  • Battle of Behpour
  • After Aayla Secura and Luminara Unduli discovered the Gravitic Core on Alzoc III, the Jedi received a message from Senator Padmé Amidala that she was on Behpour and found a secret Separatist weapon that would destroy Naboo's sun. Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi was going to investigate on the planet, until he was under attack. Mace Windu, Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, prepared the troops to go to Behpour. On Behpour, Commander Cody and Captain Rex created a distraction while destroying droids on AT-RTs so that Kenobi and Skywalker could get in the facility and disable the shields. That way, Windu, Tano, and the clone army had a place to enter.
  • *Many clone troopers *AT-RTs *At least 1 AT-TE damaged
  • *All battle droids *Behpour base destroyed *Kul Teska killed
  • 22
  • Schlacht von Behpour
  • Battle of Behpour
  • *Count Dooku *Kul Teska†
  • *High General Mace Windu *High General Obi-Wan Kenobi *General Anakin Skywalker *Commander Ahsoka Tano *Commander CC-6454 *Commander CC-2224 *Captain CT-7567
  • *Battle of Atraken *Foerost Siege
  • *Galactic Republic victory **Gravitic polarization beam destroyed
  • *Clone troopers *All Terrain Tactical Enforcers *All Terrain Recon Transports *At least 2 Venator-class Star Destroyers *At least 3 Nu-class attack shuttle
  • *B1 battle droids *B2 super battle droids *Sabotage droids *LM-432 crab droids *IG-100 Magnaguards *Droidekas *DSD1 dwarf spider droids
  • *Mission to Alzoc III *Battle of Juma 9 *Battle of Ryloth
  • Batalla de Behpour
  • After Aayla Secura and Luminara Unduli discovered the Gravitic Core on Alzoc III, the Jedi received a message from Senator Padmé Amidala that she was on Behpour and found a secret Separatist weapon that would destroy Naboo's sun. Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi was going to investigate on the planet, until he was under attack. Mace Windu, Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, prepared the troops to go to Behpour. On Behpour, Commander Cody and Captain Rex created a distraction while destroying droids on AT-RTs so that Kenobi and Skywalker could get in the facility and disable the shields. That way, Windu, Tano, and the clone army had a place to enter. The two Jedi succeeded, and Windu and Tano led the army inside. The Jedi met and Windu and Kenobi went to the hanger while Skywalker and Tano went to find Kul Teska. Meanwhile, Rex, Cody, and Ponds rushed to prepare the Twilight so they could evacuate on time. Count Dooku entered and used the Force on the clones to go into the ship and sent it into the toxic river. Kenobi and Windu confronted the Count along with his MagnaGuards. The clones escaped and Windu and Kenobi injured Dooku. Then his apprentice, Asajj Ventress, drove a Sheathipede-class shuttle and rescued her Master. Meanwhile, Skywalker and Tano were stopping the bomb and encountered Teska again. The Jedi and Skakoan had a duel, and the facility was going to blow. Cad Bane shot Teska before the facility exploded. Anakin saved Senator Amidala and the three took two STAPs and flew out of the burning facility, right in time for Kenobi and the rest of the crew to save them on the Twilight.
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