  • Blissology
  • Blissology, is a business based in Vancouver, BC since 2000. Based on the concept its founder, Eoin Finn, as seen on , developed in his years studying philosophy and pathways to a life that lead to more awe, joy, love and bliss in the world. , and other retail stores world wide. As well, blissology yoga podcasts are popular on iTunes with the 2002 release of the Yoga Quickie.
  • Blissology, is a business based in Vancouver, BC since 2000. Based on the concept its founder, Eoin Finn, as seen on , developed in his years studying philosophy and pathways to a life that lead to more awe, joy, love and bliss in the world. , and other retail stores world wide. As well, blissology yoga podcasts are popular on iTunes with the 2002 release of the Yoga Quickie. The central idea of blissology is that there is part of us that is intimately connected to the force of love. This helps us balance our egoistic drives that unplug us from how our actions affect ourselves and others and to develop the skills of listening to our needs, the needs of others and to the planet itself. The logo is a symbol which is a circle and surrounded by five shapes which are a combination of part teardrop and part flame represents what the Blissology Vision is all about. There is a still place inside that guides us to be more kind to our body and mind, in our personal relationships, in our community and in our relationship to Nature. In 2011 Blissology Founder, Eoin Finn's spoke to the need of our society to slow down, get under a tree and breathe for at least ten minutes everyday in order to counter our belief system that economics is the main thrust life. Later that year, these ideas were featured in "We Like This Guy" Column.