  • Geonosian (Jedi Renaissance)
  • Like many insectile species, Geonosians had a hard chitin exoskeleton that provided protection from physical impacts and bouts of radiation that occasionally showered their world. With elongated, sloping faces and multi-jointed limbs, the Geonosians could contort their strong, thin builds into very compact shapes. Originally classified as quasi-sentient, Jedi surveys discovered that the development of each individual caste of Geonosians contributed immensely to their ability to integrate into other societies and meet standards of sentience. The physical attributes of a Geonosian tended to vary depending on the caste that they were born into. The head of a Geonosian was elongated and large with their skulls ridged on the top and by the side where they had bulbous, thick-lidded eyes. Aristoc
  • *Winged *Wingless
  • Geonosian
  • Dark orange to green
  • Sentient
  • *Galactic Basic Standard *
  • 1.680000
  • *Black *Brown *Blue
  • -2.0196864E9
  • Insectoid
  • None
  • Omnivore
  • Like many insectile species, Geonosians had a hard chitin exoskeleton that provided protection from physical impacts and bouts of radiation that occasionally showered their world. With elongated, sloping faces and multi-jointed limbs, the Geonosians could contort their strong, thin builds into very compact shapes. Originally classified as quasi-sentient, Jedi surveys discovered that the development of each individual caste of Geonosians contributed immensely to their ability to integrate into other societies and meet standards of sentience. The physical attributes of a Geonosian tended to vary depending on the caste that they were born into. The head of a Geonosian was elongated and large with their skulls ridged on the top and by the side where they had bulbous, thick-lidded eyes. Aristocratic Geonosians were distinguished by their flat sloping head crest and a long, fleshy tendril hanging from their chins. Typically, they were noted for being within two varieties: the leading aristocrats and the warrior drones. In terms of movement, they were bipedal in nature and walked on two legs; the toe structure of their feet allowed them to cling onto rock crags. However, most also possessed leathery, rapid-fluttering wings that emerged from their bony shoulder blades. In some specimens, the wings were not used after their youth and service drones had vestigial wings.