  • Southern Cross Fleet Yards
  • The Southern Cross Fleet Yards was a top-secret construction and modification facility located on Pluto in the Sol system. (D'Sefet's Cat House, the logs of Federation Installation Nine) It was built on the solar system’s smallest and most remote planet system, Pluto - Charon, partially due to the two planetary bodies unique ‘dance’ around a common Barycenter. Every effort has been made to ensure that the base’s presence on the planet remains confidential and knowledge of its existence and operation is provided on a ‘Need To Know’ basis.
  • Southern Cross Fleet Yards
  • The Southern Cross Fleet Yards was a top-secret construction and modification facility located on Pluto in the Sol system. (D'Sefet's Cat House, the logs of Federation Installation Nine) It was built on the solar system’s smallest and most remote planet system, Pluto - Charon, partially due to the two planetary bodies unique ‘dance’ around a common Barycenter. Every effort has been made to ensure that the base’s presence on the planet remains confidential and knowledge of its existence and operation is provided on a ‘Need To Know’ basis.