  • Pose as an investigator for the Ministry of Public Decency
  • From: [[]] Pose as an investigator for the Ministry of Public Decency [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • 'Would you like me to speak with your superiors?'
Failure title
  • 'If you're a Decency investigator, why does your breath smell like that?'
  • 47
Failure description
  • You dislike being questioned by this oaf, but he's right, your breath does smell a little of wine and cigar smoke. You make some excuse and withdraw before he can ask too many more questions.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Rescue banned books
Success description
  • You are able to bluster your way past the Constables on guard. You leave with an armful of books which will fetch a handsome price at the shadier end of the Bazaar.
  • Pose as an investigator for the Ministry of Public Decency
  • From: [[]] Pose as an investigator for the Ministry of Public Decency [Find the rest of the story at ]