  • Action 52
  • Action 52
  • Action 52 could refer to one of two different 52-in-1 multicarts by Active Enterprises Ltd: * Action 52 (NES Version) * Action 52 (Sega Genesis Version)
  • In 1994, Action 52 was added to the United States National Film Registry as being deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." It is the only game in existence to be added to this prestigious list, putting it in a premiere category as the pinnacle game of the 8-bit era. Konami is currently working on a sequel/remake for the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii.
  • Action 52 – kartridż zawierający 52 gier, wydany w 1991 roku na konsolę Nintendo Entertainment System oraz w 1993 roku na Sega Genesis. Składanka ta stała się sławna wśród graczy głównie z powodu katastrofalnej jakości gier. Lista gier
  • Action 52 is an unlicensed video game developed by Active Enterprises in September 1991 for the NES and in May 1993 for the Sega Genesis. The Super Nintendo version wasn't released. It initially retailed for the comparatively high price of US$199 (or "less than $4 for each game") and became notorious among gamers for the abysmal quality of its games. Many video game collectors value Action 52 for its notoriety and rarity. Both the NES and Genesis versions of Action 52 were reviewed by The Angry Video Game Nerd on April 30 and June 9, 2010.
  • __INDEX__ Action 52 ist eine unlizenzierte Spielesammlung, die 1991 für das Nintendo Entertainment System veröffentlicht wurde. Diese Spielesammlung befindet sich auf einer so genannten Multicard. 1993 wurde die Spielesammlung auch für den Sega Mega Drive von den FarSight Studios veröffentlicht. Eine weitere Version für den Super Nintendo wurde beworben, allerdings niemals veröffentlicht. Die Spielesammlung besteht zu großen Teilen Shoot ’em up- und „Jump ’n’ Run“-Spielen. Besonders bekannt wurde das Spiel The Cheetahmen, dem ein 12-seitiges Comic-Heft beilag.
  • Action 52 is an unlicensed video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game is infamous for having a price of one hundred ninety-nine dollars, but with a lack of quality. It included, as the name implies, fifty-two different video games they created, with each one rounding out about an estimated $3.826923076923077 each. Nevertheless, the game wasn't critically acclaimed in the gaming community, with almost each game included being low in quality (see above brackets). Nevertheless, the company remade it and released it on the Sega Genesis a couple years later with better graphics and apparently different games. It is also considered the worst NES game by most.
Row 4 info
  • 1991
  • 1993
  • Genesis
  • NES
Row 1 info
  • Active Enterprises
  • FarSight Studios
Row 4 title
  • Release date
Row 2 info
  • Active Enterprises
Row 6 info
  • Single-player
  • multi-player
  • Englisch
Row 1 title
  • Developer
Row 5 info
  • Various
Row 2 title
  • Publisher
Row 6 title
  • Mode
  • 1991
Row 5 title
  • Genre
Row 3 info
Row 3 title
  • Platform
Box Title
  • Action 52
  • Game
  • The North American boxart.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System und Sega Mega Drive
  • a
Image size
  • 300
  • Nintendo Entertainment System
  • C
  • Mega Drive: 1993
  • NES: 1991
Image File
  • Action 52 box art.jpg
  • Albert und Cronos Engineering, Inc.
  • Action 52 is an unlicensed video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game is infamous for having a price of one hundred ninety-nine dollars, but with a lack of quality. It included, as the name implies, fifty-two different video games they created, with each one rounding out about an estimated $3.826923076923077 each. Nevertheless, the game wasn't critically acclaimed in the gaming community, with almost each game included being low in quality (see above brackets). Nevertheless, the company remade it and released it on the Sega Genesis a couple years later with better graphics and apparently different games. It is also considered the worst NES game by most. Most of the games included are filled with immense glitches that add to the bad quality of the already unoriginal titles included, which mostly consist of platform and shooting games. The game's sole manual suggested that one could pay one dollar for a manual on one of the games, thus he/she would have to pay fifty two more dollars in order to have all of the instructions. Because the games were unsuccessful, the company Active Enterprises shut down before they were able to release the Super Nintendo Entertainment System version that they had planned. The game is greatly noted for introducing the would-be franchise "The Cheetahmen". Despite the fact that the game was still low in quality, it is visible that it was developed to be the hallmark of the entire game, featuring far less glitches than the other games, not to mention the 12 page comic book featuring the characters that came packaged with every game. A sequel to Cheetahmen was made, called Cheetahmen 2, but it was never released.
  • __INDEX__ Action 52 ist eine unlizenzierte Spielesammlung, die 1991 für das Nintendo Entertainment System veröffentlicht wurde. Diese Spielesammlung befindet sich auf einer so genannten Multicard. 1993 wurde die Spielesammlung auch für den Sega Mega Drive von den FarSight Studios veröffentlicht. Eine weitere Version für den Super Nintendo wurde beworben, allerdings niemals veröffentlicht. Die Spielesammlung wurde zu einem Preis von 199 US-Dollar verkauft, was laut Werbeaussage weniger als 4 US-Dollar pro Spiel ausmachte. Die Werbung sprach von 52 „new and original exciting games“ (neuen und aufregenden Spielen). Viele Videospielsammler schätzen Action 52 wegen seiner Bekanntheit und seiner Seltenheit. Die Spielesammlung besteht zu großen Teilen Shoot ’em up- und „Jump ’n’ Run“-Spielen. Besonders bekannt wurde das Spiel The Cheetahmen, dem ein 12-seitiges Comic-Heft beilag.
  • Action 52 could refer to one of two different 52-in-1 multicarts by Active Enterprises Ltd: * Action 52 (NES Version) * Action 52 (Sega Genesis Version)
  • In 1994, Action 52 was added to the United States National Film Registry as being deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." It is the only game in existence to be added to this prestigious list, putting it in a premiere category as the pinnacle game of the 8-bit era. Konami is currently working on a sequel/remake for the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii.
  • Action 52 – kartridż zawierający 52 gier, wydany w 1991 roku na konsolę Nintendo Entertainment System oraz w 1993 roku na Sega Genesis. Składanka ta stała się sławna wśród graczy głównie z powodu katastrofalnej jakości gier. Lista gier 1. * Firebreather- gra o smokach dla dwóch graczy. 2. * Starevil- gra kosmiczna. 3. * Illuminator- gra w której walczymy z postaciami a pokój w którym jesteśmy ciągle gaśnie. 4. * G-Force FGT- strzelanka w której lecimy różowym statkiem. 5. * Ooze- gra o zielonym ludziku który walczy z zielonymi glutami. 6. * Silver Sword- walczymy z samochodzikami i pasożytami . 7. * Critical BP- jako ufo walczymy z innymi ufo na ekranie startowym. 8. * Jupiter Scope- strzelanka w której chronimy miasto przed meteorytami . 9. * Alfredo- walczymy z takosami w kuchni 10. * Operation Full-Moon- jedziemy autem i strzelamy pociskami o rozmiarze 1 pixela 11. * Dam Busters- jesteśmy bobrem który strzela w inne bobry które są zielone. 12. * Thrusters- lecimy zielonym stateczkiem i strzelamy do innych statków i uważamy na kwadraty. 13. * Haunted Hill- walczymy z duchami lachonem. 14. * Chill Out- jesteśmy eskimosem i walczymy z innymi eskimosami. 15. * Sharks- jesteśmy nurkiem i zabijamy rekiny. 16. * Megalonia- gra kosmiczna w którym statek jest niebieski. 17. * French Baker- walczymy z pączkami, kredęsami i kopertami rzucając je talerzem. 18. * Atmos Quake- gra kosmiczna w której strzelamy szarym statkiem. 19. * Meong- parodia sapera w której poruszamy się logiem action 52. 20. * Space Dreams- jako dziecko strzelamy do zabawek na tle pentagramów. 21. * Streemerz- jako szczur wspinamy się na wyższe stopnie. 22. * Spread Fire- jako różowy krab strzelamy do statków. 23. * Bubblegum Rosy- jako dziewczynka walczymy z balonikami. 24. * Micro Mike- zap**rdalamy różowym dzieckiem i uważamy na przeszkody. 25. * Underground- sterujemy murzynem który walczy z grzybami w kopalni. 26. * Rocket Jockey- jako kowboj walczymy z krowami. 27. * Non-Human- sterujemy dziwną postacią która walczy ze szczękami. 28. * Cry Baby- jesteśmy dzieckiem który walczy z dorosłymi. 29. * Slashers 30. * Crazy Shuffle 31. * Fuzz Power 32. * Shooting Gallery 33. * Lollipops 34. * Evil Empire 35. * Sombreros 36. * Storm over the Desert 37. * Mash Man 38. * They Came... 39. * Lazer League 40. * Billy Bob 41. * City of Doom 42. * Bits and Pieces 43. * Beeps and Blips 44. * Manchester 45. * Boss 46. * Dedant 47. * Hambo 48. * Time Warp Tickers 49. * Jigsaw 50. * Ninja Assault 51. * Robbie Robot 52. * The Cheetahmen 53. *
  • Action 52 is an unlicensed video game developed by Active Enterprises in September 1991 for the NES and in May 1993 for the Sega Genesis. The Super Nintendo version wasn't released. It initially retailed for the comparatively high price of US$199 (or "less than $4 for each game") and became notorious among gamers for the abysmal quality of its games. Many video game collectors value Action 52 for its notoriety and rarity. Both the NES and Genesis versions of Action 52 were reviewed by The Angry Video Game Nerd on April 30 and June 9, 2010. Some of the complaints that the Nerd has about Action 52 are the graphics, the B button controlling your jumping rather than A, dying in midair before even hitting the ground, the graphics, and the frequent number of space shooters.