  • Terraklon gladiator
  • Terraklons were first met on planet Mukow. They were enslaved by the Imperial Empire and many were forced to fight in arena for the Imperial armys entertainment in the Imperial Fight Festivel on planet Mukow. By the time Ratchet and Clank reach Zordoom Prison, it's stated that that their homeworld was destroyed by a massive supernova, forcing the Terraklons to become nomads.
  • Terraklons were first met on planet Mukow. They were enslaved by the Imperial Empire and many were forced to fight in arena for the Imperial armys entertainment in the Imperial Fight Festivel on planet Mukow. By the time Ratchet and Clank reach Zordoom Prison, it's stated that that their homeworld was destroyed by a massive supernova, forcing the Terraklons to become nomads.