  • Gruntipedia Fun: Lesbian Lover
  • The Lesbian Lover is ADMYAMAMOTO the 2nd's personal pwng ship. It is the most powerful and famous ship of all that can easily unleash hell o' fury upon any noob it can find. It is also the command ship of Gruntipedia's fleet in the war against Halopedia. Commanded by YAMAMOTO himself and crewed by the only epic Elites that love Grunts, it is the best shit that could ever fly in space.
  • The Lesbian Lover is ADMYAMAMOTO the 2nd's personal pwng ship. It is the most powerful and famous ship of all that can easily unleash hell o' fury upon any noob it can find. It is also the command ship of Gruntipedia's fleet in the war against Halopedia. Commanded by YAMAMOTO himself and crewed by the only epic Elites that love Grunts, it is the best shit that could ever fly in space.