  • The Lie
  • The Lie
  • The Lie
  • The Lie
  • The Lie
  • The Lie
  • The Lie is the second episode of season 5 of Lost. Hugo "Hurley" Reyes is featured in the episode's one flashback.
  • "[[|]]" es el segundo episodio de la quinta temporada de Lost, el 88 de la serie entera y fue emitido el miércoles 21 de enero de 2009 en Estados Unidos, inmediatamente después de "[[|]]". El resto de supervivientes comienzan a sentir los efectos causados por el traslado de la isla, y Jack y Ben comienzan su búsqueda para reunir a los 6 de Oceanic, junto con el cuerpo de Locke.
  • |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "The Lie" é o segundo episódio da 5ª Temporada e o 88º episódio de Lost; foi ao ar no dia 21 de janeiro de 2009. Hurley e Sayid estão fugindo dos policiais depois de enfrentarem problemas; os sobreviventes da ilha são atacados por forças desconhecidas; e uma antiga amiga oferece conselhos chocantes para Kate para assegurar que "a mentira" permaneça em segredo.
  • The remaining survivors on the island continue to deal with the shifts through time. Flashforwards show Hurley's rampant attempts to revive Sayid after an attack by unknown assailants, meanwhile Ben further his efforts to return the Oceanic Six to the island.
  • "The Lie" is the second episode of Season 5 of Lost, originally broadcast as the second hour of the Season 5 premiere on January 21, 2009, immediately following "Because You Left". It is the eighty-eighth produced hour of the series as a whole. Jack and Ben begin their quest to reunite the Oceanic Six—along with the body of John Locke—while the remaining survivors begin to feel the effects caused by the Island being moved.
  • Originally published in 2010 I come from a long line of optimistic liars. My grandfather was the best liar of all. He came west for free land and I guess you couldn’t blame him for being a liar because he was the first one to believe the lie himself. Anyway I remember this onetime when I knew my Grandpa was telling the truth. We were sitting out on the front step my grandfather, my father and I, it was shortly after my mother had left. “I’m just plain sick of hard work and poverty.” she told my father through clenched teeth. Never ... that much was true.
  • The Lie,of De Leugen, is de tweede aflevering van Seizoen 5 van Lost. Het werd voor het eerst op de Nederlandse televisie uitgezonden op vrijdag 03 juli 2009. In de Verenigde Staten werd de aflevering gelijk met de première van "Because You Left" uitgezonden op 21 januari 2009.
  • Dearest Mother (Possibly referring to Night Mother or Mephala), I remember your name. I have surrounded myself with lying lairs and have become a liar myself, but in my lies I see the manifestation of your domain as clearly as the blood we spill in the shadows of a secret murder. So even thought I wish to scream truth in their faces or whisper your name into the ear of the dying, I tell myself that the secret is my faith, my joy and not a blasphemy. Dearest Mother, I remember your name. But I will speak the lie and love the lie if you wish. Perhaps that is your lesson. The treasure is the lie.
  • Trouble occurs for Ben when he makes friends with Nancy, a young girl whose mother ran away when Nancy was very young. Nancy tells Ben that her mother isn't dead, as the Waltons Mountain people had all thought, but rather she has been living in Charlottesville. Although Nancy had been told by her father not to ever visit her, she asks Ben to take her. Ben borrows John Boy's car and takes her to Charlottesville, but while they are visiting, a young couple steal the car and go for a joy ride. Whilst the car is stolen, the driver hits another car causing some damage. All this has happened unbeknownst to Ben, since he and Nancy are with Nancy's mother in a cafe.
  • "How could you lie?" Stormheart spat. "All these days you told me Wolfheart and Patchfur were our parents... All they are are lies?!" Skyfur yelled. "I- I did it for your own good! I didn't want you feeling like I didn't love you because of my leader duties... I wanted you to be happy... But all I did was cause trouble..." Moonstar trailed off as she ran through the crowd and stopped in front of Tallstripe. "Did you have to do that? I thought I told you to say away!! You better go now or else I will kill you again!!" Moonstar said furiously at Tallstripe.
  • thumb|left|Narada na statku Styczeń 2005 roku, statek Penny. Oceanic Six w towarzystwie Franka, Desmonda i Penelope naradza się co do wersji wydarzeń jaką przedstawią po powrocie do świata zewnętrznego. Wszyscy oprócz Hugo są za tym aby kłamać ponieważ gdy opowiedzą prawdziwą historię nikt im nie uwierzy i wezmą ich za wariatów. W końcu i Hurley zgadza się na kłamanie, zaznacza jednak, że gdy kiedykolwiek Sayid będzie potrzebował od niego pomocy nie otrzyma jej.
  • 5
  • 2441.0
num temp
  • 5
ep num
  • 2
season num
  • 5
  • 2533.0
  • La mentira
  • The Lie transcript
  • Naveen Andrews
  • Rebecca Mader
  • Charlotte Lewis
  • Sayid Jarrah
  • Daniel Dae Kim - Jin-Soo Kwon
  • Evangeline Lilly - Kate Austen
  • Jorge Garcia - Hugo Reyes
  • Josh Holloway - James Ford
  • Matthew Fox - Jack Shephard
  • Terry O'Quinn - John Locke
  • Elizabeth Mitchell - Juliet Burke
  • Henry Ian Cusick - Desmond Hume
  • Jeremy Davies - Daniel Faraday
  • Ken Leung - Miles Straume
  • Michael Emerson - Benjamin Linus
  • Yunjin Kim - Sun-Hwa Kwon
  • 2009-01-21
  • 5
  • Hawkingben.jpg
  • OurIsland.jpg
  • Story
  • The Lie
  • "The Lie"
  • The Lie
  • 200
Air Date
  • 21
  • 2009-01-21
  • 2009-06-03
  • left
  • right
  • 3
  • 2000
  • Ben and Jill discuss Locke's corpse.
  • Hurley is recognized as a lottery winner and Oceanic 815 survivor.
  • The Oceanic Six debate whether they should lie to the public.
  • Hurley and David look at Sayid's unconscious body.
  • Jones threatens Juliet.
  • Ms. Hawking warns Ben.
  • Ms. Honolulu appears on a shirt.
  • Sawyer and Juliet flee from the flaming arrows.
  • Sun shows Kate a photo of Ji Yeon.
  • Neil and Rose argue over the current circumstances.
  • Ben shows up at Hurley's house, much to Hurley's surprise.
  • Ana Lucia's ghost instructs Hurley on his next moves.
  • Ms. Hawking writes out several equations on a chalkboard.
  • La mentira
  • 21
  • Jeff Fahey es Frank Lapidus
  • Cheech Marin es David Reyes
  • L. Scott Caldwell es Rose Nadler
  • Lillian Hurst es Carmen Reyes
  • Sam Anderson es Bernard Nadler
  • Sean Whalen es Neil «Frogurt»
  • Sonya Walger es Penelope Widmore
  • Mary Mara es Jill
  • Michelle Rodriguez como Ana Lucía Cortez
  • Dezembro de 2007
  • The Lie is the second episode of season 5 of Lost. Hugo "Hurley" Reyes is featured in the episode's one flashback.
  • "[[|]]" es el segundo episodio de la quinta temporada de Lost, el 88 de la serie entera y fue emitido el miércoles 21 de enero de 2009 en Estados Unidos, inmediatamente después de "[[|]]". El resto de supervivientes comienzan a sentir los efectos causados por el traslado de la isla, y Jack y Ben comienzan su búsqueda para reunir a los 6 de Oceanic, junto con el cuerpo de Locke.
  • thumb|left|Narada na statku Styczeń 2005 roku, statek Penny. Oceanic Six w towarzystwie Franka, Desmonda i Penelope naradza się co do wersji wydarzeń jaką przedstawią po powrocie do świata zewnętrznego. Wszyscy oprócz Hugo są za tym aby kłamać ponieważ gdy opowiedzą prawdziwą historię nikt im nie uwierzy i wezmą ich za wariatów. W końcu i Hurley zgadza się na kłamanie, zaznacza jednak, że gdy kiedykolwiek Sayid będzie potrzebował od niego pomocy nie otrzyma jej. Lato roku 2008, kontynuacja wydarzeń z 5x01, już na początku potwierdza się iż Hugo kłamał mówiąc, że nie pomoże nigdy Sayidowi. Reyes wiezie nieprzytomnego Araba swoim samochodem uciekając z miejsca zdarzenia gdzie wczoraj Jarrah zabił trzech zamachowców. Nagle rozlega się sygnał policyjnej syreny, przerażony Hugo zjeżdża na bok. Do pojazdu mężczyzn podchodzi policjantka, gdy zdejmuje okulary przeciwsłoneczne okazuje się, że jest nią... Ana Lucia ! Zjawa sugeruje Hugo aby bardziej uważał na przyszłość i zmienił koszulkę, zszokowany Reyes godzi się, na końcu Ana mówi Hugo, że ma pozdrowienia od Libby po czym odwraca się i odchodzi. Gdy oszołomiony kolejnym spotkaniem z duchem Hugo zerka w lusterko Ana i radiowóz rozpływają się w powietrzu. Kilkanaście minut później, na stację benzynową podjeżdża samochód z Hugo i Sayidem. Ten pierwszy idzie do sklepu, kupuje żółtą koszulkę, przy kasie zauważa w telewizorze za kasjerką list gończy za samym sobą i swe zdjęcie z bronią w ręku. Gdy panowie opuszczają stację mijają się z Kate która wraz z Aaronem zatrzymuje się na stacji. Nagle dzwoni telefon, Kate odbiera go i z entuzjazmem przyjmuje zaproszenie do jednego z hoteli od dobrego znajomego. W tym samym czasie, w mieszkaniu Jacka doktor pakuje swoje rzeczy przed podróżą. Ben mówi mu aby zabrał wszystko co ważne ponieważ więcej tu nie wróci. Następnie Linus mówi, że musi odstawić trumnę z Lockiem w bezpieczne miejsce i wychodzi. Dom Reyesów, kilka minut później. Hugo przywozi do domu rodziców nieprzytomnego Sayida, nagle do drzwi dzwoni policja. Ojciec Hugo spławia stróżów prawa jednak ci cały czas obserwują dom. Hotel, w tym samym czasie. Kate z Aaronem jadą na spotkanie z tajemniczym rozmówcą. Drzwi do wskazanego przez telefon apartamentu otwiera im Sun. Dom Reyesów, tego samego dnia. Hugo namawia ojca by zgodził się zabrać Sayida do Jacka. W międzyczasie do domu wraca mama Hugo, jest załamana i nie może uwierzyć w kłopoty w jakie wpakował się jej syn. W końcu ojciec Huga wyjeżdża z domu z nieprzytomnym Sayidem w bagażniku. Hotel, rozmowa Sun z Kate. Kate zwierza się Koreance z tajemniczej wizyty prawników w jej domu, Sun mówi, że musi im chodzić nie o nich lecz o Aarona. Szpital, ojciec Hugo przekazuje Sayida Jackowi. Zaznacza jednak, ze doktor ma całkowity zakaz kontaktu z jego synem ponieważ sprowadza na niego kłopoty. Dom Reyesów, Hugo łamie się i opowiada matce o wszystkim co tak naprawdę wydarzyło się po katastrofie lotu 815. Matka twierdzi, że mu wierzy. Szpital, Jack leczy Sayida. Nagle ten odzyskuje przytomność. Zaskoczony widokiem Jacka pyta się gdzie jest Hurley ? Lekarz odpowiada, że w domu z matką. Sayid pyta czy ktoś jeszcze wie, że tam jest ? thumb|right|Ben rozmawia z Hugo w jego domu Dom Reyesów, wieczór. Hugo robi kanapki w kuchni gdy przez taras do domu wchodzi Ben. Próbuje namówić Hurleya by ten pojechał z nim do Sayida i Jacka, Reyes przypomina sobie jednak słowa Jarraha aby nigdy nie ufać Linusowi. W związku z tym przerażony Hugo odpycha Bena, wybiega przed dom i daje się aresztować policji zapewniając, że to on zabił trzech ludzi poprzedniej nocy. Ben jest wściekły z niepowodzenia.
  • |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "The Lie" é o segundo episódio da 5ª Temporada e o 88º episódio de Lost; foi ao ar no dia 21 de janeiro de 2009. Hurley e Sayid estão fugindo dos policiais depois de enfrentarem problemas; os sobreviventes da ilha são atacados por forças desconhecidas; e uma antiga amiga oferece conselhos chocantes para Kate para assegurar que "a mentira" permaneça em segredo.
  • The remaining survivors on the island continue to deal with the shifts through time. Flashforwards show Hurley's rampant attempts to revive Sayid after an attack by unknown assailants, meanwhile Ben further his efforts to return the Oceanic Six to the island.
  • Originally published in 2010 I come from a long line of optimistic liars. My grandfather was the best liar of all. He came west for free land and I guess you couldn’t blame him for being a liar because he was the first one to believe the lie himself. Land available! Come and get it! The posters told Americans about their opportunity to claim land and farm it. In order to get 160 acres of one's own, all you had to be was an American citizen and 21 years of age. In order for the land to be yours all you had to do was pay a filing fee of $10 and reside on your new farm in the West for at least five years. And voila the land would be yours, free. The lie of free land, oh he never paid a cent for it, that much was true. But it Cost him two wives and his first born son. His first wife died having her only baby too far from the hospital in the middle of a winter blizzard. That baby would be my Uncle Ebb; he tucked tail and ran as fast as he could, from what he calls hard work and misery, didn’t even finish high school. He just up and left one day, ‘”Why the combining ain’t half done,” my grandfather had said incredulous when he read Ebb’s note. His second wife, my grandma keeled over dead from heat stroke one day, stooking bales in the ‘glorious prairie sunshine,’ Even so my grandfather was forever an optimist, I’m guessing it came from years of believing his own lies. “Next year will be better he was in favour of saying.” He said it when the bottom dropped out of the cattle industry. And we were left borrowing money to feed cattle that weren’t worth enough to sell, if we could even find someone to buy them. Feed was high too, what with it being three years into the worst drought since the thirties. “Next year,” My Grandpa said, “Why next year we’ll have so much rain we’ll have to build us an Ark.” Besides being an optimist my grandfather thought himself to be a conversational humorist and I guess we couldn’t blame him for that because we always obliged him by laughing. “Cattle prices will be up too I reckon,” he added lying through his teeth. Anyway I remember this onetime when I knew my Grandpa was telling the truth. We were sitting out on the front step my grandfather, my father and I, it was shortly after my mother had left. “I’m just plain sick of hard work and poverty.” she told my father through clenched teeth. To me she said, “You can come with me if you like but I will not stay on this place another minute;” She left in the only truck on the place that ran half decent. “She’ll be back,”my father told me, don’t you worry son, “she’ll be back.” But I knew the only way she’d be back was if the truck didn’t make it as far as she wanted to go. Part of me prayed that she’d make it as far as the city and part of me prayed she break down and have to come back. Anyway we were sitting there on the front step and my grandpa said to me, “Look up at that sky son.” Them stars were about the size of pie plates and man were they twinkling, some of them were so close it seemed like you could just about reach up and touch them. “You will never see stars like that in the city son. Never!” and for emphasis he spat when he said it. Never ... that much was true.
  • The Lie,of De Leugen, is de tweede aflevering van Seizoen 5 van Lost. Het werd voor het eerst op de Nederlandse televisie uitgezonden op vrijdag 03 juli 2009. In de Verenigde Staten werd de aflevering gelijk met de première van "Because You Left" uitgezonden op 21 januari 2009. De overlevenden beginnen last te krijgen van de flitsen op het eiland. Opeens worden aangevallen door vlammende pijlen en rent iedereen weg van het kamp waardoor de groep elkaar kwijt raakt. Drie jaar van dat moment voelt Hurley zich ongelukkig omdat ze hebben gelogen. Hij vind dat ze de waarheid moeten vertellen over wat er gebeurt is op het eiland. Hurley is echter in slechte situatie doordat Sayid bewusteloos in zijn auto ligt en hij niet weet wat hij moet doen. Opeens krijgt hij bezoek van een oude bekende die hem vertelt wat hij moet doen.
  • "How could you lie?" Stormheart spat. "All these days you told me Wolfheart and Patchfur were our parents... All they are are lies?!" Skyfur yelled. "I- I did it for your own good! I didn't want you feeling like I didn't love you because of my leader duties... I wanted you to be happy... But all I did was cause trouble..." Moonstar trailed off as she ran through the crowd and stopped in front of Tallstripe. "Did you have to do that? I thought I told you to say away!! You better go now or else I will kill you again!!" Moonstar said furiously at Tallstripe. "What are you blaming me? Your the one who had them." "You should keep your mouth shut before you don't have one anymore!!" Moonstar leaped at Tallstripe, claws unsheathed and all of MoonClan was watching in horror.
  • Trouble occurs for Ben when he makes friends with Nancy, a young girl whose mother ran away when Nancy was very young. Nancy tells Ben that her mother isn't dead, as the Waltons Mountain people had all thought, but rather she has been living in Charlottesville. Although Nancy had been told by her father not to ever visit her, she asks Ben to take her. Ben borrows John Boy's car and takes her to Charlottesville, but while they are visiting, a young couple steal the car and go for a joy ride. Whilst the car is stolen, the driver hits another car causing some damage. All this has happened unbeknownst to Ben, since he and Nancy are with Nancy's mother in a cafe. The Sheriff approaches John Boy about his car, and naturally enough he denies having been in Charlottesville the previous night, but they discover the damage to his car when they go to look. Ben owns up and says that he did secretly take the car, but will not tell where nor whom he was with. Erin helps him out a bit when she tells John Boy that Ben has been seeing Nancy, and John Boy finally sorts out what had happened.
  • "The Lie" is the second episode of Season 5 of Lost, originally broadcast as the second hour of the Season 5 premiere on January 21, 2009, immediately following "Because You Left". It is the eighty-eighth produced hour of the series as a whole. Jack and Ben begin their quest to reunite the Oceanic Six—along with the body of John Locke—while the remaining survivors begin to feel the effects caused by the Island being moved.
  • Dearest Mother (Possibly referring to Night Mother or Mephala), I remember your name. I have surrounded myself with lying lairs and have become a liar myself, but in my lies I see the manifestation of your domain as clearly as the blood we spill in the shadows of a secret murder. So even thought I wish to scream truth in their faces or whisper your name into the ear of the dying, I tell myself that the secret is my faith, my joy and not a blasphemy. Yet just once I wish for you to speak to me. Why not me? I have listened for you always. I cloaked myself in you long before they called me Dark Sister. I was the Chimera, ever shifting and changing and lying a thousand thousand lies for you. To be seen by you. To hear you. They call themselves Listener, but no one listens for your whispers with more hope and desire than I do. I have walked in accordance with your Arts, shrouded in Eight Shadows. I have lived lies and ended lives, not for the Dread Father but for you. They call themselves Speakers, but no one has spoken your words with as much conviction as I do. Do you see the shrine that I have built? A shrine of my body. Every face a lie, the envy both elicited and felt. The mastery of seduction. The embrace and instillment of fear, the betrayal of family and truth. The murder of others, the murder of self. The insatiable want. The fury I feel and release and feel again a you, you, you when all treasures are nothing but lies. Dearest Mother, I remember your name. But I will speak the lie and love the lie if you wish. Perhaps that is your lesson. The treasure is the lie.
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