  • House Emberfall (Story)
  • "Now then… what were you saying, Miss Krelle?" Krelle kept a relaxed but polite smile on her face as she tried to size up the Forsaken woman sitting across from her. The little rogue had next to no experience in dealing with nobility - alive or undead - and was more or less winging this interview. "Sorry," she answered. "I was just saying that Kayce had intimated you might be looking for help with a task of some kind. My company provides many services, so I came to see if I could offer any of them to you." "No matter," the Lady said. "I shall discuss it here." "Ah?" "But better gaudy than dirty."
  • Krelle
  • House Emberfall
  • Krelle
  • "Now then… what were you saying, Miss Krelle?" Krelle kept a relaxed but polite smile on her face as she tried to size up the Forsaken woman sitting across from her. The little rogue had next to no experience in dealing with nobility - alive or undead - and was more or less winging this interview. "Sorry," she answered. "I was just saying that Kayce had intimated you might be looking for help with a task of some kind. My company provides many services, so I came to see if I could offer any of them to you." And there was the tricky part. Aside from "has money" and "offers job," Kayce had known little about the woman or what she wanted. Krelle wasn't even sure if this lady knew what she was dealing with. She still remembered the time in Orgrimmar when someone had hired her for a simple shipping job. She'd smuggled the goods anyway and kept the money for the import duties, but… The Lady Lilithia Emberfall placed her hands on the table, folding her claws into a steeple. "You did not receive the letter?" Aw fel, what letter... "I'm sorry, I haven't received a letter from anyone recently. Did you send it to me directly?" she asked with a concerned frown. She was trying to use big words. The Lady had started the interview with "Let us sit. I dislike informal settings," and Krelle was trying to take her cues from that. "That is unfortunate," Lady Emberfall was saying. "Your organization should have received the paperwork this morning." Then why didn't someone tell me so on the com? "Ah. I regret that I haven't been in the office yet today. No doubt I'll get it when I head back," she offered. Lilithia fixed an expressionless gaze on Krelle. The smaller Forsaken returned her best pokerface. Both wore masks over their eyes. "No matter," the Lady said. "I shall discuss it here." "Whatever you like," Krelle replied. "There is a set of documents in Kirin Tor custody that I wish to have returned to my rightful hands." Krelle nodded thoughtfully as Lilithia drummed the tips of her claws on the table. "The Krin Tor have been less than receptive to my requests for them." Krelle frowned, as though it was pretty rude of the mages to refuse the Lady's request. She stayed quiet as Lilithia continued. "They have also made quite clear during my visits to Dalaran that they do not recognize my rights to the documents due to my postmortem condition." Krelle cautiously raised an eyebrow. "That's rather shoddy logic on their part." "Well we know the politics game, do we not?" the Lady asked, though her question, and smile, were directed at another well-dressed Forsaken, Bereave. "This city is rather full of it, is it not my dear?" Bereave snickered quietly. "Indeed." Krelle kept her mouth shut. She agreed with the Lady - Silvermoon was almost pure politics - but she got the vibe that answering questions asked of others was one of those things nobles frowned on. She waited. Lilithia smiled briefly at her companion then turned back to Krelle, her tone once again serious. "I do not believe I need to tell you the situation of Dalaran and the difficulties that poses." No, I'm pretty familiar with the giant purple dome of impenetrable force around Dalaran. Hard ta miss it, really. "No, I can see the problem. That makes it an interesting endeavour… but not impossible," she said thoughtfully. Alone, she wouldn't take on an ridiculous job like this. Phealea was back, however, and that changed things entirely. Arbatel had been standing silently behind her, scanning the inn for trouble, but now he bent slightly and whispered low in her ear. "I know a way to get through the shield - if only for a short time." Krelle hid her surprise, nodding at him absently as though it was a routine report. There's a way through that thing? Huh. "Later," she whispered back without moving her lips, keeping her attention on the Lady. "Interesting indeed. While I am quite eager to negotiate with them, there are certain pressures that could complicate matters." "Ah?" "Mmm. Therefore, I am seeking a capable third-party. I know Grey Tiger Shipping has a history of excellent negotiator service, and your intermediaries have stepped in for past troubles." The problem with nobles and their hoity-toity way of talking is that there was a distinct lack of nudging and winking. Careful, here. "There are many ways to get a job done. I'll need to be sure I understand your priorities in this matter, so we don't offend anyone you don't want offended," she offered. "If the job is not possible and you must decline, I completely understand…" Krelle shook her head. "Retrieving documents is not impossible - depending on conditions you would want to set." If you want it done legally, for example, it's impossible. Lady Emberfall seemed to notice that her companion's cup was running empty just then and solicitously took up the wine bottle, offering to pour her more. Krelle helped herself to a date as Bereave politely thanked the Lady. "The parameters are simple," the woman said as she poured the wine. She set the bottle down on the table when she had finished, looking to the little rogue. "Get me the bloody documents." Krelle let a small grin creep onto her lips. "Then it's possible." "Very good. Of course, it is understood that I am not capable of providing direct support, either by resources, moral or… otherwise. At least, not during the venture." "Of course," Krelle agreed easily, her mind balking at ever taking a lady like this on a job. "The only kind of support we usually require for retrievals - or negotiations - is pecuniary." She was rather proud of that word. She so seldom got to stretch the vocabulary she'd picked up over the years. "That will not be a problem. You shall be reimbursed after the negotiations." Krelle nodded, relaxing slightly now that they were on more familiar turf. "Cash on delivery works fine, though I'd be curious as to how much you'd consider such a venture worth." "Well, there shall be the immediate compensation, of course: a rate you may find standard, though… inflated for post-Outland expeditions. Furthermore, there shall be the prestige of first-selection for further business partnerships. Krelle let her interest show, her eyebrows twitching at the last bit. Lilithia grinned behind her glass. "I assume the details of the documents you need back are in the letter you wrote? Or will you be providing them later?" The woman shook her head. "You already have them at the fishmonger's," she said, lowering her empty glass to the table with a barely-audible clink. Krelle took that as a cue to wrap this up. "Alright then. I'll take a look at the paperwork you've sent over. I'm confident the company can handle this for you." "Very good. I am sure your organization is very, very busy. Therefore, please keep in mind that I am busy as well, and provide special considerations when my orders are expedited." Oooh, a bonus. "Busy times," she said, nodding seriously. "I'll see what I can do." She set down her own empty glass. "Will you be staying in town, or shall I contact you elsewhere?" "I have taken to calling this city my new home. Really, the Undercity is just too… drab for me." Krelle wasn't sure what she ought to say to that, but Lilithia was smirking at her, so she felt she had to answer. She looked about herself. "I suppose so. I find it as gaudy here as the 'City is bleak." "But better gaudy than dirty." Krelle nodded politely, backing away from a possible disagreement. The Lady smiled triumphantly, so she was pretty sure that "backing off" was the way to go with this one. "As you say. Was there anything else, or shall I leave you to your evening?" "Well, unless you wish to try the table wine, I believe we should have everything in order. Are there any other immediate questions?" "No, Lady Emberfall, I'm sure I'll get what I need from your letter," she said as she rose. She gave a polite half-bow to the Lady and another to her friend. The nobles nodded graciously and Krelle turned away, jerking her head for Arbatel to follow. She made her way back to the jewelery shop in silence, wondering how much the "standard rate" was for "retrieving" valuable documents from enchanted, impregnable fortresses. Probably pretty high. "So how do you plan going about this?" Arbatel asked as they made their way through the bazaar. "Inside, my good orc, inside. The brooms have ears in Silvermoon," she answered lightly, weaving her way through the crowd. "… I hate this city," the orc muttered softly.