  • Happy Hunting Grounds
  • The Happy Hunting Grounds, also known as the Beastlands, was the Outer plane representing alignments between neutral good and chaotic good in the Great Wheel cosmology model. Some characteristics of this plane were ascribed to the World Tree cosmology planes of Arvandor and the House of Nature when that cosmology became popular. Arvandor survived the Spellplague while the House of Nature split in at least two parts, one of which became the Deep Wilds and the other merged with the Green Fields as described by the World Axis cosmology model.
shape & size
  • Three infinite layers
gravity trait
  • Normal Gravity
  • Alterable Morphic
time trait
  • Normal Time
magical trait
  • Limited : air and weather spells
  • All manner of animals, solars, hollyphants, planetars, foo creatures, agathia, baku, devas and mortai
  • Happy Hunting Grounds/Beastlands
  • The Happy Hunting Grounds, also known as the Beastlands, was the Outer plane representing alignments between neutral good and chaotic good in the Great Wheel cosmology model. Some characteristics of this plane were ascribed to the World Tree cosmology planes of Arvandor and the House of Nature when that cosmology became popular. Arvandor survived the Spellplague while the House of Nature split in at least two parts, one of which became the Deep Wilds and the other merged with the Green Fields as described by the World Axis cosmology model.