  • Fugitive Tommy
  • Grandpa Lou takes Tommy to the park, where the McNulty brothers are playing with their family ball. Gabriel Lasky, grandson of Grandpa Lou's friend, finds the ball and pops it by biting it because he is teething. When the boys find the popped ball, Gabriel has gone and so the brothers blame the popped ball on Tommy, who is dressed similarly to Gabriel. In order to punish Tommy, the boys put him in him a Chinese finger trap and attempt to leave him on a hill until he admits he popped their ball. Tommy escapes and a manhunt ensues, resulting in the McNulty boys finding Tommy and Tommy finding Gabriel. Gabriel admits to popping the ball with his single tooth and explains that he is teething and in pain. Teddy McNulty, the youngest brother, says he understands Gabriel's pain and Gabriel is for
  • 5
  • 1998-08-19
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  • Grandpa Lou takes Tommy to the park, where the McNulty brothers are playing with their family ball. Gabriel Lasky, grandson of Grandpa Lou's friend, finds the ball and pops it by biting it because he is teething. When the boys find the popped ball, Gabriel has gone and so the brothers blame the popped ball on Tommy, who is dressed similarly to Gabriel. In order to punish Tommy, the boys put him in him a Chinese finger trap and attempt to leave him on a hill until he admits he popped their ball. Tommy escapes and a manhunt ensues, resulting in the McNulty boys finding Tommy and Tommy finding Gabriel. Gabriel admits to popping the ball with his single tooth and explains that he is teething and in pain. Teddy McNulty, the youngest brother, says he understands Gabriel's pain and Gabriel is forgiven.
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