  • Nobuaki Yamauchi
  • Nobuaki Yamauchi is one of the ojamajo's classmates until Motto where he is one of the students to be put into an alternate class with only a few of the girls. Son of the Buddist temple "Yamauchi-dera", he is shown to be a very gentle, passive character with a small interest in ghostly things like spirits. Because of this, yearly he invites his classmates and friends to come to hear scary stories before they go outside for courage tests.
  • 山内信秋 Yamauchi Nobuaki
  • Youji Ietomi
  • Male
  • Nobuaki Yamauchi is one of the ojamajo's classmates until Motto where he is one of the students to be put into an alternate class with only a few of the girls. Son of the Buddist temple "Yamauchi-dera", he is shown to be a very gentle, passive character with a small interest in ghostly things like spirits. Because of this, yearly he invites his classmates and friends to come to hear scary stories before they go outside for courage tests. Nobuaki is a close friend of Natsumi Sato, a girl who comes from a Christian Church family and because of this, they struggle to maintain their friendship due to their families conflicts with each other. But this does eventually get worked out.