  • Receptionist (Episode 8092)
  • The Receptionist at Weatherfield Crown Court saw Julie Carp and Brian Packham when they urgently requested to provide information at the trial of Tyrone Dobbs in March 2013. Tyrone was accused of assaulting his girlfriend Kirsty Soames but he protested that he was the only who was constantly being beaten by her during their relationship. Julie firmly believed Kirsty's side of the story until she saw her in one of her fits of rage and, when she confronted her about it, was assaulted herself. Julie and her boyfriend Brian Packham rushed to the court, determined to provide their new evidence but the receptionist told them that they couldn't enter. Instead she rang for a CPS Official to listen to what they had to say.
Number of Appearances
  • 1
First Appearance
  • 2013-03-29
Character Name
  • Receptionist
Played By
  • The Receptionist at Weatherfield Crown Court saw Julie Carp and Brian Packham when they urgently requested to provide information at the trial of Tyrone Dobbs in March 2013. Tyrone was accused of assaulting his girlfriend Kirsty Soames but he protested that he was the only who was constantly being beaten by her during their relationship. Julie firmly believed Kirsty's side of the story until she saw her in one of her fits of rage and, when she confronted her about it, was assaulted herself. Julie and her boyfriend Brian Packham rushed to the court, determined to provide their new evidence but the receptionist told them that they couldn't enter. Instead she rang for a CPS Official to listen to what they had to say.