  • Grey Fungus
  • The Grey Fungi were created by the Unknown to protect the lesser fungi from their natural enemies, the Skelk When violet fungi live long enough, they become sentient and loose there color, turning into Grey Fungi. These grey fungi are the intelligence behind fungal colonies. The oldest grey fungus is the colony matriarch. The matriarch is able to root itself down and grow a hyphae network in the ground, forming another mycelium. This allows the matriarch the production of new fungi.
  • The Grey Fungi were created by the Unknown to protect the lesser fungi from their natural enemies, the Skelk When violet fungi live long enough, they become sentient and loose there color, turning into Grey Fungi. These grey fungi are the intelligence behind fungal colonies. The oldest grey fungus is the colony matriarch. The matriarch is able to root itself down and grow a hyphae network in the ground, forming another mycelium. This allows the matriarch the production of new fungi. Before the grey fungi, the fungal colonies where formed from the mycelium of the Unknown. This mass is called the Primal Matriarch When a colonie becomes large enough, other old grey fungi are seperated from the colony and will move a way to become matriarchs themselves and form there own colonies.