  • Zinaida Chitirih-Ra-Payjh
  • Zinaida Chitirih-Ra-Payjh was a female Deltan mathematician working on the Genesis Project on Regula I in 2285. She was the mate of Jedda Adzhin-Dall and had aquamarine eyes flecked with silver. She ended her life rather than submit when Khan Noonien Singh put a Ceti eel in her ear. (TOS novelization: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
  • Zinaida Chitirih-Ra-Payjh was a female Deltan mathematician working on the Genesis Project on Regula I in 2285. She was the mate of Jedda Adzhin-Dall and had aquamarine eyes flecked with silver. She ended her life rather than submit when Khan Noonien Singh put a Ceti eel in her ear. (TOS novelization: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)