  • Zenon Warriors
  • The Zenon Warriors is a group of Vandel Busters led by Zenon. They passed their Saigas to Beet, which he still wields today. Zenon Beet's older brother and leader of the Zenon Warriors. His saiga is the holy Excellion Blade, which was passed onto Beet. Upon meeting Cruss, Beet learns that Zenon used "the power beyond saiga" to handle Beltorze before being sucked into a dimensional rift. His current state and whereabouts are unknown. Laio Member of the Zenon Warriors. Laio's fiery saiga is the Burning Lance, which was passed onto Beet. Taught Beet how to fight with the spear. After the encounter with Beltorze, his whereabouts became unknown. Cruss Member of the Zenon Warriors. Handsome and skilled with the power of water, Cruss uses the saiga 'Crown Shield' which he passed onto Be
  • The Zenon Warriors is a group of Vandel Busters led by Zenon. They passed their Saigas to Beet, which he still wields today. Zenon Beet's older brother and leader of the Zenon Warriors. His saiga is the holy Excellion Blade, which was passed onto Beet. Upon meeting Cruss, Beet learns that Zenon used "the power beyond saiga" to handle Beltorze before being sucked into a dimensional rift. His current state and whereabouts are unknown. Laio Member of the Zenon Warriors. Laio's fiery saiga is the Burning Lance, which was passed onto Beet. Taught Beet how to fight with the spear. After the encounter with Beltorze, his whereabouts became unknown. Cruss Member of the Zenon Warriors. Handsome and skilled with the power of water, Cruss uses the saiga 'Crown Shield' which he passed onto Beet. He had lost his memory until after the battle with the Vandel Garownewt. Told Beet what he remembered about the fight with Beltorze and helped him sharpen his skills with the Crown Shield saiga. Bluezam Member of the Zenon Warriors. To match his immense size, he wields the Boltic Axe, which was passed onto Beet. After the encounter with Beltorze, Bluezam's whereabouts became unknown. Alside Member of the Zenon Warriors. Alside's saiga is the Cyclone Gunner, which was passed onto Beet. After the encounter with Beltorze, his whereabouts became unknown.