  • Episode Guide - July 2008
  • The following is a list of The 404 episodes that were recorded in July 2008.
  • The following is a list of Buzz Out Loud episodes that aired in July 2008.
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  • 2008-07-01
  • 2008-07-02
  • 2008-07-03
  • 2008-07-07
  • 2008-07-08
  • 2008-07-09
  • 2008-07-10
  • 2008-07-11
  • 2008-07-14
  • 2008-07-15
  • 2008-07-16
  • 2008-07-17
  • 2008-07-18
  • 2008-07-21
  • 2008-07-22
  • 2008-07-23
  • 2008-07-24
  • 2008-07-25
  • 2008-07-28
  • 2008-07-29
  • 2008-07-30
  • 2008-07-31
  • 3.15576E8
  • On today's show, we discover that it's hard to stand out in an orgy, only about a quarter of things Molly says are words, and EA poops all over you. That's just the kind of show we have when Rafe Needleman fills in for Tom.
  • That's sarcasm, I'm afraid. Lots of bad news today, including the tragic end to the Spam King escape story, the cell-phones-and-cancer debate makes a resurgence with some serious recommendations for careful use, and AOL starts up a fire sale. In good news, though, a new iPhone firmware upgrade is on deck, and it may bring turn-by-turn GPS AND copy and paste. But you know, don't get your hopes up. Have a great weekend!
  • It's not easy doing a show after a trench-coated troubadour walks in wearing a pair of sunglasses, and starts to sing "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley. A singing telegram... That's right, folks, we got a live Rickroll! Wow, it's pretty hard to follow that up with an equally funny and disturbing show, but we try our hardest, 'cause hey! It's Friday. On today's episode, we exonerate Andy Dick for his underage groping, analyze some strange statistics, and Jeff tells us about his favorite thing to do on a sunny Saturday afternoon: Live Human Taxidermy. All that and a handful of hilarious calls and e-mails from our listeners.
  • Today's show starts off a bit rough. Wilson's still gone and our guests Rana Sobhany and Eric Litman are nowhere to be found, so it's the Jeff and Justin show for the first half. We do our normal thing and chat about old people getting it on until BAM! Rana and Eric arrive and all is well again. They give us the scoop on their newest business venture, Medialets, and we also discuss the YouTube versus Viacom lawsuit. Thanks for coming on the show, guys!
  • The rotten corpse of the Microsoft-Yahoo merger has apparently reanimated itself and is wandering down Wall Street, munching on the brains of News Corp. and Time Warner, recruiting them to its unholy cause. Sigh. In other news, Microsoft has a new Office subscription service, Blockbuster decided Circuit City just isn't worth it, and we debunk the Texas PC repair hysteria that's sweeping the blogosphere.
  • We've offered more than 99 pennies in reward money as a challenge to the first person who can make some e-salt that will stop the snail robots from taking over our planet. Of course, running would probably also work as they are snails. Also Microsoft and Yahoo are fighting and we children don't like it. But Time Warner might. We also talk a little bit about some phone that's coming out this week. From Apple. I think it's called the over-hyped phone. Or iPhone. Or something.
  • CNET interns Jeff and Jeremy give the Webcam a premature Fourth of July fireworks show and fuzzify the viewers, but we'll forgive them this time. In other news, we also take apart the Great Firewall of China, beg for Rush Limbaugh's scraps, voraciously consume watermelon with a vengeance, hack a few ATMs across the country, and question Wilson's stubborn refusal to see GOOD MOVIES.
  • Big thanks to one of our callers today who offers some much-needed perspective on Vista and...well, everything, really. Also, Netflix saves the profiles , AT&T releases details on iPhone 3G pricing , and Fiji objects to other things named "Fiji." Just like how we object to other things named "Buzz."
  • Sixteen of Wilson's illegitimate children ventured into the preshow, but don't worry--we kept it G-rated for the little Tangers. Check out the video courtesy of UltimateBuster for evidence of the wackiness. Once they leave, though, we revert back to our old selves and bring you another show filled with skally stories from around the Internets, including the upcoming Xbox 360 dashboard update, Laser Speedos , the overweight American workforce, and this country's obsession with nonfat half-caff triple-grande quarter-sweet sugar-free nonfat lactaid extra-hot extra-foamy caramel macchiatos.
  • Sad news for CNET: Rafe and I are about to quit and go start our new search engine, which filters results by snobbery. There's a market for everything out there. Also, Sony decides it wants to sell some consoles, and maybe some videos and TV shows, too. Good idea! iPhone's enterprise capabilities are under fire, the Dev Team claims to have unlocked it, but Google's blowing it bigger with some secret Android SDKs. D'oh.
  • This is the show where we learn, once and for all, what we always suspected. Apple can do anything it wants to you, and you'll sit there and take it and even say thank you. Sigh. In other news, Microsoft thrills Xbox Live Gold subscribers with Netflix streaming , Viacom backs off its threat to Hoover up all your personal information and come after you for watching pirated videos, and Apple finally gets around to suing Psystar. Oh, and Molly's back.
  • After one of our listeners calls us out on our truly awful Jamaican impression, we try, try, try again--unsuccessfully. It doesn't work out so well, and we slowly start to sound like a Jamaican extradited from Ireland.'s episode finally reveals the secret pre-show juice that powers the enthusiasm we bring you everyday: crunk juice! And, by crunk juice we mean orange juice! All this segues into our first story, where we lay the smackdown on 50 Cent for getting a little trigger happy south of the border. Jeff decides to change 50's name to "Buy One, Get One Free" and we quickly move on, fearing the kind of retribution that only a man with his own Vitamin Water can dish. We also envy a man who projects his 11th digit onto cathedrals in Spain, make fun of a doofus that actually got several Microsoft Zune tattoos, and pick apart the movies that you should see this weekend.
  • At least in Taiwan, the Linux version of the Asus Eee PC is very popular among housewives and students. Meanwhile geeks want the Windows XP version. Also on the show today Microsoft finally declares war on Apple's advertisements, and an Xbox 360 price cut may be coming as early as Sunday. Oh and there was something about the iPhone. Apparently people are excited about it.
  • Go ahead, tailor that song with awesomely geeky lyrics vis-a-vis the Large Hadron Collider and the Higgs Boson. Tom did. Actually, Tom won't stop. Let's move on. In other news of the day, Kevin Mitnick signed a book deal, so prepare to have your mind rocked by his awesome adventures; Ubisoft DRM reminds us that DRM sucks; and NBC decides to let Jimmy Fallon try out his late-night skills online before he does the real thing. Good idea.
  • By average people we mean, mean people. As we have learned that mean and average are indubitably the same thing. However, we also learned on today's show that men are from Redmond and women are from Cupertino. That and a lot of news that actually isn't about the iPhone. Though we covered that to.
  • UPDATE: We just learned that the escaped Eddie Davidson, the "spam king," was found dead after having apparently murdered his family. Obviously, we did not know this at the time we recorded our podcast, and we apologize for any insensitivity that could be inferred from our remarks. We will definitely address this horrible turn of events in tomorrow's show. The recently imprisoned "Spam King" goes straight-up mint jelly and escapes from federal prison , Yahoo Music makes the MSN Music mistake with the benefit of hindsight, and Walt Mossberg slams Mobile Me. You know, that service from Apple? Yeah. Really. What's wrong with the world today? Oh, and P.S. We're coming for you, Podfather!
  • This is the show where we KILL the Batman. And by kill, we mean praise...maybe obsess. We scored a few free tickets to attend an exclusive Dark Knight IMAX screening and after getting stood up by three contest winners, we finally get in touch with Cesar Marty, who came to enjoy the movie with us. And man...did we enjoy it. So much so that we spend the first half of today's show gushing over its superiority over all other superhero flicks. Don't worry, we keep Wilson "The Spoiler" Tang on a short leash. The rest of the show is spent recommending good places to consummate an affair, wrapping up this year's E3, and applying "SKALLY" in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • We express our disappointment with Mr. Bale regarding this breaking news, and also comment on the Japanese trend of upskirt iPhone pics, mourn the death of the local coffee shop, and warn our young viewers about the dangers of lighting your friends' pants on fire. Finally, we end the show with a lengthy discussion on alternative pedicures and place an astonishing $404 eBay bid. Download the 'cast to find out if we won!
  • On today's show, we learn how we, too, can purchase an extreme cooling machine, we test out the new Cuil search engine, which is apparently already doomed by its incomprehensible name and the unreasonable hatred of our chat room. Also, Steve Jobs calls to clear the air regarding his health , and I go on a rant that includes the term "earwax wiggle."
  • When graphene meets a diamond, what will happen? Ragnarok? We explore that and other matters of scientific interest, such as whether the Wii or the DS is technically the top-selling "console" in the U.S., on today's video version of Buzz Out Loud. Plus, Brian Tong is on, so we actually have a lot of fun. --Molly
  • We finally get CNET photographer Sarah Tew into The 404 lair and I screw it all up in the preshow. Sarah was dragged in by Corinne Shulze, another CNET shooter visiting from the City by the Bay. In nothing short of a miracle, they still agree to do the show and we get right into it. Corinne tells us about her fight with a MUNI rail and expounds the joys of working on Vicodin. Also, I tell the group about how I almost came to blows with a dude over the weekend. While there isn't much tech talk in this episode , we do make fun of drunk people on airplanes and rename the Cloverfield sequel.
  • On today's show, we spout about our "appearance" on Fox News, release an exclusive secret about this year's Rock Band concert at E3, briefly touch on the iPhone release, and look into a new and innovative form of police brutality. Special appearances by Bill Cosby, Space Beer Guy, and a genital herpes commercial.
  • On the show today: Natali Del Conte, Sex and the Second Life, star crossed robotics, beer theft in gay bars, Drank drink - "Slow Your Roll," Cluck the MPAA.
  • It's definitely been awhile but we're happy to welcome Maggie Reardon back to the show. Today we talk about waiting in line for useless electronics, beer pong video games, the shaky new PS3 firmware, and Maggie enlightens us on some iPhone alternatives and the benefits of switching to Sprint.
  • And that, my friends, is how we get you to listen all the way to the end. But in actual news of the day, a judge ordered Google to expose the viewing habits of millions of YouTube users. But it's OK, because only a few people will get to look at them. That's fine, right? Also, we freak out about privacy and identity theft, just in time for a study that acknowledges that consumers are freaking out about privacy and identity theft. Plus, the power of video compels switch to broadband.
  • Big Daddy Wilson can't make it on the show today, so we scoured the office and found his lovechild with MTI, CNET Account Coordinator Eddie Nguyen. He joins us for another wild show- this time, we address the not-so-recent trend of DVD piracy, the George Dubya Bush Sewage Plant , and Google's plan to redirect socially inept nerds. Most importantly, we expose a CON ARTIST within The 404 family. Seriously, we're fuming.
  • Guest Alex Green shows us his Web site "GET OVER IT", Space Beer T-shirts, 404 Dark Knight Meetup Wrap-up, Pussy Natural Energy Drink, Monster of Montauk, and Seth Rogan on the pot.
  • Per usual, we push the envelope in the preshow today and it starts to leak into the beginning of today's episode, but we quickly seal it up and get into our story rundown. We criticize our sue-happy country and its propensity for stupid T-shirts, speak to the potential power of iPhone gaming, introduce a new S&M Barbie doll , and snap our way through this year's Emmy nominees.
  • The wisdom of the crowds turns out to be simple mob rule, as Dark Knight fans not only mod up their new favorite movie but start modding down The Godfather on IMDB. Also, we do a probably wildly inaccurate T. Boone Pickens impression because plain old financial stories are just not interesting enough. Oh, and Scrabulous is now gone from Facebook. So, you know, get back to work.
  • CNET's Dan Ackerman drops by The 404 to give us some E3 2008 predictions and previews. We talk about the big three companies and what we can expect to hear from their respective news conferences at the big show. We'll also chat about Justin and Jeff's experience at the iPhone 3G launch this morning--it wasn't pretty.
  • According to Google, there's no such thing as complete privacy. And while we tend to agree, we don't necessarily think that should mean Google can drive up into the driveway, take pictures of the inside of our houses, and put them on the Internet. Maybe we're just not all on the same page. Also, new Mac notebooks and iPods are likely coming soon, along with, but not related to, a new Internet.
  • We debunk yesterday's story about how the studios are going to develop new 3D standards. That is, we like the standards idea, but we know there are glasses in there somewhere. Also, the San Francisco mayor makes a secret, underground visit to imprisoned IT martyr Terry Childs and get's the city's network passwords out of him. It's so very Jack Bauer. Oh, and Google might buy Digg. Call us when it happens.
  • On the first day of the iPhone 3G massive amounts of fanatics went home frustrated. Activation problems meant a lot of folks couldn't go home with a working iPhone. Some didn't even have a working phone at all, as the old phone got deactivated but the new one was not brought into working order. Meanwhile FCC goes Medieval on Comcast and announces the four freedoms of the Internet will be enforced.
  • I'm so sick of saying the name of that darn phone, but the fact of the matter is, people want to hear about it. So we do one more day about the weekend issues and thank goodness for Microsoft and Yahoo giving us something else to talk about. And robot crabs. Thank goodness for robot crabs.
  • We're back from vacation and better than ever! On today's show, we bring you the heat from the Interwaves: weekend movie roundups , a heartwarming story about a decapitated Chihuahua, advancements in genetically modified human beings, smog safety concerns at the Olympics in Beijing, and one mysterious alien aircraft in yonder atmosphere.
  • Self-proclaimed audiophiliac Steve Guttenberg sits in with us today and gives us the inside scoop on the many benefits of ear cleansing. Light candles in your ear, pouring hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal, what the...? We also talk more about the latest headphones on the market and even gain some insight into the Steve's former political agenda! We also play a heartbreaking voicemail that Natali received from our buddy Phil Ryan and EVENTUALLY get into the rundown at the tail end of the show, talking about hot, sweaty lesbians! 'Tis true, take a peek!
  • Our favorite guest ghost Rana Sobhany joins us again and brings her friend Alex Cone, who dishes the dirt on the Apple AppStore and gives us all the secrets about the new iPhone 4G. OK, maybe not, but we do get into a pretty random rundown, which includes a rundown of the Microsoft press conference at E3, an update on Wordpress, shirtless Mormons, and an exercise in international workplace ethics.
  • You never knew you had so many reasons to love Windows Mobile 7, but you'll find out a few of them today. Also, Amazon offers on-demand movie and TV streaming , Microsoft explains the weird Halo no-show at E3...and the explanation is typical, baffling and infuriating. So, good work, Microsoft, as usual. Oh, and that asteroid that was going to kill us and then wasn't going to kill us? It's probably going to kill us, but we won't know for sure because we can't afford a subscription to New Scientist or a really big telescope.
  • After a long, hot weekend, all three of us are happy to be indoors hugging the air conditioner and chatting about all the latest and greatest news from the Internet. This weekend people escaped the heat by checking out The Dark Knight, and the numbers blew our predictions out of the water. Another doozy: dudes in Flint, Mich., are pissed at Police Chief David Dicks cracking down on saggy butts, and Amy Winehouse's boo-bear finally finds a home in prison. We also talk about the Beijing Olympics and run down FHM's list of 100 Sexiest Women. Britney Spears, are you KIDDING me?!
  • Since I'm the only one who caught a glimpse of the leaked Wolverine trailer, I have to be the one to explain it to the dudes. We also get into a discussion about the lengths that some dudes will go to get a girl's attention. Wilson's chum and S.P. fangirl Alex Rodriguez pops into the studio! Alex helps us update the public on some not-so-fresh [Inside Jokes & Common References|[Amy Winehouse]] news, Joker wannabees, and gives us a few tips on how to truly find away to a woman's heart.
  • Today's show is all about answering the questions that nobody is asking. These questions include: * Is "doing the robot" considered cheating? * If California legalizes marijuana, will we need to find a new co-host? * Is the vibrating iPhone keypad a curse or a blessing in disguise? * When will Amy Winehouse evolve into a Homo sapiens? * How can we stop the Ninja Turtles from stealing our precious metals? * Do the Netflix executives listen to The 404? * Is there a problem that can't be solved with Viagra? All this and much much more, now brought to you by CBS Interactive and its parent company, The 404.
  • No, not death, but close to it. The race is on for who has the most expensive iPhone plan in the world! Plus Microsoft finally gives us a date for XP SP3, sort of. And we have some security news for you as well as a recap of the digital TV transition. So listen up!
  • Oh man. Molly is out for one day and look what happens. Well the Monster story comes form the cable makers attempting to sue the makers of a deer salt lick. Seriously. And Iron Butt refers to a character from X-Men after we got schooled on Magneto by Craig from Omaha. And we talked about porn too.
  • 100
  • Where our names aren't f***ing Warren
  • Where we get over it
  • Where Wilson's optimism is making us nauseous
  • Where you can call us now for your free reading
  • Where you can win a non-date with Natali Del Conte!
  • Where Natali does not do it in Second Life
  • Where none of us want the new iPhone
  • Where it's talking to you
  • Where the interns broke the studio
  • Where Maggie makes her triumphant return to The 404
  • Where Justin will not be censored
  • Where we KILL the Batman
  • Where CBS is brought to you by The 404
  • Where this aggression will not stand, man
  • Where the show is now called The 202
  • Where that "Umbrella" song sucks
  • A Monster episode of Iron butt proportions
  • Announcing: Snobble
  • Average people suck
  • Debt by data plan
  • Eight-letter word for fail: Scrabble
  • EverCuil
  • Google, get off my lawn!
  • Linux for housewives
  • Punch me in the face, Apple
  • Return of the living MicroHoo
  • Spam on the lam
  • Thank goodness for robot crabs
  • The Dark Knight kills the Godfather
  • The feel-good episode of the year
  • The strongest versus the hardest
  • Tom's 3D house of terror
  • Vista: it's not Stalin
  • Where Justin apologizes profusely to Sarah Tew
  • Where Justin is cutting a 7-inch on brown vinyl
  • Where MTI is livid and covered in toilet paper
  • Where we just got Rickrolled, f'real
  • Where we stay together for the kids
  • Where we're looking for the big E
  • Windows Mobile 7: Get fired up!
  • Worms on the tongue
  • iPhail?
  • What's cooler than being cool? The Large Hadron Collider.
  • The following is a list of The 404 episodes that were recorded in July 2008.
  • The following is a list of Buzz Out Loud episodes that aired in July 2008.