  • Lord Zedd
  • Lord Zedd
  • Lord Zedd
  • Lord Zedd był potężnym Cesarzem Zła, przez wielu uważanym za największego antagonistę w całym uniwersum Power Rangers. Funkcję głównego wroga pełnił przez dwa ostatnie sezony oryginalnej serii, choć pojawił się też w pozostałych sezonach Ery Zordona odgrywając rolę poboczną. Zedd był początkowo przełożonym Rity Odrazy, jednakże pod koniec drugiego sezonu zakochuje się w niej i bierze z nią ślub. Ma z nią syna - Thraxa. Po wydarzeniach serii w kosmosie zanika w nim zło i staje się człowiekiem.
  • One of the Power Rangers' deadliest foes. Responsible for the destruction of the original Zords.
  • Lord Zedd (simply known as Zedd) is the recurring antagonist in the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers franchise, and the quaternary antagonist in Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie. He is the main antagonist in Season 2 of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, one of the two main antagonists in Season 3 (alongside Master Vile), a major antagonist in Zeo, and a minor antagonist in In Space.
  • Lord Zedd ist einer der größten Bösewichte bei den Power Rangers. Er wurde besonders durch die ersten Staffeln der Power Rangers bekannt und ist ein wiederkehrender Charakter in den Staffeln Power Rangers Zeo und Power Rangers in Space. Er wurde von Edwin Neal verkörpert und mit der Stimme von Robert Axelrod versorgt. Steven Blum lieh ihm im Videospiel Power Rangers: Super Legends seine Stimme und Tony Oliver synchronisierte ihn in Videospiel Power Rangers Super-Megaforce. Seit seinem Erscheinen wird Lord Zedd oft als größter Feind der Power Rangers bezeichnet.
  • Lord Zedd is the self-entitled "Emperor of Evil" and one of the main villians of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, as well as a recurring villain throughout Power Rangers Zeo and In Space. Contents [show] History Taking the Reins Lzedd Zedd's first appearance MajinAburaAdded by MajinAbura Lord Zedd came to Earth after hearing of Rita Repulsa's failure to defeat the Power Rangers. Finding this to be a disgrace, he imprisoned her inside her space dumpster, hurled her into space, and took over the job of destroying the Rangers himself. Zedd then used his powers to create the monster, Pirantishead, who defeated the Dinozords and assumed control of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and the Dragonzord. After the Rangers got their zords back under control, Zedd angrily opened a crevice in the Earth that sw
  • "I am Lord Zedd, Emperor of all I seek!"Lord Zedd is the self proclaimed Emperor of Evil. He arrived on Earth to punish Rita Repulsa, disgusted with her failure in defeating the Power Rangers. Stripping Rita of her powers, he shrunk her and imprisoned her within another Space Dumpster, hurling her into the depth of space. He then mutated a piranha into the monstrous Pirantishead, who assumed command of the Tyrannosaurus and DragonZord. The Rangers barely survived the attack, but managed to regain control of their Zords. Furious, Lord Zedd opened a crevasse in the ground which swallowed all the Zords except for DragonZord. Despite the Rangers' receival of the Thunder Zords, Lord Zedd attacked again and again, each assault deadlier than the last. He swore to erase the Green Ranger forever, c
  • Lord Zedd is a major from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series and recurring through Power Rangers Zeo and Power Rangers in Space. He was played by Edwin Neal, with Robert Axelrod supplying the voice. Steven Blum voiced him in the video game Power Rangers: Super Legends and Tony Oliver voiced him in the Power Rangers Super Megaforce video game. Since his appearance, Zedd is often considered the greatest Power Rangers villain of all time.
  • 90
Ostatnie pojawienie się
  • w kosmosie odc. 32
Liczba Odcinków
  • 117
  • Böse
  • Mighty Morphin odc. 61
  • Countdown to Destruction
type of villain
  • Galactic Sorcerer
  • The Mutiny
  • Fürst der Finsternis
  • Red
  • Power Rangers
Miejsce pochodzenia
  • nieznane
  • Destroy the Power Rangers, make Kimberly his queen , conquer the universe forever.
  • Mężczyzna
  • Mighty Morphin
  • Zeo
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
  • Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
  • Dark magic, his Z-staff, hand-to-hand combat skills
  • 9000
  • 117
  • 100
  • Lord Zedd
  • Lord Zedd
  • Boss, Prince of Darkness , Emperor of Evil, Galactic Overlord
  • Lord Zedd
  • 117
  • Przywódca
  • Nawrócony na dobro
  • Zedd, Emperor of Evil, Prince of Darkness, Galactic Overlord Zedd, Zeddy
  • Creating monsters, conquering planets.
  • zedd.jpg
  • Earth
  • Venus Island
  • Vica Galaxy
  • 1000
  • Galactic overlord, intergalactic sorcerer
  • Lord Zedd
  • Male
  • Lord Zedd_2017?.jpg
  • Demon Lord
  • 300
Gespielt von
  • Barbara Goodson
  • Steven Blum
  • Ed Neil
  • Robert Axelrod
  • Lord Zedd ist einer der größten Bösewichte bei den Power Rangers. Er wurde besonders durch die ersten Staffeln der Power Rangers bekannt und ist ein wiederkehrender Charakter in den Staffeln Power Rangers Zeo und Power Rangers in Space. Er wurde von Edwin Neal verkörpert und mit der Stimme von Robert Axelrod versorgt. Steven Blum lieh ihm im Videospiel Power Rangers: Super Legends seine Stimme und Tony Oliver synchronisierte ihn in Videospiel Power Rangers Super-Megaforce. Der Charakter war der erste Bösewicht, der direkt von der amerikanischen Produktionsfirma erschaffen wurde. Lord Zedd taucht somit nicht in der Originalserie Power Rangers Sentai auf. Ursprünglich war er als ein Charakter geplant, der erschreckender als Rita Repulsa sein sollte. In all seinen Szenen wird eine dunkle Atmosphäre erzeugt, die besonders durch die Musik untermalt werden sollte. Aufgrund vieler Beschwerden besorgter Eltern, wurde der Charakter aber immens abgeschwächt. Umgesetzt wurde das ab den Folgen, in denen Lord Zedd die Rotation der Erde umkehrte und die Rangers in Kinder verwandelte. Die Hochzeit mit Rita wurde vollzogen und alle folgenden Pläne waren eher verrückter als brutaler Natur (wie beispielsweise die Folge in der Lord Zedd ein Monster erschuf, dass Verlangen nach Fast-Food hatte) Er und Rita haben beide einen Sohn, Thrax, der anlässlich des 15. Jahrestages in der zweiteiligen Sonderfolge „Operation Overdrive“ erscheint, wo er angeblich zu den Guten gehört. Später erhält er seine verlorenen Kräfte zurück, indem er sich in die Zeitlinie einmischt und seinem vergangenem Ich die Kräfte stielt. Seit seinem Erscheinen wird Lord Zedd oft als größter Feind der Power Rangers bezeichnet.
  • Lord Zedd is a major from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series and recurring through Power Rangers Zeo and Power Rangers in Space. He was played by Edwin Neal, with Robert Axelrod supplying the voice. Steven Blum voiced him in the video game Power Rangers: Super Legends and Tony Oliver voiced him in the Power Rangers Super Megaforce video game. The character was the first American-made villain for the Power Rangers series of shows with no origin in the Japanese Sentai shows. Originally depicted as a frighteningly more evil character than Rita, with a dark, gothic atmosphere during his scenes in the Lunar Palace and the dark tone of his theme, complaints from parents resulted in Zedd being toned down immensely, such as his marriage to Rita and reversing the Earth's rotation in an attempt to make the Rangers forget their duties and powers. After this, most of his plans seemed rather hare-brained and wackier than previously, such as creating a monster to induce cravings for junk food or creating a monster that causes friends and romantic couples to hate each other. He and Rita both have a son, Thrax, who appears in Operation Overdrive, during the 15th Anniversary 2-part special, "Once A Ranger", where he is mentioned to have succumbed to good. He later regains his lost powers thanks to interference in the timeline by his past self (in the non-canon video game). Since his appearance, Zedd is often considered the greatest Power Rangers villain of all time.
  • Lord Zedd był potężnym Cesarzem Zła, przez wielu uważanym za największego antagonistę w całym uniwersum Power Rangers. Funkcję głównego wroga pełnił przez dwa ostatnie sezony oryginalnej serii, choć pojawił się też w pozostałych sezonach Ery Zordona odgrywając rolę poboczną. Zedd był początkowo przełożonym Rity Odrazy, jednakże pod koniec drugiego sezonu zakochuje się w niej i bierze z nią ślub. Ma z nią syna - Thraxa. Po wydarzeniach serii w kosmosie zanika w nim zło i staje się człowiekiem.
  • One of the Power Rangers' deadliest foes. Responsible for the destruction of the original Zords.
  • Lord Zedd (simply known as Zedd) is the recurring antagonist in the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers franchise, and the quaternary antagonist in Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie. He is the main antagonist in Season 2 of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, one of the two main antagonists in Season 3 (alongside Master Vile), a major antagonist in Zeo, and a minor antagonist in In Space.
  • "I am Lord Zedd, Emperor of all I seek!"Lord Zedd is the self proclaimed Emperor of Evil. He arrived on Earth to punish Rita Repulsa, disgusted with her failure in defeating the Power Rangers. Stripping Rita of her powers, he shrunk her and imprisoned her within another Space Dumpster, hurling her into the depth of space. He then mutated a piranha into the monstrous Pirantishead, who assumed command of the Tyrannosaurus and DragonZord. The Rangers barely survived the attack, but managed to regain control of their Zords. Furious, Lord Zedd opened a crevasse in the ground which swallowed all the Zords except for DragonZord. Despite the Rangers' receival of the Thunder Zords, Lord Zedd attacked again and again, each assault deadlier than the last. He swore to erase the Green Ranger forever, concentrating his attacks on him. He finally succeded with the TurbanShell monster, wiping out Tommy's power forever. Over time, Lord Zedd discovered that the Rangers were no pushovers, and each of his monsters failed to defeat them. With the Thunder Zords and new White Ranger at their side, the Power Rangers seemed indestructable. Soon it was time for Zedd's Centennial Recharge, which he must undergo to fully restore his evil energies. It was during this slumber that Rita Repulsa returned to the Palace, plotting revenge. She poured a love potion created by Finster into the Centennial Recharge machine, and when Zedd awoke, he instantly fell in love with Rita, proposing. With Zedd and Rita side by side, the Rangers were now struggling to defeat their foes. When Rito Revolto arrived, Lord Zedd was disgusted by the skeleton's stupidity, and would bellow with rage every time Rito called him "Ed." Rita's love potion was eventually removed from Zedd thanks to Goldar, but to everyone's surprise, Zedd loved Rita anyway. During the Shogun Zord fiasco, Lord Zedd personally battled Tommy to keep him from saving Kimberly from an alternate dimension. Zedd beat the White Ranger around like a ragdoll until Tommy used Saba to shatter Zedd's Z-Staff, forcing him to retreat. On top of that, Zedd lost his Zords to the Rangers. When Master Vile arrived on the moon, Lord Zedd was pretty much pushed to the side as Vile took over in his search for the Zeo Crystal. Once Vile left after his army was defeated by the Aquitian Rangers, Zedd was ecstatic, and he resumed his attacks on Earth. When the Machine Empire arrived and attacked, Zedd and Rita was forced to retreat, taking Serpentera to the M51 Galaxy. They soon returned, however, in a motorhome, plotting to overthrow King Mondo and destroy the Empire. After a series of failed attempts, he finally managed to destroy the Royal House of Gadgetry with a bomb in the shape of a gift. Despite declaring their return, however, Zedd and Rita took a rest before resuming their attacks, but by then Divatox had already began her assault on Earth. A year later, Zedd and Rita attended Dark Specter's conference on the Cimmerian Planet, Zedd toasting to Dark Specter's takeover of the universe. Months later, they invaded the Vica Galaxy and quickly conquered it, defeating and capturing the Gold Ranger in the process. When Zordon's energy wave washed over them and their army, Zedd was spared, transformed into a human being.
  • Lord Zedd is the self-entitled "Emperor of Evil" and one of the main villians of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, as well as a recurring villain throughout Power Rangers Zeo and In Space. Contents [show] History Taking the Reins Lzedd Zedd's first appearance MajinAburaAdded by MajinAbura Lord Zedd came to Earth after hearing of Rita Repulsa's failure to defeat the Power Rangers. Finding this to be a disgrace, he imprisoned her inside her space dumpster, hurled her into space, and took over the job of destroying the Rangers himself. Zedd then used his powers to create the monster, Pirantishead, who defeated the Dinozords and assumed control of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and the Dragonzord. After the Rangers got their zords back under control, Zedd angrily opened a crevice in the Earth that swallowed all the Dinozords, with the exception of the Dragonzord. But the Rangers struck back with their new Thunderzords and defeated Pirantishead, though Zedd wasn't ready to give up so easily. He once desired Kimberly to be his queen based on her good looks and tenacity, and sent Goldar to capture, brainwash and train her into being so, but his plan failed when it was discovered that the magic dust that was used to entrance her didn't work and that she was really doing a Rita impression to fool Goldar and buy the Rangers enough time to rescue her. Zedd has hated Kimberly ever since. He continued to battle the Rangers, creating monsters from various objects on Earth. Later after it became clear that Tommy's Green Ranger powers were truly starting to fade, Zedd began creating monsters specifically designed for the task for draining them. Eventually he used a green crystal and a monster called Turbanshell to take the last remnants of Tommy's powers so as to fuel his own team of Dark Rangers. However Tommy foiled Zedd's plans, though he still lost his powers. Another of the dark emperor's plans was creating candles, similar to the green candle Rita used to drain Tommy's powers in the first place, for Billy, Zack, Trini, and Kimberly so as to drain their powers as well. Jason, who was haunted by the fact that he had failed to save Tommy's powers in the same situation, overcame his doubt and managed to foil this plan as well. After the Rangers were rejoined by Tommy, now the White Tiger Ranger, Zedd realized that they were much formidable than he had wanted to admit. Serpentera-cockpit Zedd and Goldar in the cockpit of Serpentera MajinAburaAdded by MajinAbura When three of the Rangers, Jason, Zack, and Trini were leaving Angel Grove, he unleashed his own zord, the titanic Serpentera, which could have easily wiped out the Rangers' zords. However he couldn't do so since the zord's power drained rather quickly. But the Rangers managed to transfer the powers to three other teenagers, Rocky, Adam, and Aisha before Zedd could attack with Serpentera. Marriage to Rita Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa Lord Zedd and his new wife, Rita Repulsa. B1bl1kalAdded by B1bl1kal Soon the time came for Zedd to undergo his Centennial Recharge, a state of slumber when he would recharge his evil energies. However Rita returned with a plan for revenge, she contacted Finster, who made her a love potion. She poured it into the recharging machine, which made Zedd fall in love with her upon his awakening, instantly marrying her. Now with both Zedd and Rita to deal with, the Rangers were barely able to win their battles. The schemes they came up with included the creation of an evil clone of Tommy, Tom Oliver, and sending the Rangers to the past. Zedd wasn't happy when Rito Revolto, Rita's brother, showed up, who constantly annoyed him and often called him "Ed", much to his chagrin. Later Goldar managed to get the love potion out of Zedd's system, but much to everyone's shock, he still had feelings for Rita. Zedd and Rita eventually managed to capture Kimberly so as to force the Rangers to act as the pilots for their newly discovered Shogunzords. When Tommy attempted to rescue her, the Emperor of Evil engaged the White Ranger himself and easily defeated him in combat. The only reason Tommy survived, was because he destroyed Zedd's Z Staff and he retreated. Later when Master Vile arrived on the Moon seeking the Zeo Crystal, Zedd was pushed off to the side, something he wasn't happy about. Needless to say, he was ecstatic when Vile left after his defeat at the hands of the Aquitan Rangers. Thanks to the Orb of Doom turning back time and transforming the Rangers into children, Zedd only had an aquatic group of aliens, who weakened on land, to deal with. Eventually he got his hands on a map of the Command Center and managed to find a weak point in its defenses. Zedd sent Rito and Goldar to plant a bomb and steal the Zeo Crystal, which they were successful at. Zeo However before they could celebrate their victory, Zedd and Rita's palace was attacked by the Machine Empire, forcing them to flee. Using Serpentera, they went to stay with Master Vile in the M51 Galaxy, but they weren't defeated yet. Zedd and Rita later returned in a camper so as to take down King Mondo and the Machine Empire. They used a series of plots to prevent the robots from emerging the victors and even helped the Rangers at one point, so as to foil a plot by Prince Gasket, where he brainwashed Tommy into thinking he was leader of the Machine Empire. Finally, Zedd used a bomb to blow up the Royal House of Gadgetry, leaving the empire to crumble. Turbo Zedd and Rita briefly appeared during Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, the film used to set up the next Power Rangers series, Power Rangers Turbo. Divatox called Rita to get advice on how to fight the Power Rangers, but the sorceress instead complained about Zedd's snoring and told Divatox to run, instead of attempting to fight. It was believed that during the Turbo season, Zedd and Rita were raising their son, Thrax, which is why they didn't attack Earth. In Space 200px-Human lord zedd Zedd as a human MajinAburaAdded by MajinAbura Zedd and his wife later attended a meeting of the United Alliance of Evil on the Cimmerian Planet organized by Dark Specter, where he toasted the lord of evil's capture of Zordon. Later Zedd and Rita joined in the United Alliance of Evil's assault on the universe and assaulted the Vica Galaxy, taking control quickly and defeating the Gold Zeo Ranger in the process. However the wave of energy from Zordon's sacrifice washed over them, while it destroyed most of the forces of the UAE, Zedd and Rita were spared and transformed into humans. Super Legends Galactic Overlord Zedd Lord Zedd as he appears in Power Rangers: Super Legends. B1bl1kalAdded by B1bl1kal However Zedd returned as the main villain in the videogame Power Rangers Super Legends, where he was corrupted and transformed back by a past version of himself. He proceeded to wreak havoc throughout time and it took a combined team of Power Rangers from different times to defeat him. Zedd was defeated and fled to a void outside time, but he dropped a time crystal in the process, trapping him there. Powers and Abilities 2preview08 Zedd using his telescopic vision MajinAburaAdded by MajinAbura Zedd has dangerous dark powers, mainly utilizing them to create monsters out of objects. He also possessed grenades that he would throw down to his monsters that would allow them to grow. After marrying Rita, she and Zedd would cross their staffs to grow the monsters. He is also a very capable hand to hand fighter, since he easily defeated Tommy in combat. Zedd can also use his powers to see things that are far away. Gallery Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa Add a photo to this gallery Trivia Aside from "Emperor of Evil", Zedd has also referred to himself as Galactic Overlord Zedd during In Space and the Prince of Darkness in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Live. Many Christian churches complained about Zedd being a reference to Satan, since he was Lord Zedd, not just Zedd. Another factor may have been his title in MMPR Live. Parents also complained about Zedd, since they found him too evil and frightening for their children. As a result, he was toned down greatly, such as when he married Rita. This change in character was highly controversial among older fans of the show. Oddly, Lord Zedd stated that the Morphing Grid was stabilized by the battle between himself and Zordon. But after he stopped being a villain, the Morphing Grid was perfectly fine. Zedd may have meant it was stabilized by the battle between good and evil, not just Zordon and himself. Zedd was the first main villain of Power Rangers to be made in America and to not have a Super Sentai counterpart. A reccurring trait amongst some of his monsters was their having one eye.
is Beziehungen of
is Enemy of
is Agents of
is generals of