  • Mirai Reini
  • Mizumi Reini, lived in her Clan’s town, The Village of the Three Moons, when she gave birth to her twin children Mirai and Yuu. No one knew who had fathered the two children and Mizumi never wanted to reveal it. She had travelled with her father Nobur to Kaze few times for some business and had met a man there, during the Third Shinobi War. Mirai was the older sibling for a matter of minutes but always acted as an older sister. She had a very close relationship with her brother, so intense that they were able to predict each other’s thoughts. Because of this special bond Mirai knew how her brother approached the world. He was a very reserved person, calm and serious, interested in books and learning. Though he didn’t love to interact with other’s he had an extremely kind nature and people
  • Mizumi Reini, lived in her Clan’s town, The Village of the Three Moons, when she gave birth to her twin children Mirai and Yuu. No one knew who had fathered the two children and Mizumi never wanted to reveal it. She had travelled with her father Nobur to Kaze few times for some business and had met a man there, during the Third Shinobi War. Mirai was the older sibling for a matter of minutes but always acted as an older sister. She had a very close relationship with her brother, so intense that they were able to predict each other’s thoughts. Because of this special bond Mirai knew how her brother approached the world. He was a very reserved person, calm and serious, interested in books and learning. Though he didn’t love to interact with other’s he had an extremely kind nature and people loved to be in his company. Mirai was quite the opposite of her brother, cheerful, extroverted, always ready for a new adventure or starting some mischief. She liked to interact with people and she felt it to be her responsibility to do it also for her brother. They bond grew stronger over the years since they completed and dependent on each other. Mizumi provided her children with a wide range of ‘fathers’, for a total of thirteen. She wasn’t able to settle on one because of her liberal spirit and no one ever really suited to be her kids’ father. She would meet her lovers besides the Clan borders because strangers weren’t allowed in the town. The Clan wasn’t pleased with her behaviour but since she already had children, that would continue the clan’s bloodline, they let her do. Mirai and Yuu grew in accordance to the Clans’s tradition training as shinobi and developing their Clan’s Kekkei Genkai, the Dark Soul Release. First of all it was vital to do a pact with a specific demon, which received the contractors soul after his death as a payment for his service, and those of other demons to him related. After learning the basic summon technique, that was the speciality of the Reini Clan, the only way to make this powers stronger was to practice. Their childhood passed quite uneventful until the day one of their mother’s lovers, mad at Mizumi for leaving him, managed to sneak in the Village of the Three Moons and set fire to her house. At that moment the only ones inside the house were Yuu and Mirai. As they noticed the fire they started running out of the house but a burning beam hit Mirai, knocking her out and marking her with a scar on her face and burns on her left arm. When Mirai woke up in the hospital few days later she came to realise that she was given a second chance. Few years later, as Yuu and Mirai reached the age of nine they were given a chance to leave the Clan and live in the “World Outside”. It was a common tradition of the Clan to let their members live outside the Clan but this was allowed only if they left the Clan when they were nine. The Clan thought that establishing the age allowance so low would discourage people from leaving the Clan because as children they would have a hard time on their own. Yuu being scared of the world outside refused instantly but Mirai, with big sufferance decided otherwise. She wanted to see the world outside and find her father. Mizumi was unhappy of her decision and hoping to change her mind she said she would never reveal her who her father was. This didn’t affect Mirai’s decision. She wanted to go. Before her departure, her grandfather confided her that he was certain that her father was a shinobi from Konoha. Mirai started her journey towards the Land of Fire that revealed itself to not be very easy. After few days of travelling, because of her inexperience of the outside world she got mobbed and robbed. Fortunately, Mizumi send a message to Rai Reini, another member of the Clan, (who lived in the ‘outside’ world) and requested him to escort Mirai at least through the Land of Wind. As Rai and Mirai travelled he told her about the world outside and taught her how to use some new tecniques. Once reached the Land of Rivers they came across Zero, a wolf, with a harsh character but also a deep knowledge of many shinobi techniques. Mirai was fascinated by Zero, and even if he insisted to be left alone she followed him with decision because she wanted him to became her master and teach her everything about the ninja practices. After all the fluttering things Mirai said about him and his abilities Zero decided to take her in and took her to the Mori no Me, the secret village of the Wolfs. Mirai's plan was to became a skilled ninja so she could impress her father once she found him. Mirai stayed at the Mori no Me constantly training to become a ninja. In the meantime she also trained the Dark Soul Release on her own, sometimes helped by Rai that she meets in the small town of Tani. There Mirai was introduced to an old friend of Rai, Mariko Egami, an ex-con and shinobi that owned a shop of contraband ninja equipment. Mirai and Mariko became good friends and Mariko teached her how to create new jutsus. She liked spending time at the shop because it’s magical atmosphere reminded her of her mother’s shop and made her feel more at home. Mirai also found a new passion and started working on it trying to combine her knowledge about what Zero teached her, what she knew about the Dark Soul Release and her new techniques. Zero and Mirai grow fond of each other even if he would never admit he was affectionate to the girl. She starts to call him Uncle Zero. Nearly a year passed passed and Mirai finally decided to proceed with her journey towards Konoha, accompanied by a concerned Zero. Once reached Konoha, Mirai started looking around for her father. She heard stories about the Fourth Hokage and his skills and she was enchanted by him, hoping to find in him her real father. While wandering around the village she comes across Danzo that immediately recognized in her a Reini. Mirai of course displayed her Clan Symbol and tattoo so to let 'her father know who she descends from'. Danzo had heard about the particular skills of the Reini Clan and since he never encountered one before he decides to propose Mirai a place in the Anbu squad. Mirai accepted when she discovered that being in that team she could have access to reserved files about ninjas and this way she could see who was where during the Third Shinobi War when she and her brother were conceived. But Danzo didn't know that besides Mirai's sure of herself appearance and the 'good' name of her clan she didn’t have any actual mission experience and a sensitive physical weakness. In fact even if she trained hardly she still had problems with controlling her chakra that did't allow her to power up all the jutsu she knew. Mirai had a hard time during her Anbu missions getting away at the last moment with a lot of luck. Eventually Mirai endedup in a mission with Itachi Uchiha.She was from the first moment fascinated by him, and he reminded her of her brother's character. Mirai and Itachi share different missions, during which she grew always more fond of him till obsession. Itachi found a friendly ear in Mirai and enjoed her company because she seemed to understand his reflexive way of being, but he hadno more intense feelings for her. Mirai didn’t believe in revenge or war and once Itachi killed all the members of his Clan she was very disappointed in him. She stayed in the Anbu for another few months but her research did not bring to any result. Danzo was clearly disappointed by her performance and realises that she didn’t have any special ability and when she decided to leave he has no objections. With her father is still a mystery, the boy she was in love with becoming a Nukenin she has no one to turn to and started doubting in her “mission”. She wondered what to do next, if return with Zero to the Mori no Me or take a bigger step and go back home. She missed her family, she wasn’t any closer to find her father, and life was turning quite hard on her. She had always dreamed of adventure, but not having someone to live it with was quite disappointing. Mirai had Zero with her but it wasn’t enough since he couldn’t be with her the whole time. She wished she had her brother with her. Before eventually leaving she walked around Konoha trying to find a sign and as she visited the Academy and she discovers that there was a Team in need of a third member. That was her sign, and so she decided to give Konoha another shot. She encountered Team Seventeen and discovered that it’s members, Shin Kasumi and Namiko Shizuka were nearly her same age. Amy, the former third member of the Team had suffered a mental breakdown and abandoned the Team leaving a vacant place. Ryukaku Inoue, the Team Leader wasn’t very convinced about Mirai at first, being afraid she would end up as the precedent girl, but when she revealed to him her recent ‘employment’ and the true reason of accepting it, he found her taught and as possible competitor for Shin and Namiko, so to spur them to improve. Mirai got to know her teammates well and developed strong bonds with them. Mirai and Shin became very competitive over everything, but never managing to prove who is stronger. Shin had physical strength and techniques by his side while Mirai was very smart and managed to turn over his attacks. They competitively was much enhanced by Ryukaku sensei that submited his team to continuous trainings and tests for which they received points and rankings. The tests were always different, sometimes they were about team work, other times they were about solo missions, or even on how much they were willing to sacrifice for a mission/assignment. Mirai and Namiko’s relationship was much more stable and calm. They enjoyed each other’s company and they became good friends, to the point that they reveal to each other things that no one knew.