  • Encourage her to marriage and a family
  • From: [[]] Degree or not, the proper place for a young lady is in the home. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Properly done
Failure title
  • The very idea!
  • 75
Failure description
  • The young lady refuses to listen to your prudent advice. Furthermore, she harangues you in the street whenever she passes by. Young ladies of today have no manners!
From Card/Storylet title
  • Graduate Advice
Success description
  • You explain the virtues of home and family, and the young lady agrees. She has several suitable suitors […] so she heads off to consult her parents on which might make a suitable match. No doubt your wisdom and prudence will reach their ears.
  • Degree or not, the proper place for a young lady is in the home.
  • From: [[]] Degree or not, the proper place for a young lady is in the home. [Find the rest of the story at ]