  • Spike (status)
  • Spike is a battle mechanic in Xenoblade Chronicles. It is an effect whereby the recipient is damaged or debuffed under certain conditions. Spike damage is shown as a purple-coloured number. Enemies' spike abilities have a limited radius, so the battle members can avoid the spike damage by being outside of the maximum radius. Enemies can also receive spike damage by battle members, who have a spike aura active or spike gems equipped. Enemies may have one of three spike abilities:
  • Spike is a battle mechanic in Xenoblade Chronicles. It is an effect whereby the recipient is damaged or debuffed under certain conditions. Spike damage is shown as a purple-coloured number. Enemies' spike abilities have a limited radius, so the battle members can avoid the spike damage by being outside of the maximum radius. Enemies can also receive spike damage by battle members, who have a spike aura active or spike gems equipped. Enemies may have one of three spike abilities: 1. * Close Range Spike: An enemy deals damage to or debuffs battle members within the spike range for every 5 seconds. 2. * Topple Spike: When an enemy is toppled, battle members within the spike range will receive damage or debuff for every attack against the enemy. 3. * Counter Spike: Battle members within the spike range will receive damage or debuff for every attack against the enemy (not toppled). Generally, for enemies with the close range spike, Purge can be used to temporarily disable the spike effect. Topple spike can be avoided by not toppling the enemy. Counter spike generally can be avoided by keeping the enemy toppled, which negates the spike. Other spike defences include gems that reduce damage from spikes or increase resistance to debuffs.
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