  • The Shooting Star (A New Home, A Zeo Beginning)
  • Above in the skies overlooking Angel Grove, the United States Air Force Pilots were doing their routine flight training. "Everything looks clear up here. This is Charlie 4 9er signing off." One pilot stated into the radio Suddenly, they see three Quadrfighters flying towards them. "Huh? What the hell?" The second pilot questioned "What in the hell are those things?" The first pilot questioned "Unidentified boogies spotted at twelve O'Clock." The second pilot stated The Quadrfighters then fly right past them. "Whoa, I've never seen anything like those things before." The second pilot stated
  • Above in the skies overlooking Angel Grove, the United States Air Force Pilots were doing their routine flight training. "Everything looks clear up here. This is Charlie 4 9er signing off." One pilot stated into the radio Suddenly, they see three Quadrfighters flying towards them. "Huh? What the hell?" The second pilot questioned "What in the hell are those things?" The first pilot questioned "Unidentified boogies spotted at twelve O'Clock." The second pilot stated The Quadrfighters then fly right past them. "Whoa, I've never seen anything like those things before." The second pilot stated "Yeah, and that was a little too close. Whatever they were, there gone now." The first pilot mentioned The pilots then fly off back towards home base. Tommy, Kat, Jason, Tanya, Zack, Trini, Aisha, and I arrive in the new "I like this new study hall." Kat mentioned "Yeah, the new resources are great." Tommy stated "Yeah, it's nice." I added "I agree, this will help out a lot of students during their free periods to get ready for big tests or even other things." Trini pointed out "For sure." Jason agreed "Hey Kim, where's Paul and Luke at?" Aisha inquired "There at the Power Chamber with Billy along with Ryan, his dad, JB, and Kaitlin helping Zordon, Alpha, 3PO, and R2 with something secret." I mentioned "Knowing those three along with Ryan, Kaitlin, JB, and Mr. Steele. It's probably something to help us out in our fight against the King Mondo and the Machine Empire." Aisha stated "Yeah, most likely." Tanya agreed "And you know, it kind of feels weird that there is only nine of us active now instead of twenty." Tommy mentioned "Trust me, it feels kind of weird not being out there with you guys, but don't worry. If you ever need the Zackman out there, I'm only a beep away." Zack assured We all chuckle at that before going back to studying. I then see an African American teenager come over and tap Tanya on the shoulder. She turns around to the side she was tap on and didn't see anyone and turned to the other side to see him. "Hey Tanya." He greeted "Hey Shawn." Tanya greeted back Tanya then motioned him towards the rest of us. "This is my cousin Aisha, and our friends, Trini, Zack, Kat, Tommy, Kimberly, and Jason. Guys, this is Shawn" Tanya introduced us "Nice to meet you guys." Shawn greeted as he shook our hands "Same here man." Jason told him Shawn then turned back towards Tanya. "Hey, I'll be waiting at our regular table ok." Shawn told her "Ok. I'll be there in the minute." Tanya told him "Cool." Shawn stated Shawn then walked off and then something clicked in my mind "Wait a minute, is Shawn the caption of the baseball team?" I inquired "Yeah." Tanya confirmed We all just looked at her grinning. "He's having a little trouble with Algebra. So, I am just helping him studying for the big exam coming up." Tanya told us "Ah well, it looked like to me that it's a bit more then just a study session." Zack mentioned The rest of us chuckled as we all went back to doing some homework. Billy, Luke, and I along with Ryan, JB, Kaitlin, and Ryan's dad are in the Power Chamber helping Alpha, 3PO, R2, and Zordon with working on the new Zeo Zords for the Zeo Rangers. "Billy, Luke, Paul, Ryan, Tyler, JB, and Kaitlin. I can't thank you all enough for your technical help on the Zeo Zords." Zordon thanked us Billy then closed up the console he was working in. "Actually we are honored Zordon." Billy stated "Yeah, we wanted to help in anyway we can in helping the Zeo Rangers in taking on the Machine Empire." JB mentioned "But I do have one question Zordon, why are these new Zords going to be hidden in the mountains outside of Angel Grove and not with the other Zords?" I questioned "The location of these new Zords must be protected. The mountains may protect them from being picked up by Kind Mondo's scanning systems." Zordon explained "It kind of makes sense, with the other Zords still hidden further underground the Power Chamber. Kind Mondo won't ever locate them." Luke added "And we can be able to stay one step ahead of Machine Empire if something were to happen." Billy stated "Oh, I can't believe that we are almost done. The Zeo Zords will be the most incredible fighting machines ever." Alpha stated "Oh I completely agree with you Alpha." 3PO agreed "Beep, beep, beep." R2 beeped "I sure hope so guys. But I think we need to test them first before the Zeo Rangers use them." Billy suggested "I agree with you Billy, we don't want the new Zords to backfire on them in the middle of battle." Tyler mentioned "We must hurry, I am sure Machina and Mondo would be aware of the Earth being left defenseless without the Zords." Zordon explained "Zordon's right, even though we still have access to our other Zords. We need to keep them a secret for as long as we can and them only knowing of these new Zords." I pointed out "Well then, we best get back to work." Ryan stated "Then let's get to it." Kaitlin added I then go to the floor underneath the console and hold out my hand for a tool and Alpha hands it to me as I then use it to continue work on the new Zords. "Your highness, I mean, my highness. I mean daddy." Prince Sprocket called out walking over to him "Yes, what is it my little portage?" King Mondo inquired "Did the Quadrfighters find the secret location where Zordon is keeping the Ranger's Zords?" Prince Sprocket wondered "But of course, that fool Zordon insults me by thinking that he can hide them from me." Kind Mondo stated "It is so tiresome with no challenge." Queen Machina pointed out "I agree, I will simply dispatch a platoon of Cogs to infiltrate their hiding place and sabotage their new Zords before they are completed." Kind Mondo stated Bulk is inspecting the recently finished bike him and Skull rebuilt giving it the white glove treatment. After brushing his finger on it he brings it up to inspect it looking at his finger through a microphone lens. Bulk grunts and shakes his head as he stands up and turns around to face Goldar and Rito as they are busy cleaning something else. "Gentlemen, I'm afraid that this is not quite up to par. You are going to have to do it again." Bulk told them "What?" Goldar questioned He then threw down his duster. "Forget it." Goldar stated Rito then hits him in the chest "Hey don't blow our deal. We promised to be their butlers if they let us stay with them." Rito reminded him Rito then walked over towards Bulk and the bike. "You see, what my large golden friend meant to say yes sir, I'll get it sir." Rito told him getting in between Bulk and the bike Rito then looked into the mirror on one of the handles. "Ah there's a spot, allow me to get it sir." Rito stated Rito then breathed on it and wiped it down. "Ah very nice." Rito mentioned Rito then looked towards Bulk. "Beautiful isn't it?" Rito inquired Bulk just shook his head no. "Ah, I'll do it again." Rito told him Rito then grabbed the mirror and accidently pulls it off the bike itself. Bulk just stares at him and the bike in disbelief. "Ah not to worry, I can fix it. I've done this a thousand times" Rito assured Rito then walked away with the mirror in hand. Bulk just grumbles and stared at him as Rito went back to standing next to Goldar. "You see, just leave everything to me." Rito assured Bulk sighed and looked at the bike before turning towards Skull who was busy making toast. "Skull, I think the times has come. Let's run this baby up the flag pole and see if anyone salutes it." Bulk suggested "Huh?" Rito and Goldar questioned in confusing looking at each other "Huh?" Skull wondered in confusion as to what Bulk just stated On the open road, Bulk and Skull were out on their first joy ride on their new patrol bike. "Yeah, alright. I'm telling you Skull. This is the best idea I've ever had." Bulk told him "You ever had?" Skull questioned in confusion "Yeah, when Lt. Stone sees the awesome crime fighting power of this baby. He will be begging to give us the tough assignments." Bulk explained Skull just smirked. "Hey, I never thought of that." Skull admitted "Of course you didn't. That's because you are you, and I am me." Bulk explained Skull, looked at him funny for a moment before turning back towards the road. "Ok now, let's check out some of the awesome gadgets this thing has. Activate Rocket Boaster." Bulk instructed "Activating Rocket Boaster." Skull confirmed Skull then pushed a button and fire shot out of the fuel pipe as the bike went faster. A short while later, the bike starts to break down as it comes to complete stop at the edge of the road completely shutting off. "What happen?" Bulk inquired Skull tried to start it up but it just kept on stalling. "I think, there are still a few bugs left in it." Skull mentioned "I think there are still a few bugs left in your head." Bulk mentioned As Skull tried to start it back up, Bulk looked over towards some bushes on the other side of the road and sees some Cogs. "Uh Skull, did you get that radio fix?" Bulk questioned "Yes." Skull confirmed Skull then points his finger towards a button as Bulk tries to get him to look towards the other side of the road towards where the Cogs are slowly advancing towards them. "You see, all you have to do is press this button right here and we can reach out and touch someone." Skull mentioned Bulk nervously pats him on the shoulder. "Now would be a good time." Bulk told him pointing towards the Cogs Skull looks up towards where Bulk was pointing towards and sees the Cogs for himself. "AHHHHHH!" Bulk and Skull cried out The Cogs continues to slowly advance towards the two. We continued to work on the Zeo Zords when we begin to hear screams coming through the Viewing Globe. "Um guys, you may want to check this out." Kaitlin told us We all stop what we are doing and look towards the Viewing Globe to see that the Cogs have Bulk and Skull surrounded. "Ayi, yi, yi, yi! Zordon, the Cogs have Bulk and Skull cornered." Alpha cried out Billy then rushed over towards console and pushed a few buttons. "Not only that, but from these reading, there are less then five miles away from where the Zeo Zords are being hidden." Billy mentioned "You are correct Billy, the Zeo Rangers must be contacted immediately." Zordon stated "Right Zordon." I agreed We then stop what we are working on and work on getting in touch with Zeo Rangers. After having said goodbye to Aisha, Jason, Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Tommy, and Kat as they had left to head for the Youth Center, Tanya went over towards where Shawn was sitting and did the same thing to him as he did to her earlier and tapped his left shoulder and quickly moved towards his right as he looked towards his left before turning to his right to see Tanya who smiled at him. "Hey Shawn." Tanya greeted "Hey Tanya." Shawn greeted back Tanya then sat her bag down on the floor and her books on the table as she sat down next to him. "Ready to hit the books?" Tanya questioned as she opened up her text book and notes Shawn quickly looked around the room to make sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation before turning towards her. "You know, I got a way to ace this test without even opening a book." Shawn told her Tanya looked him funny for a moment. "What you mean, you have to study in order to past the test." Tanya mentioned as she flip through a few pages from her book Shawn slowly took out a sheet of paper that had the test answers on it and looked around to see if anyone was looking at them. "Not unless you know the answers you don't." Shawn admitted Shawn looked at it once more before showing it to Tanya who looks at it then towards Shawn in disbelief. Bulk and Skull where freaking out as Skull hold the bikes two-way radio trying to get it to work. "Would you hurry up." Bulk told Skull in a panic "NOOO!" Skull cried out as he is having trouble getting the radio to work "Either you hurry up and reach out and touch someone or man I am going to reach out and touch you." Bulk warned him Skull panicky hits the radio trying to get it to work. "Leave them alone. Our objectives are the Zeo Zords." One of the Cogs told the other Cogs The Cogs then turned around and left in another direction. "Ah, I think it's broken." Skull stated banging on the radio "Man, would you hurry up. Those guys are…" Bulk started to tell him Bulk then looked up and notices that the Cogs had left. "Gone." Bulk mentioned Tanya looked in disbelief that Shawn had the answer sheet for the upcoming test. "These are the answers to the exam." Tanya mentioned "Yeah." Shawn confirmed nervously "Shawn, this is cheating." Tanya informed him "Come on Tanya, you know I have to pass this test in order to stay on the team." Shawn told her "Shawn, this is not the way to do it." Tanya reminded him "I don't even think there really is a choice here Tanya." Shawn told her Shawn then quickly grabs the test answers sheet from her and puts it away. "Now, I know what I have to do." Shawn told her "But…" Tanya tried to talked to him but he cut her off "And for some reason, I thought I could count on you to understand." Shawn told her "Shawn…" Tanya tried to talked to him again but once more he cuts her off "But, I guess I was wrong right Tanya?" Shawn questioned Before Tanya could say anything, Shawn grabs his stuff and walks off. Before, Tanya could think on following him, her Communicator goes off. She quickly grabs her own stuff and walks over to a secluded area of the hallway outside of the study hall. She looks around real quick to make sure the close is clear before reaching for her Communicator. "I read you Zordon." Tanya said into the Communicator "Tanya, a platoon of Cogs has been spotted near the facility of the Zeo Zords fabricated armory. You must meet the other Zeo Rangers and intercept them." Zordon said through the Communicator "I'm on my way Zordon." Tanya said into her Communicator Tanya then looked around to make sure she was still in the clear. "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Tanya yelled out Tanya then activated her Zeoizers and brought them together activating them. "ZEO RANGER TWO, YELLOW!" Tanya yelled out We then see Tanya now morphed join us. "Hey guys, I'm here to help." Tanya told us "Great." Tommy told her The Cogs then charge in towards us. "Let's do this Rangers." Tommy instructed "Right." The rest of us agreed We all then begin fighting the Cogs. Trini blocked a kick from a Cog and sent a kick of her own in its chest sending crashing to the ground. She then drops to the ground and kicks another Cog sending it to the ground as she rolled under a couple of Cogs and got back up ducks under a punch from a Cog and does a backwards kick to its chest sending it to the ground. "And stay down." Trini stated Aisha blocks a punch from a Cog and sends an elbow to another Cog's chest and grabs the Cog that had tried to punch her by the arm and flip it over. "Hope you had a nice trip tinhead." Aisha stated Out of nowhere, two Cogs grabs Aisha from behind pinning her arms behind her. "Let go ledheads." Aisha demanded as she struggle to break their grips on her Suddenly, Kat jumps over and grabs one of the Cogs forces it off of Aisha and kicks it away. With an arm free, Aisha reaches over and grabs the remaining Cog by its face forcing it off her and sends a double punch to its chest sending it to the ground. "Thanks for the help Kat." Aisha thanked "No worries Aisha." Kat assured Jason kicks a Cog in the chest and blocks another Cog's attack on him with his forearm. "You have to be faster then that if you want to beat me buckethead." Jason mentioned Jason then sent a punch to its chest sending it flying to the ground. He then does a tornado kick sending the Cogs around him to the ground. Adam takes down another Cog in his area and looks up to see two more coming towards him from the air. "Zeo Three Power Punch." Adam called out His arms then glowed Blue as he then sends a double punch into the air striking both Cogs in their chests sending them crashing to the ground. "Never mess with a man in blue." Adam mentioned Rocky does a low spin kick sending a few Cogs to the ground. But suddenly, two Cogs manage to grab his arms and force him to his knees. Tanya then jumps into the air and lands near Rocky kicking one of the Cogs that has a hold on him before going to fight some of the Cogs by them. Rocky manages to get the upper hand on the Cogs that has a grip on him and takes them both down and helps Tanya with finishing the remaining Cogs in their area. "Thanks for the help Tanya." Rocky thanked "My pleasure Rocky." Tanya told him While Kimberly and the other Zeo Rangers take on the cogs in the outskirts of town, we were monitoring the fight. 'It still kind of feels weird that neither, Billy, Luke, and I along with the other non active Rangers not out there anymore fighting along side Kimberly and the others.' I thought to myself "Beep, beep, beep, beep." R2 beeped "Are you sure about this new discovery R2?" 3PO questioned "Beep, beep, beep, beep." R2 beeped "What's R2 saying 3PO?" Luke inquired "I'm afraid it isn't good Master Luke, it appears that R2's sensors have picked up more of Kind Mondo's Cogs this time, at the foot of the mountains less then two miles from the Zeo Zords Holding Bay Entrance." 3PO told us "Oh man, and Zeo Rangers are still busy dealing with the Cogs five miles away." Billy stated "Ok look, Ryan, Kaitlin, JB, and I will transform and deal with those tin heads. You two stay here in case something else happens." I instructed "Right brother, be careful." Luke told me "You know it brother." I assured as we did our special handshake "We better get moving." Kaitlin stated "Good luck to the four of you and may the power protect you all." Zordon told us "Be careful guys." Tyler told us "Alright, let's do this." JB mentioned The four of us then stood next to each other and grab our Virtualizers. "TROOPER TRANSFORM!" Ryan yelled out "WE ARE VR!" JB, Kaitlin, Ryan, and I yelled out raising our Virtualizers into the air Suddenly, the four of us transformed into the VR Troopers and teleported out of the Power Chamber. Once transformed, Ryan, Kaitlin, JB, and I teleported to the foot of the mountains outside of Angel Grove and in front of a small army of Cogs. "Not so fast tin heads." I told them "They don't look like Power Rangers." A Cog stated "Who are they?" Another Cog questioned "We're the VR Troopers, allies to the Zeo Rangers and fellow defenders of truth and justice." I told them "That's right tin heads, you mess with our friends. You better be ready to take us on as well." Ryan added "Attack them." Another Cog ordered The Cogs then charge in towards us. "Alright guys, let's take them." I told them "Right." The rest agreed The four of us then begin fighting off the Cogs. JB took on a small group of Cogs. "Man, these tinheads remind me a lot of the Skugs but the only difference is that they don't disappear like them." JB mentioned JB then punched one in the chest and grabbed it by the arm and threw it at a tree as it then breaks into pieces. "Oh well, I guess that just means I have to destroy them." JB stated Kaitlin took down a couple of Cogs around her but still a fair number has her surrounded. "I think, I need to level out the playing field for me a bit. Kaitlin Double Team command now." Kaitlin called out Suddenly, Kaitlin split into two. "What's going on?" A Cog questioned "What's the matter?" Kaitlin 1 questioned "You tinheads seeing double?" Kaitlin 2 inquired Both Kaitlin 1 and 2 then pulled out their VR laser Pistols. "VR Laser Pistols fire." Both Kaitlin 1 and 2 commanded Both Kaitlins then fired their VR Laser Pistols at the Cogs sending them all to the ground in a couple of pieces. The two Kaitlins then merge back into one. "There, is that less confusing for you?" Kaitlin questioned Ryan manages to take down quite a few Cogs in his area with very little problems. "I think it's time I ended this little play time of ours tingrins. VR Laser Saber command now." Ryan called out as he pulled out his VR Laser Saber Ryan then charges in and slash down on the Cogs destroying them all. "Well, so much for those tinheads." Ryan commented I then kicked a Cog into another sending them both to the ground leaving only three remaining. "Just three left, time for a bit of a power boast." I mentioned I then raise my hands into the air and energize them. "Lightning Hand Command now." I called out I then jump into the air and land next to slashing down on the Cogs in a 'X' form destroying some of them. Ryan, Kaitlin, and JB then rush over as the remaining functional Cogs regroup. "You bucketheads had enough?" I questioned "We're out of here." One of the Cogs stated Suddenly, a gear shape hole appeared in the air and sucked the Cogs through it before it closed behind them. "Well, so much for those freaks." JB stated "Yeah, and now I know what you meant about them being a bit stronger then Rita's and Zedd's Putties and Tengas." Ryan added "Even the Putties second forms were a bit easier to deal with then these new freaks." Kaitlin stated "I know what you mean and this was my first time fighting them myself. Come on, we better get back to the Power Chamber. We still have a lot of work to do." I told them "Yeah, I agree." Ryan agreed After having taken down a few more Cogs in my area, there is only one left near me. "Zeo Six, Tornado Punch." I called out I then jump in the air and both of my hands glow silver as I then start spinning around and strike the Cog in the chest sending it to the ground in pieces. I then rush over towards Tommy as he is facing four Cogs. "Zeo Five Power Kick." Tommy called out Tommy then jumped into the air and his foot glowed red as he kicked the Cog in front of the group near it causing them to fall to the ground. The rest of us then regroup next to him as the remaining Cogs then begin to retreat. "Hit the highway ledheads." Tommy told them "Catch you later." One of the Cogs told us Suddenly, a gear shape like portal opens up above them as they then disappear through it as it then disappears as they enter it. "Yes, we kept them away from the Zeo Zords. Good work guys." Tommy stated "Got that right bro." Jason agreed "You know, those Cogs seem to be getting a bit easier to deal with now that we are getting use to our new powers." Aisha mentioned "Got that right Aisha." Trini agreed "Those rusty, robots rejects failed us again. And there is more do-gooders on Earth that are not even Power Rangers to begin with." Machina complained "My majestic mix, you know that it has always been policy to have a plan 'B'. Klank is upgrading the artillery on our savage Staroid as we speak. Hahaha!" King Mondo reminded her laughing evilly "Oh Mondo, Staroid is so destructive. You can be so cruel." Machina mentioned "Oh please restrain yourself. Not in front of the boy dear." King Mondo told her "Ha, not in front of the boy that's me. Ha." Prince Sprocket mentioned laughing After having dealt with the Cogs, Tanya went to find Shawn and she found him at the batting cages practicing. "Shawn, I can I talk to you about tomorrow's test?" Tanya pleaded as she near the fence between her and Shawn "Tanya I've already told you. My mind is already made up." Shawn told her "Look, I'll help you study. You don't have to cheat." Tanya reminded him Shawn then swung his bat hitting the ball to the side of cage before turning around to face Tanya. "Look, I can't take any chances alright. These test answers are a sure thing." Shawn told her as he then turned back around getting ready for another ball to fly towards him "But, your not going to learn anything that way." Tanya told him "I don't have to study Algebra in order to play baseball. And that's what I want to do is play baseball." Shawn told her Tanya rolled her eyes. "Look, I know that you love your sport. But, you have to realize that your education is just as important." Tanya reminded him Shawn then dropped his bat and turned towards Tanya and walked towards the fence. "Look, did you come here to lecture me Tanya?" Shawn questioned Tanya just looked away. "If you can't be there to support me, then hey Tanya, maybe we should stop seeing each other you know?" Shawn suggested Tanya just looked at him in disbelief at what she is hearing from him. "I'm sorry you feel that way Shawn, but I can't support your cheating. Goodbye." Tanya told him Tanya then walked off. For a moment, it looked like Shawn was about to go after her but decided against it and went back to his batting practice. "Staroid is ready sire." Klank informed Kind Mondo "Amazing. Klank, once again you manage to save yourself from the scrapheap. Step aside as I turn the Power Chamber into a crumpet." King Mondo told him "I believe you mean toast dear." Machina corrected "Of course. Send down Staroid, and a full squadron of Quadrfighters. Power Rangers and any other do-gooders on Earth, prepare to face the end of your integrating existence." King Mondo stated After the battle, while Tanya had gone to look for Shawn, the rest of us went to the Youth Center to meet up with the others. Currently, Jason, Tommy, and Adam are practicing some of their moves as Trini, Aisha, Kat, and I watched on. I then see Rocky walk up to us. "Hey Rocky." I greeted "Hey guys, Adam, Jason, and Tommy are showing off some good moves." Rocky mentioned "Yeah they are." Kat agreed "Hey, do you know where Zack and the others are at?" Rocky inquired "Zack had to go meet up with Curtis but said they be by later, Richie is helping Ernie at the moment, Preston, Stevie, Kira, and Justin won't be around as they had plans with their families today after school had let out for them but said that they meet up with us tomorrow. And as for TJ, Cassie, Carlos, and Ashley, I think they are still at the junior high school for a special pep rally." Trini explained "And Tanya went to find Shawn, she wanted to talk with him about something." Aisha told him "Oh yeah, I forgot about that pep rally they usually do at the beginning of the year for when school starts up again over there." I admitted "Paul, Billy, and Luke still at the Power Chamber?" Rocky wondered "Yeah, but they did say that they meet us here a bit later." I stated Rocky nodded, we then see Jason, Adam, and Tommy finish their workout as they then bow to each other as we then walk over towards them. "Hey." We all greeted them "Hey, those were some nice moves guys." Rocky commented We all then turned around and see Tanya walk in and over to us looking kind of down. "Can I talk to you guys for a minute, it's kind of important?" Tanya requested "Of course, what is it?" Kat inquired "I have a problem, and I don't know where to start." Tanya admitted Adam then walked over towards her. "Listen, whatever it is, you should know that we're always there for you because we are your friends and we want to help." Adam reminded her "I know you do Adam." Tanya admitted Suddenly, our Communicators goes off. "Oh man." Tommy muttered "Looks like we're about to go into round two." Jason stated "Hold that thought." Adam told Tanya We all then walk over towards the secluded hallway as Tommy looked towards where Richie was and mouthed to him to stay and that we would call if we needed help. Richie nodded in understanding as he went back to work. We then walked into the secluded hallway and looked around to make sure the close was clear. "We read you Zordon." Tommy said into the Communicator "Tommy, the nine of you must teleport to the Power Chamber at once." Zordon said through the Communicators "Let's go." Tommy told us We all then reach for our Communicators and teleported out of the Youth Center. We then see the Zeo Rangers teleport into the Power Chamber and walk over towards us. "Good, you're here." Luke stated "There is no time to lose. As you can see on the Viewing Globe, an assault from the forces of evil is imminent. The Machine Empire is mounting a full-scale attack on Earth. We must initiate the Zeo Zords immediately." Zordon stated "But Zordon, they haven't even been tested yet." Tyler mentioned Billy then turned towards Kimberly and the others. "You guys, I don't think it's a very good idea. It may be best if you use the other Zords." Billy suggested Tommy then walked over towards us. "At this point we don't have a choice. We can't risk revealing our old Zords right away, the Zeo Zords are our only chance." Tommy explained "Tommy's right bro, we have to take that risk." Jason added I then walk over towards Billy. "I have to agree with them too Billy. It isn't the first time we had to use something that wasn't tested yet." I reminded him "And it defiantly won't be the last either." Luke added Billy nodded in understanding of we meant. "Paul's right you guys, we have to stop the Machine Empire now." Kimberly agreed "Zeo Rangers, come forward and listen." Zordon instructed Trini, Tanya, Adam, Rocky, Tommy, Kimberly, Kat, Jason, and Aisha do so as Alpha, 3PO, R2, Tyler, JB, Kaitlin, Ryan, Billy, Luke, and I stood off towards the side. "What I am about to tell you is the upmost importance. Trini and Tanya, I have placed the responsibility of the Zeo Zords' arsenal in your hands. Zeo Zord One and Zeo Zord Two have tremendous fire power, I trust that you will use them with tempuras and good judgment." Zordon told them Trini and Tanya nodded. "Adam and Rocky, you two will be commanding the driving forces of the Zeo Zords. Adam, Zeo Zord Three processes the mystical power of the sphinx. And Rocky, Zeo Zord Four processes the mighty strength of Torus the Bull." Zordon informed them Rocky and Adam nodded. "Tommy, Zeo Zord Five embodies the spirit of the Phoenix. I know that its fearsness and mobility will serve you well as its pilot." Zordon informed him Tommy nodded. "Kimberly, Zeo Zord Six carries the spirit of the Dragon. I know that it will serve you will in the fight against the Machine Empire as you continue to be the protector of the skies." Zordon told her Kimberly nodded. "Katherine, Zeo Zord Seven based from a Lynx will help guide you in this fight against the evil Machine Empire." Zordon told her Kat nodded. "Jason, Zeo Zord Eight embodies the strength and power of the artic Polar Bear. I know that it will serve you will." Zordon told him Jason nodded. "Aisha, Zeo Zord Nine has the speed and stealth like a Snake and shall protect you and your friends in the fight against evil." Zordon told her Aisha nodded. "The Zeo Zords are incredible machines, but remember they are only machines. The most important resources you have to fight these new foes are your human attributes." Zordon reminded them "What you mean Zordon?" Tanya inquired "Your hearts and minds are greater tools then anything that can be manufactured." Zordon explained The rest of us nodded in agreement knowing what Zordon is talking about. "The Machine Empire can never build anything that can compare to them." Zordon added Suddenly, the alarms started going off. "As I have feared, the Machine Empire has escalated its assault. Behold the Viewing Globe." Zordon instructed We all turn towards the Viewing Globe and see a star like monster blaster at random buildings in Angel Grove. "Kind Mondo has released his Staroid monster on Angel Grove. You must now activate your Zeo Zords for the first time and take him and the Machine Empire head on." Zordon told them "You guys ready for this?" Ryan inquired Tommy looked towards Trini, Tanya, Adam, Rocky, Kimberly, Kat, Jason, and Aisha then nodded to him as they then face Zordon. "We're ready Zordon." Tommy confirmed "Good luck Zeo Rangers, and may the power protect you all." Zordon told them "Good luck guys." I told them "Yeah, show those machine freaks what your made of." JB added "We'll be rooting for you." Kaitlin stated "Thanks guys." Kimberly thanked "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Tommy yelled out Trini, Tanya, Adam, Rocky, Tommy, Kimberly, Kat, Jason, and Aisha then activated their Zeoizers and then brought them together activating them. "ZEO RANGER ONE, PINK!" Trini yelled out "ZEO RANGER TWO, YELLOW!" Tanya yelled out "ZEO RANGER THREE, BLUE!" Adam yelled out "ZEO RANGER FOUR, GREEN!" Rocky yelled out "ZEO RANGER FIVE, RED!" Tommy yelled out "ZEO RANGER SIX, SILVER!" Kimberly yelled out "ZEO RANGER SEVEN, PURPLE!" Kat yelled out "ZEO RANGER EIGHT, WHITE!" Jason yelled out "ZEO RANGER NINE, ORANGE!" Aisha yelled out Once Morphed, we teleported into the Zeo Zord Holding Bay and we all hopped into our separate Zeo Zords. "Zeo Zord One, ready." Trini called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her activating her Zeo Zord "Zeo Zord Two, awesome." Tanya called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her activating her Zeo Zord "Zeo Zord Three, ready." Adam called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him activating his Zeo Zord "Zeo Zord Four, check this out." Rocky called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him activating his Zeo Zord "Zeo Zord Five, is online." Tommy called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him activating his Zeo Zord "Zeo Zord Six, check out the new stereo." I called out placing my hands on the controls in front of me activating my Zeo Zord "I kind of expected you were going to say that sister dear." Paul mentioned through the Communication channels chuckling "Well, you do know me so well brother dearest." I told him into the Communication Channels with a chuckle "Zeo Zord Seven, this is so high-tech." Kat called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her activating her Zeo Zord "Zeo Zord Eight, time to rumble." Jason called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him activating his Zeo Zord "Zeo Zord Nine, time to fight some bad guys." Aisha called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her activating her Zeo Zord "Everyone is accounted for." Tommy confirmed "Alright, good luck guys. We'll be monitoring you all from here." Tyler told us through the Communication channels Suddenly, the blast doors open up. "Copy that Tyler, let's go guys." Tommy instructed We all then commanded our Zords to exit the holding bay with Zeo Zords Three and Four pulling Trini's and Tanya's Zeo Zords with them. It only took us a few moments to reach the ends of the mountains. "Oh yeah, this new Zeo Zord is amazing." Jason stated "I agree bro, how about you guys?" Tommy questioned "Incredible." Adam stated "Alpha, 3PO, R2, Paul, Luke, Billy, Ryan, Tyler, Kaitlin, and JB did an awesome job with these new Zords." Trini mentioned "Yeah, this is great." Kat added "I can't wait to test out the fire powers of these new Zords." Aisha stated Suddenly, our Zords' detection systems beep. "Quadrfighters straight ahead."Adam informed us "Let's get them." Tanya stated Suddenly, the Quadrfighters started blasting at us. "Time to but in." Rocky stated Rocky then uses Zeo Zord Four's head to ram into a few of the Quadrfighters destroying them. A few more were heading towards Adam's and Trini's area. "Leave this one to the Sphinx." Adam stated pushing a few buttons Adam then had his Zord catch one with its mouth destroying it. We then see Staroid come charging in towards us. "Guys look." Tanya called out "Let's blast them." I stated "Right behind you Kim." Trini assured We then fire our weapons at Staroid pushing it back a few feet. I happen to notice that a couple of Quadrfighters were tailing Tommy from behind. "Tommy, behind you." I called out "Yeah, I see them, but I can't shake them." Tommy mentioned Suddenly, the Quadrfighters blast his Zord. "Guys, I'm hit." Tommy told us Tommy then ended up flying towards some power lines and got his Zord tangle up in them. "Ready to be Star struck?" Staroid questioned Staroid then turns around and leans its head down and shoots his top horn at us like a boomerang. "Get it?" Staroid questioned His attack manages to striking Rocky's and Tanya's Zords before it returned to its proper spot on its head. "Wish on this Rangers." Staroid told us as he raised its hand towards the rest of us He then fires laser blasts at the rest of us except for Aisha. "Hey, where did that Orange looking Zord go?" Staroid questioned Suddenly, Aisha had her Zord pop up from the ground lunging towards Staroid's face. "Right her Staroid." Aisha told him But, before She could attach her Zord's mouth to its face, Staroid grabs it with its other hand. "I don't think so little Ranger." Staroid stated "Let go you overgrown metal star freak." Aisha demanded "Sure thing." Staroid stated Staroid then tossed Aisha and her Zord to the ground near us. Staroid then bang its fists together. "Wait, there's more." Staroid told us Suddenly, Staroid transformed into a giant metal ball. "What the?" I questioned Suddenly, Staroid then bounce on the ground and strikes the ground based Zords. "It didn't pierce through its metal armor." Rocky stated "Nothing's working." Adam added "Our weapons can't break through it." Tanya stated "Keep trying." Trini told her "We got to do something fast." Kat stated "I'm loosing power." Jason mentioned "Me too." Aisha confirmed Staroid then bounces up into the air and hits my Zord straight on sending it crashing to the ground near the other down Zords. "I'm down." I called out "Man, we just can't seem to stop it." Jason stated Tommy was trying to break free from the power lines but still stuck there pretty good. "I can't pull myself from these wires." Tommy stated Suddenly, Staroid rises up to the air and turns red and begins producing extremely hot temperatures. "Ah, it's too hot." I muttered "The Zeo Zords can't take this heat." Tommy stated "Zordon, the main circuits are near overload." Billy informed him "There not going to be able to hang on much longer at this rate." Luke stated "There's got to be something we can do." Kaitlin mentioned "Paul, you guys need to do your best to keep them stabilized." Zordon told us "Right Zordon." I stated We all then begin pushing a few buttons trying to do so. "Tommy, you all must use your Zeonizer Crystals to activate the Zeo Megazord and Zeo-Battleforce Megazord." Zordon instructed "Right Zordon." Tommy said into the Communicator "Let's do it guys." Trini stated "Zeonizer Crystal, power up." Aisha called out placing her Zeonizer Crystal into the slot in front of her activating it as it glowed Orange "Zeonizer Crystal, power up." Jason called out placing his Zeonizer Crystal into the slot in front of him activating it as it glowed White "Zeonizer Crystal, power up." Kat called out placing her Zeonizer Crystal into the slot in front of her activating it as it glowed Purple "Zeonizer Crystal, power up." I called out placing my Zeonizer Crystal into the slot in front of me activating it as it glowed Silver "Zeonizer Crystal, power up." Tommy called out placing his Zeonizer Crystal into the slot in front of him activating it as it glowed Red I sighed as we watched them going into the next phase. "Here we go guys." I muttered "Zeonizer Crystal, power up." Rocky called out placing his Zeonizer Crystal into the slot in front of him activating it as it glowed Green "Zeonizer Crystal, power up." Adam called out placing his Zeonizer Crystal into the slot in front of him activating it as it glowed Blue "Zeonizer Crystal, power up." Tanya called out placing her Zeonizer Crystal into the slot in front of her activating it as it glowed Yellow "Zeonizer Crystal, power up." Trini called out placing her Zeonizer Crystal into the slot in front of her activating it as it glowed Pink We then charge our Zords into the ball formed Staroid as it then crashes into the ground returning to its original form. "Zeo Megazord, begin assembly now." Tommy called out Suddenly, the chains detach themselves from Zeo Zords Four and Three. "Trini and Tanya, you two are up first." Tommy told them "We're on our way." Tanya assured "Right." Trini agreed As their Zords come to a stop, Tommy comes flying by in his Zeo Zord as the helmets sitting on top of Zeo Zords One and Two come flying off as well. "Your turn is up next Rocky." Tommy instructed "You got it." Rocky assured "Adam, you ready for action?" Tommy questioned "Always." Adam confirmed Suddenly, Zeo Zord Four then slides its front off backwards covering its back half. Zeo Zord Three then folds back its front legs underneath it and brings its back legs over to the front forming the arms. "Let's bring this baby together." Tommy instructed Suddenly, Zeo Zord Five's wings then fold into its body. "All systems, looking good from up here." Tommy mentioned as he watched Zeo Zords three and four combine together, with Zeo Zord Three on top of Zeo Zord Four Just then, Zeo Zords Three and Four attach themselves to Zeo Zords One and Two which now has become the legs. "Locking sights on Megazord. I'm bringing her in." Tommy confirmed Zeo Zord Five then attach to the top of Zeo Zord Three forming the head. Then, a Red wing helmet attached itself onto the Megazord's head forming the Zeo Megazord. Trini, Tanya, Adam, Rocky, and Tommy then entered the main cockpit Tommy in front with Trini and Tanya directly behind him and Rocky and Adam behind them. "Zeo Megazord, online." Trini, Tanya, Adam, Rocky, and Tommy called out "Alright, now it's our turn Jason." I mentioned "I agree Kim. Zeo-Battleforce Megazord begin transformation sequence now." Jason called out Just then, Zeo Zords, Seven and Eight transformed into legs Zeo Zord Seven on the right and Zeo Zord Eight on the left. My Zeo Zord then straighten out its legs pointing them straight forward and attach themselves to Zeo Zords Seven and Eight. Zeo Zord Nine then broke off in two and formed the arms. The Snake's head becoming the right arm. The wings from Zeo Zord Six then fold down to the side and the Dragon's head transformed into a warrior shape completing the transformation. The four of us then enter the main cockpit. Jason in the center with Aisha, Kat, and I directly behind him in our own stations Aisha to the far right, Kat to the far left and me in the center. "Zeo-Battleforce Megazord, online." Jason, Kat, Aisha, and I called out together "Alright, let's see what these new Megazords can do." Tommy stated "Right." The rest of us agreed "Your silly toys make me laugh." Staroid told us Staroid then charges in towards us. "And this city is my stumping grounds." Staroid added We then advance towards the incoming Staroid. "I wouldn't bet on it Staroid." Rocky stated "Yeah cause this star is about to fall flat on its face." Jason added We then had our Megazords block Staroid's attacks and send attacks of our own sending it crashing to the ground. "Zeo Megazord Saber, now." Tommy called out pressing a button Suddenly, the Zeo Megazord Saber appeared in its hand. "Zeo-Battleforce Saber, power up." Jason called out pressing a button Suddenly, the Zeo-Battleforce Saber appeared in our Megazord's hand.(AN: It is pretty much a duplicate look of the Zeo Megazord Saber but with a Gold Blade and silver crown) "Sabers, flabers. Hahaha!" Staroid stated laughing as he charge in towards us Tommy, Rocky, Adam, Tanya, and Trini then had the Zeo Megazord slash down upon Staroid sending it crashing to the ground as it then broke into a bunch of pieces. But a small silver ball floats up into the air and begins to slowly rebuild itself. "Man, that overgrown Starfish just can't a hint. Can he?" Adam questioned "Alright then, let's combine power." Tommy stated "Right, let's do it now." The rest of us called out We then have both Megazords energize both Sabers and strike down on the Staroid again before he could finish reassembling himself destroying him. "Alright, that did it yes." I cheered We all smile as the others manage to destroy Staroid. "They did it." Luke stated "Oh yeah." I cheered as Luke and I high fived each other "I knew they could do it all along." Alpha stated "Beep, beep, beep." R2 beeped "Oh I agree R2. This is a wonderful moment indeed." 3PO agreed "And we couldn't have done it without the help of Ryan, Mr. Steele, Kaitlin, and JB." Billy mentioned "I agree with you Billy, once again, thanks to you all for your assistants Mr. Steele and to the VR Troopers as well." Zordon thanked "No worries Zordon, we're always here if you need us." Ryan assured "We would never abandon you guys in the fight against evil." Kaitlin stated "And we are not going to start now." JB added "And just know that I am always willing to lend my expertise in anyway shape or form Zordon." Tyler assured "Thank you friends." Zordon thanked "No. It can't be possible, they have vanquish Staroid." Kind Mondo complained "We are not please with these disastrous developments." Machina stated looking towards Clank "Do not despair my dearest Machina, I will not rest until I have defeated the Power Rangers as well as those other do-gooders, Conquer this human race, and the Earth is ruled by my Machine Empire once and for all." Kind Mondo promised After the battle, Tanya felt like being alone and decided to go back to the high school's study hall to study a bit more for tomorrow's Algebra Exam. Suddenly, Shawn came over and tapped her on her left shoulder and quickly went to her right. Tanya looked towards her left and didn't see anyone and then turned towards her right and sees Shawn but she isn't pleased at seeing him. "Hey Tanya, I was looking for you." Shawn mentioned Shawn then went over and sat down next to her. Tanya sighed before facing him "Look Shawn, don't bother ok." Tanya told him Tanya then goes to leave but Shawn quickly stops her sitting her back down. "Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I had just turned the test answers into Mr. Caplan." Shawn informed him "You what?" Tanya inquired looking at him in shocked "Yes, now look Tanya, I know I was wrong before. No actually, I was a big jerk. I just hope I didn't mess things up too bad between us. You know, your respect is very important to me. Really." Shawn told her apologizing Tanya, just nods and smiles a bit. "I guess everyone makes mistakes." Tanya told him "Yeah, don't I know." Shawn admitted He chuckled a bit before turning back towards her. "But hey, if you are not too busy. I could really use your help studying." Shawn told her indicating to his Algebra book "Let me see." Tanya told him Tanya then reached for her date book and opens it as Shawn just quietly laughs. "Your in luck, I just happen to have an opening in my schedule." Tanya told him Shawn just chuckles. "Cool, when?" Shawn inquired Tanya then closed her date book and grabs her stuff and takes Shawn's arm in hers and leads him to their regular table and pulls out a chair. "Have a seat." Tanya told him They both then sat down and open their texts books. As Tanya flips through the pages, Shawn closes his book and leans over towards Tanya looking at her book as they then smile towards each other. Bulk and Skull just stare at their bike being loading up to a toll truck. They then walked over towards Lt. Stone as he doesn't appear to be too happy with them at the moment. "You two helmet heads have a lot of explaining to do." Lt. Stone told them "Lt. Stone, just think how boring your life would be without us." Skull suggested Bulk nodded in agreement. But, Lt. Stone just looked up into the air, smiling at the thought of not having Bulk and Skull in his life. Bulk and Skull just look at him oddly and confused by his daydreaming state. "Lieutenant, sir." Bulk called out trying to get his attention Lt. Stone just ignores them as he just continued on daydreaming of a life without Bulk and Skull in it.