rodent in the world (after the capybara). Their colonies create one or more dams to provide still, deep water to protect against predators, and to float food and building material. The North American beaver population was once more than 60 million, but as of 1988 was 6–12 million. This population decline is the result of extensive hunting for fur, for glands used as medicine and perfume, and because the beavers' harvesting of trees and flooding of waterways may interfere with other land uses.
  • Beavers are mailable Rank 2 Items that are created using Lumber and Red LEGO Bricks. They are needed to get to Rank 3.
  • Beavers are large, otter-like animals with large teeth, paddle-like tails, oily fur, thick skin and large, curved front teeth. They make their dams on rivers from sticks and logs, which they gnaw with their teeth.
  • The beaver is a furry mammal that inhabits Camp Wawanakwa. It primarily appears in Total Drama Island, but has also made minor appearances in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, Total Drama All-Stars, and Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
  • Beavers are the best know animal known in the world for their natural trait of building dams on rivers and streams, and building their homes (known as "lodges") in the resulting pond. Beavers also build canals to float build materials that are difficult to haul over land. They use powerful front teeth to cut trees and plants that they use for building and for food. In the absence of existing ponds, beavers have to construct dams before building their lodges. First they place vertical poles and then fill between the vertical poles with a crisscross of horizontally placed branches. They fill in the gaps between the branches with a combination of weeds and mud until the dam holds back sufficient water to surround the lodge. They are known for their alarm signal: when startled or frightened, a swimming beaver will rapidly dive while forcefully slapping the water with its broad tail, audible over great distances above and below water. This noise serves as a warning to beavers in the area. Once a beaver has sounded the alarm, nearby beavers dive and may not reemerge for some time. Beavers are slow on land, but good swimmers that can stay under water for as long as 15 minutes. Beavers do not hibernate, but store sticks and logs in a pile in their ponds, eating the underbark. Some of the pile is generally above water and accumulates snow in the winter. This insulation of snow often keeps the water from freezing in and around the food pile, providing a location where beavers can breathe when outside their lodge. Fossil remains of beavers are found in the peat and other superficial deposits of Britain and the continent of Europe; while in the Pleistocene formations of Britain and Siberia, occur remains of a giant extinct beaver, Trogontherium cuvieri, representing a genus by itself. Beavers have webbed hind-feet, and a broad, scaly tail. They have poor eyesight, but keen senses of hearing, smell, and touch. Beavers continue to grow throughout life. Adult specimens weighing over 25 kg (55 lb) are not uncommon. Females are as large as or larger than males of the same age, which is uncommon among mammals. Beavers live up to 24 years of age in the wild.
  • A Beaver is a large rodent found on Earth. Rodney McKay was a member of the Fort McMurray Eager Beavers when he was younger, a scouting organization in which the members referred to themselves as 'Beavers'. (SGA: "Tracker")
  • Not to be confused with the female anatomy- the beaver is the national animal of Canada. You can find the beaver on the Canadian nickel (5 cent piece you dumbbunny) and pretty much everything else Canadian. Beavers also make up 75% of the Canadian Army.
  • A beaver is a rodent commonly seen in rivers and streams. When the Wonder Twins were battling the Evil Animals, Zan shapeshifted into snowballs and Jayna into a beaver. She then uses her tail to strike the snowballs, which is actually Zan, thereby chucking them at the super-villains.
  • The Solitary Beaver is the only beaver in the Redwall series, and was very rarely mentioned. He stopped Cluny from climbing up the wall in the first battle. He also helped Constance make the giant crossbow that was meant to kill Cluny the Scourge. Instead they killed Cheesethief, who was acting as second-in-command. The beaver is described as an "equally well-built beast" compared to Constance, which suggests he could be around the same physical size.
  • "Sharp teeth and agile paws make beavers great builders; they can build a 100 foot dam, build a lodge out of branches and clay, and even cut down a 50-year-old tree in just one night."Beaver Map File:Beaver map.png You can have a family of 4 beavers at your Zoo.Buying and Breeding Beavers The first male and female beavers are brought to your Zoo by helicopter when you buy them. The 2 baby beavers are bred in the Nursery and cost gems to breed. When you have collected a family you'll get a Tcash reward. You have a Zoo Book in which you can see how many of the 168 animals available you have in your Zoo. When you get a beaver it is given a random name, but you can rename it if you want.Beaver Zoo Book Page Beaver Family Video
  • Beavers are small mammals found throughout the world of Daventry.
  • Beavers are mainly found in "The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That".
  • To find a Beaver is very Rare. They don't harm you. You can obtain a Beaver Fat from killing a Beaver. Save these. Don't sell them. They are good alchemy ingredients. You can create this creature. See the Creating People/Monsters page.
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 926F5B
  • Beavers are large,sometimes chocolate-flavored mammals, completely pink on the inside, that are part of the rodent family. Scientific studies show that beavers are actually the missing link between Neanderthals and modern day hillbillies. This research is based upon the fact that both beavers and humans screw with mother nature by cutting down trees and blocking up rivers. However, being more primitive, they do not have the well-known warning call, "timber", for when a tree comes falling down, that humans do. The effects of this drawback can be seen in the enormous amount of deaths within the beaver population from being crushed by trees or eaten by brush crabs. Sometimes even abducted by aliens!! They are found roaming around Mars, Jupiter, planet X, Pluto, UrAnus and have to be brought back to Earth. It is often assumed that beavers eat fish uhh well from the river and it is said they hibernate and get really grumpy when you wake them up. It is also said that they store up fish for later consumption, maybe they have a fish tank in there or something, I dunno. Let Sleeping beavers lie, else they get all cranky¡¡¡ These Are Facts
  • When a player receives the pet, it will automatically try to appear as their follower. At the same time, a red message in the chatbox will state You have a funny feeling like you're being followed. When woodcutting, the pet is prioritised over the resource gathered. For example, if there is one last inventory space while woodcutting, and the player already has a pet following them, the pet will appear in the inventory instead, while the log cut will drop to the ground. When this occurs, the message in the chatbox will instead state You feel something weird sneaking into your backpack. On death, if a player loses their pet (as a follower or in your inventory) it will wander around for 30 seconds before disappearing completely. Players can pay a one-time fee of 500,000 coins to Probita in East Ardougne to have this pet insured. If the pet is lost while insured, it can be reclaimed for 1,000,000 coins.
  • The Beaver is a limited edition animal on FarmVille that was released on August 9th 2010 as part of the 5th File:Mystery Game-icon.png Mystery Game. It was re-released for , on June 2011. It was part of the Canada Day Event.
  • Nocturnal, large, semi-aquatic rodent. * Known for building dams on rivers and streams, and building their homes. * Totem animal of Falani.
  • Beavers are a source of valuable fur. Each beaver also gives around 5 to 7 cuts of meat. Beavers are a form of small game, and are not aggressive. They often are found in pairs.
  • The Beaver effect will stack with Axeman's folly or other Woodcutting boosting items. The increased Woodcutting does not allow you to cut trees (including evil trees) or open ancient effigies with higher skill requirements, as it is invisible.
  • The Webkinz Beaver was released in January 2010. It was retired July 2013. Its special food is the Barkberry Smoothie and its special item is the Beaver Lodge Bed.
  • The beaver is a creature found in water filled areas. They are peaceful and will flee if attacked.
  • Beavers were a mammalian animal lifeform native to the planet Earth and known for building dam structures.
  • Beavers were small, aquatic mammals that lived during the ice age.
  • thumb|left|34pxOm een Beaver te kunnen maken heb je nodig: * 72 Spirit shards * Green charm * Willow logs * pouch
  • Beaver lives in a dam near the Poohsticks Bridge in the Hundred Acre Wood. He is a relatively new character, introduced in the first season of My Friends Tigger & Pooh. Beaver is often compared to Gopher from The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh series, as they are both hard-working rodents and are quite similar in appearance and personality. However, while Gopher is a little bit short-tempered, Beaver is clearly more easygoing.
  • Beavers only appear in the Game Boy Advance version, Dawn of Souls, and all subsequent releases. They are located in one of the sub-basements of the bonus dungeon Whisperwind Cove, where a side mission involves a dwarf asking Warriors of Light to help him retrieve his lost giant beavers by speaking to them and placing them in different rooms.
is Residents of
is Species of
is Race of
is Source of
is Mascot of