  • National Criminal Intelligence Service
  • The National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) was established in 1992 to provide intelligence and analytical backup to the criminal investigation agencies. Its HQ division in London includes an operational support unit, intelligence coordination, policy and research unit and specialist intelligence branch. The International Division manages a network of European Drugs Liaison officers and coordinates with worldwide Customs and Excise Drugs Liaison networks. It also houses the U.K. branch of Interpol and is thus linked with databases in member countries.
  • The National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) was established in 1992 to provide intelligence and analytical backup to the criminal investigation agencies. Its HQ division in London includes an operational support unit, intelligence coordination, policy and research unit and specialist intelligence branch. The International Division manages a network of European Drugs Liaison officers and coordinates with worldwide Customs and Excise Drugs Liaison networks. It also houses the U.K. branch of Interpol and is thus linked with databases in member countries. NCIS does not work directly in anti-terrorism intelligence, but acts as a coordination centre for secondary intelligence in the criminal networks.