  • SM-sarja
  • SM-sarja
  • SM-sarja eli Mestaruussarja oli Jääkiekon SM-liigaa edeltänyt Suomen jääkiekon korkein sarjataso, joka perustettiin vuonna 1933.
  • SM-Sarja was the top level of ice hockey in Finland from 1928 to 1975. SM-sarja is a common abbreviation for Suomen mestaruussarja, "Finnish Championship Series". There was variable number of teams playing for the Finnish championship during the time of SM-sarja. Lowest number of participating teams was during the 1935 SM-sarja season when there was 3 teams. The most common number of participating teams was 12.
  • SM-Sarja was the top level of ice hockey in Finland from 1928 to 1975. SM-sarja is a common abbreviation for Suomen mestaruussarja, "Finnish Championship Series". There was variable number of teams playing for the Finnish championship during the time of SM-sarja. The lowest number of participating teams was during the 1935 SM-sarja season when there was 3 teams. The most common number of participating teams was 12.
  • 1975
  • 3
  • 1928
  • SM-Sarja was the top level of ice hockey in Finland from 1928 to 1975. SM-sarja is a common abbreviation for Suomen mestaruussarja, "Finnish Championship Series". There was variable number of teams playing for the Finnish championship during the time of SM-sarja. The lowest number of participating teams was during the 1935 SM-sarja season when there was 3 teams. The most common number of participating teams was 12. Since 1944-45 SM-sarja season there was relegations for lowest-ranking teams of each season. In the relegations the lowest-ranking teams either faced the winner of the 1. Divisioona (1st Division) or was straightly relegated from SM-sarja.
  • SM-Sarja was the top level of ice hockey in Finland from 1928 to 1975. SM-sarja is a common abbreviation for Suomen mestaruussarja, "Finnish Championship Series". There was variable number of teams playing for the Finnish championship during the time of SM-sarja. Lowest number of participating teams was during the 1935 SM-sarja season when there was 3 teams. The most common number of participating teams was 12. Since 1944-45 SM-sarja season there was relegations for lowest ranking teams of each season. In the relegations the lowest ranking teams either faced the winner of the 1. Divisioona(1st Division) or was straightly relegated from SM-sarja.
  • SM-sarja eli Mestaruussarja oli Jääkiekon SM-liigaa edeltänyt Suomen jääkiekon korkein sarjataso, joka perustettiin vuonna 1933.
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