  • Cohdopian smuggling ring
  • The Cohdopian smuggling ring was an international crime ring that dealt in counterfeiting and smuggling contraband. It was responsible mainly for the smuggling of ink made from whitcrystal oil (known as Babahlese ink) from Cohdopia and later Babahl, as well as the circulation of counterfeit currency in Zheng Fa, which crippled the country's economy. The ring also stole various valuable artifacts by switching them with fakes as they were being transported between countries. The Amano Group used its international power and influence to finance and facilitate the ring's activities. The ring has no official name and is generally referred to as "the smuggling ring" or "the international smuggling ring". The term "Cohdopian smuggling ring" is used here to give a more specific identification to t
  • Defunct
  • Interpol
  • Yatagarasu
  • iFly Airlines
  • District prosecutor's office
  • Various puppet corporations
  • Cohdopian/Allebahstian/Babahlese governments and embassies
  • International criminal syndicate
  • 2008
  • Mar. 13, 2019: Ernest Amano arrested
  • Mar. 15, 2019: Quercus Alba arrested
  • Mar. 17, 2019: Quercus Alba and Ernest Amano tried and convicted in the United States
  • Sept. 8, 2012: Second KG-8 Incident
  • Mar. 24, 2019: Quercus Alba tried and convicted in Cohdopia
  • Mar. 14, 2019: Jacques Portsman and Shih-na arrested. Manny Coachen murdered
  • Mar. 25, 2019: Zheng Fa's president, Teikun Ō, visits Gourd Lake, marking the end of the smuggling ring's influence
  • Mar. 12, 2019: Cammy Meele arrested
  • Sept. 10, 2012: Shih-na betrays the Yatagarasu
  • Main puppet corporation: Amano Group Other members: * "Calisto Yew"/"Shih-na" * Jacques Portsman * Cammy Meele
  • Second-in-command: Manny Coachen
  • white
  • black
  • white
  • Turnabout Reminiscence
  • The Kidnapped Turnabout
  • Turnabout Ablaze
  • Turnabout Airlines
  • Turnabout Visitor
  • The Cohdopian smuggling ring was an international crime ring that dealt in counterfeiting and smuggling contraband. It was responsible mainly for the smuggling of ink made from whitcrystal oil (known as Babahlese ink) from Cohdopia and later Babahl, as well as the circulation of counterfeit currency in Zheng Fa, which crippled the country's economy. The ring also stole various valuable artifacts by switching them with fakes as they were being transported between countries. The Amano Group used its international power and influence to finance and facilitate the ring's activities. The ring has no official name and is generally referred to as "the smuggling ring" or "the international smuggling ring". The term "Cohdopian smuggling ring" is used here to give a more specific identification to the ring.