  • Vittorio
  • Vittorio
  • Vittorio
  • Vittorio is a hero from Heroes of Might and Magic V.
  • Vittorio ist ein junger Yaqui-Indianer, der aus Mexiko stammt. Er ist der jüngere Bruder von Natches und Nanika. Im Fall der lachende Schatten wird er mit drei anderen Jungen von Mr.Harris nach Rocky Beach gelockt. Dort soll er in einem Vergnügungspark seine Kletterkünste vorführen. Stattdessen will Harris jedoch mit Hilfe der Jungen den Schatz der Chumash bergen. Dannach wollte dieser die Indianer ermorden. Vittorio schafte es, eine Nachricht in einer Statue zu verstecken und diese aus dem Landgut der Sanchez, wo man ihn gefangen hielt, zu schleusen. Kategorie:Indianer Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Männliche Charaktere Kategorie:Ausländische Charaktere
  • Vittorio di Raniari was a sixteen year old nobleman living with his family in Tuscany, Italy. In 1450, his family is murdered by a coven of powerful and ancient vampires. Vittorio would have also been killed, if it was not for the vampire Ursula, who felt Vittorio was too beautiful to destroy. Vittorio takes care of his family's burial and vows to avenge their deaths, as his siblings severed heads strike deep into his soul. Gathering up all the family riches he can find, Vittorio flees toward Florence at daylight to escape the vampires.
  • Vittorio - rycerz, bohater standardowy Heroes of Might and Magic V. Posiada umiejętności początkowe Kontratak i Balista oraz podumiejętnośc Balista. Jego specjalna zdolnośc Specjalista od Oblężeń sprawiała, że za każdy zdobyty przez Vittorio poziom doświadczenia balista zyskiwała dodatkowy punkt ataku i dwuprocentowy bonus do szansy, że trafi ona w mur. Jest jednym z bohaterów dostępnych do rozegrania trybu pojedynku w hot-seat (multiplayer). Jego oficjalna biografia brzmiała tak: Jako weteran wielu potyczek z niesfornymi Wolnymi Miastami na południowo-wschodniej granicy Imperium Gryfów, Vittorio jest ekspertem w sztuce prowadzenia oblężeą. Spędził lata na udoskonalaniu zarówno projektów, jak i sposobów użycia maszyn oblężniczych, wierząc święcie, że życie wielu żołnierzy można uratować do
  • Vittorio, also known as Father of the Day and Father of the Tigers or Day Father to Marmee Noir, is a millenia old vampire that was mentioned in passing in other books. In Incubus Dreams Vittorio is presented as just another serial killer vampire, who goes after strippers and has left strings of bodies behind in several cities already. He kills many in St. Louis as well, and sets a trap to Anita and SWAT where they lose three people in a fight staged to appear as if Vittorio's kiss gets killed.
  • Glen - brother
  • Over 2000
  • Destroyed
  • Heroes of Might and Magic V
  • Siege Engineer
  • Ballista receive +1 to their Attack for every level of the hero. Catapult's chance to hit the wall is increased by 2% for every hero level.
  • Skin Trade
Known Powers
  • Daywalker
  • Psychic Projection
  • Sourdre de Sang
  • Vittorio
  • H5SpecSiegeEngineer.png
  • Day Father
  • Father of the Dawn
  • Father of the Day
  • Father of the Tigers
  • God of Living Light
  • Male
  • Vittorio - rycerz, bohater standardowy Heroes of Might and Magic V. Posiada umiejętności początkowe Kontratak i Balista oraz podumiejętnośc Balista. Jego specjalna zdolnośc Specjalista od Oblężeń sprawiała, że za każdy zdobyty przez Vittorio poziom doświadczenia balista zyskiwała dodatkowy punkt ataku i dwuprocentowy bonus do szansy, że trafi ona w mur. Jest jednym z bohaterów dostępnych do rozegrania trybu pojedynku w hot-seat (multiplayer). Jego oficjalna biografia brzmiała tak: Jako weteran wielu potyczek z niesfornymi Wolnymi Miastami na południowo-wschodniej granicy Imperium Gryfów, Vittorio jest ekspertem w sztuce prowadzenia oblężeą. Spędził lata na udoskonalaniu zarówno projektów, jak i sposobów użycia maszyn oblężniczych, wierząc święcie, że życie wielu żołnierzy można uratować doskonaląc technologię wojskową. Co prawda jego radykalne projekty techniczne mogą przysporzyć ciekawych doznaą u testujących je po raz pierwszy załóg, generalnie przyjmuje się jednak, że jego sprzęt nie nadaje się w zasadzie do niczego. Kategoria:Rycerze (Heroes of Might and Magic V)
  • Vittorio is a hero from Heroes of Might and Magic V.
  • Vittorio di Raniari was a sixteen year old nobleman living with his family in Tuscany, Italy. In 1450, his family is murdered by a coven of powerful and ancient vampires. Vittorio would have also been killed, if it was not for the vampire Ursula, who felt Vittorio was too beautiful to destroy. Vittorio takes care of his family's burial and vows to avenge their deaths, as his siblings severed heads strike deep into his soul. Gathering up all the family riches he can find, Vittorio flees toward Florence at daylight to escape the vampires. On his way to Florence Vittorio arrives at a village where everyone is young and healthy; there are no beggars in the street, no sick, no elderly and no dying. Feeling someone stalking him, Vittorio stops at an inn to rest. Unbeknownst to him, Ursula is behind his bedroom window. Ursula lures Vittorio to the coven lair, which is an old castle. In its garden he sees the elderly and sick that were absent from the village; the villagers made a pact that the vampires could have any of their weak if they would leave the rest of them alone. Vittorio witnesses a feast where some of these people are sacrificed for the vampires to feed on. Vittorio refuses the Dark Gift offered to him by the coven leader. They think about killing him, but thanks to Ursula, merely leave him alone in a village. In the doorway of an inn, Vittorio sees two angels, Ramiel and Setheus, arguing. They are the guardian angels of his idol, Fra Fillipo Lippi. With their help and the help of a powerful angel named Mastema, Vittorio plots to kill the vampires who killed his family and who are now killing thousands of innocents. During the daytime, Vittorio sneaks into the coven lair and beheads the sleeping coven members. He throws the heads out into the sunlight where they wither and die. Yet when it comes time to behead Ursula, despite the angels' urging Vittorio can not bring himself to kill the vampire who saved his life twice. Instead, he frees Ursula in hopes of saving her soul. Ursula tricks Vittorio into becoming a vampire and a taste for blood conquers everything he knows. The last chapter of Vittorio the Vampire concerns Vittorio's life as a vampire. He and Ursula live as murderous thieves, killing innocents and robbing victims until their appetites are satisfied. The two become lovers and stayed with each other for over 500 years. He is one of the 17 vampires to survive Akasha's purge, although it is not clear whether Ursula has. As a vampire, Vittorio can still see angels and souls, which appear inside a person as a blinding ball of white light. Mastema the angel tells Vittorio that whenever he kills a victim he witnesses the extinguishing of their soul.
  • Vittorio, also known as Father of the Day and Father of the Tigers or Day Father to Marmee Noir, is a millenia old vampire that was mentioned in passing in other books. In Incubus Dreams Vittorio is presented as just another serial killer vampire, who goes after strippers and has left strings of bodies behind in several cities already. He kills many in St. Louis as well, and sets a trap to Anita and SWAT where they lose three people in a fight staged to appear as if Vittorio's kiss gets killed. In Skin Trade it is revealed that he is far more powerful than he first seemed and he wants Anita, like so many other male characters, but he cannot have her due to the holy water damages he sustained and because she does not want him back. He has a ring that can control Jinns, and has the tiger as his animal to call. He and Marmee Noir share a history where she took most of his powers, after she killed the last of the Yellow Clan's Queens, and left him mostly helpless in the world. However, he has been regaining his powers back with her awakening, and Anita must destroy him before he destroys Vegas. He has time to do quite a bit of damage first, though, including causing and feeding on the ardeur-fueled orgy inspired by Marmee Noir's past actions, where Anita is forced to have sex with Cynric, Domino, and Crispin (among other people). In Bullet it is revealed that although Vittorio believed Marmee Noir dead, she had sent her essence to the Vampire Council members. She takes his powers when he is killed by Anita.
  • Vittorio ist ein junger Yaqui-Indianer, der aus Mexiko stammt. Er ist der jüngere Bruder von Natches und Nanika. Im Fall der lachende Schatten wird er mit drei anderen Jungen von Mr.Harris nach Rocky Beach gelockt. Dort soll er in einem Vergnügungspark seine Kletterkünste vorführen. Stattdessen will Harris jedoch mit Hilfe der Jungen den Schatz der Chumash bergen. Dannach wollte dieser die Indianer ermorden. Vittorio schafte es, eine Nachricht in einer Statue zu verstecken und diese aus dem Landgut der Sanchez, wo man ihn gefangen hielt, zu schleusen. Kategorie:Indianer Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Männliche Charaktere Kategorie:Ausländische Charaktere
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