  • Could Venus support life
  • Not on the surface, because it's too hot. More than 400 °C, thanks to a powerful greenhouse effect caused by the thick atmosphere of the planet. However, in the clouds and possibly in the underground, the temperatures are fine, so it is possible that there are simple organisms adapted to spend their whole live floating high in the atmosphere or hiding in the underground. Large, complex lifeforms are much less likely. It should be noted that Venus was Earth-like and had oceans on its surface in prehistoric times.
  • Not on the surface, because it's too hot. More than 400 °C, thanks to a powerful greenhouse effect caused by the thick atmosphere of the planet. However, in the clouds and possibly in the underground, the temperatures are fine, so it is possible that there are simple organisms adapted to spend their whole live floating high in the atmosphere or hiding in the underground. Large, complex lifeforms are much less likely. It should be noted that Venus was Earth-like and had oceans on its surface in prehistoric times.