  • Summit of the Shadows: Long Awaited Reunion
  • Word from Kyatsu Musei went out to all respective Kage, stamped with the seal of the Otokage himself to ensure a meeting could be convened. A message that would help rally the powers of the world once more, to discuss freely what they will without fear of information fraud or the dangers of outside parties. This message was sent to each and every respective village, including the likes of the allies that sat still in the north, the Samurai.
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  • Word from Kyatsu Musei went out to all respective Kage, stamped with the seal of the Otokage himself to ensure a meeting could be convened. A message that would help rally the powers of the world once more, to discuss freely what they will without fear of information fraud or the dangers of outside parties. This message was sent to each and every respective village, including the likes of the allies that sat still in the north, the Samurai. A young messanger of non-shinobi origin rushed with all haste from the Sound Village, baring the emblem of the United Shinobi Forces and the Sound Village to ensure that those would know of his or her position once they reached the village. Going through the neccesary background checks, and going through whatever was required in order to gain them audience with the Village Shadows and Daimyos respectively. Word fell to each Head, Kage, and Daimyo, and it was now their decision to decide upon whether or not they would venture and reunite the other powers to discuss the present, past, and future.